[Debconf-video-commits] r420 - in package/branches/pycon09/src: . media pyconvideo/pyconvideo

Ryan Verner xf-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Apr 14 07:02:46 UTC 2009

Author: xf-guest
Date: 2009-04-14 07:02:46 +0000 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 420

Various updates to web interface, schema, publish script, etc

Modified: package/branches/pycon09/src/dc-publish
--- package/branches/pycon09/src/dc-publish	2009-04-01 09:01:06 UTC (rev 419)
+++ package/branches/pycon09/src/dc-publish	2009-04-14 07:02:46 UTC (rev 420)
@@ -1,167 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
-import mx.DateTime
-import os
-import os.path
+# ryan at uanywhere.com.au
+import os, sys
+import datetime
+import blip, twitterpost
 import re
-import sys
+import datetime
+import glob
+import csv
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/share/debconf-video-store')
-from debconfvideo import config, database
+from pyconvideo.pyconvideo import models
+from django.db import transaction
-# metadata
-author = 'DebConf video team'
-licence = 'DebConf video licence; http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/LICENCE'
-format_abbr = 'low' # format to link to
-#video_base_url = 'http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2007/debconf7/'
-#info_url_format = 'https://penta.debconf.org/~joerg/events/%(event_id)d.en.html'
-video_base_url = 'http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2008/debconf8/'
-info_url_format = 'https://penta.debconf.org/dc8_schedule/events/%(event_id)d.en.html'
+writerA = csv.writer(file(csvfile, "a"), delimiter=",", quotechar="\"")
-time_format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'
+# in kb - slightly under 1GB
-def esc_content(s):
-    return s.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
+def to_be_published():
+    for e in models.VideoTargetFile.objects.all():
+        multifile = 0
+	if e.published_time:
+            print "Skipping DB entry %s" % str(e.id)
+            continue
+        if e.file_status_id > 1 and e.file_status_id < 5:
+	    print "Parsing DB entry " + str(e.id)
+	    eventid = e.event_id
+	    eventname = str([y.title for y in models.Event.objects.filter(event_id=eventid)][0])
+	    eventdesc = [y.description for y in models.Event.objects.filter(event_id=eventid)][0].encode("utf-8")
+	    targetformat = str(e.target_format)
+	    filename = str(e.target_filename)
-def esc_attr(s):
-    return s.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('>', '&gt;').replace("'", '&quot;')
+            if targetformat == 'high-mpeg4':
+		filenamebase = os.path.basename(filename)
-def timestamp(s):
-    return mx.DateTime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+		if os.path.getsize(filename) > (maxfilesize*1024):
+			print "File is over 1GB - needs to be split"
+	                filename2 = "/video/high-mpeg4-split/" + filenamebase
+   			cline = "cp %s %s && MP4Box -splits %s %s ; rm -f %s" % (filename, filename2, maxfilesize, filename2, filename2) 
+			multifile = 1 
+		else:
+			print "File is under 1GB"
+                	filename2 = "/video/high-mpeg4-faststart/" + filenamebase
+                	cline = "qt-faststart %s %s " % (filename, filename2)
-def interval(s):
-    return mx.DateTime.TimeDelta(*[float(part) for part in s.split(':')])
+                print "Attempting to convert file: " + cline
+	        os.system(cline)
-def make_rss(config, cur):
-    conference_title = config['CONFERENCE_NAME']
-    cur.execute('SELECT conference_id, homepage, timezone FROM conference'
-                ' WHERE title = %(title)s',
-                {'title': conference_title})
-    conference_id, homepage, timezone = cur.fetchone()
-    os.environ['TZ'] = timezone
-    cur.execute("SELECT target_format_abbr, filename_extension FROM video_target_format"
-                " WHERE published = true")
-    published_formats = cur.fetchall()
+   #		if multifile:
+   #			print "Skipping upload for this file"
+   #			continue
-    rss = open(config['FILE_BASE'] + '/index.rss', 'w')
+		if e.file_status_id > 2:
+			print "Video has issues"
+			description = "[VIDEO HAS ISSUES: %s] %s" % (str(e.comments), str(eventdesc))
+		else:
+			print "Video has no issues"
+			description = eventdesc
-    print >>rss, "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
-    print >>rss, "<rss version='2.0' xmlns:media='http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'>"
-    print >>rss, "<channel>"
+                print "Attempting to publish: %s - %s - %s" % (str(eventid), filename2, eventname)
+		print description
-    print >>rss, "<title>%s</title>" % esc_content(conference_title)
-    print >>rss, "<link>%s</link>" % esc_content(homepage)
-    print >>rss, "<description>%s</description>" % esc_content(conference_title)
-    print >>rss, "<language>en</language>"
-    print >>rss, "<copyright>Copyright %s. Licence: %s</copyright>" % (esc_content(author), esc_content(licence))
-    print >>rss, "<generator>dc-make-rss</generator>"
+		blipid = ""
-    cur.execute("""
-SELECT published_time, video_event_recording.start_time,
-       video_event_recording.end_time, event_recording_base_name,
-       event.event_id, title, description
-((((video_target_file JOIN video_event_recording
-   ON video_target_file.event_recording_id = video_event_recording.id)
-  JOIN event
-  ON video_event_recording.event_id = event.event_id)
- JOIN video_recording
- ON video_event_recording.recording_id = video_recording.id)
- JOIN video_target_format
- ON video_target_file.target_format_id = video_target_format.id)
-WHERE event.conference_id = %(conference_id)s
-      AND video_target_format.published
-      AND published_time IS NOT NULL
-ORDER BY conference_day ASC, published_time DESC
-                {'conference_id': conference_id})
-    for (published_time, start_time, end_time, base_name,
-         event_id, title, event_desc) in cur.fetchall():
-        # Convert string date-times back to proper types
-        published_time = timestamp(published_time.split ('.')[0])
-        start_time = interval(start_time)
-        end_time = interval(end_time)
+		if multifile:
+ 			print "MULTIFILE"
+			event_url = str([y.source_url for y in models.Event.objects.filter(event_id=e.event_id)][0])
+			multipartname = glob.glob(("/video/high-mpeg4-split/%s_*.mp4" %  os.path.splitext(filenamebase)[0]))
+			print multipartname
+			for partfile in multipartname:
+    				partno =  os.path.splitext((partfile.split("_")[-1]))[0]
+				posteventname = "%s (Part %s)" % (eventname, partno)
+				print "%s - %s - %s" % (str(partno), posteventname, partfile) 
+				blipurl = begin_pycon_upload(e, blipid, blipuser, blippass, posteventname, description, partfile)
+				writerA.writerow((blipurl, event_url, partno))
+			e.save()
+		else:
+			# single part upload stuff here
+			begin_pycon_upload(e, blipid, blipuser, blippass, eventname, description, filename2)
+			e.save()
-        info_url = info_url_format % {'conference_id': conference_id,
-                                      'event_id': event_id}
-        description = ("""<h4>%s</h4>
-          <p><a href='%s'>Full event details</a>"""
-          % (esc_content(title),
-          esc_attr(info_url)))
+            print "\n"
-        for (format_abbr, format_ext) in published_formats:
-            video_url = (video_base_url + format_abbr + '/'
-                       + base_name + format_ext)
-            description += ("""<br/><a href='%s'>Video %s format</a>"""
-                          % (esc_attr(video_url),
-													esc_content(format_abbr)))
-        description += "</p>"
+def begin_pycon_upload(e, blipid, blipuser, blippass, eventname, description, filename2):
+                        response = blip.Upload(blipid, blipuser, blippass, eventname, description, filename2)
+                        print response
+                        blipurl = re.search("post_url>(.*)</post" ,response).groups()[0]
+			print "Blip URL is: " + blipurl
+                        eventname2 = eventname.replace("&", "and")
+                        twitterpost.notify(eventname2, blipurl)
+                        e.published_url = blipurl
+                        e.published_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+#                        e.save()
+		        return blipurl
-        print >>rss, """\
-        <title>%s</title>
-        <link>%s</link>
-        <description>%s</description>
-        <pubDate>%s</pubDate>
-        <media:content url='%s' medium='video' isDefault='true' duration='%d'/>
-        <guid>%s</guid>
-</item>""" % (esc_content(title),
-              esc_content(video_url),
-              esc_content(description),
-              published_time.strftime(time_format),
-              esc_attr(video_url), (end_time - start_time).seconds,
-              esc_content(video_url))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'pyconvideo.settings'
+    sys.path.append('/usr/share/debconf-video-store')
+    to_be_published()
-    print >>rss, "</channel>"
-    print >>rss, "</rss>"
-def publish(config, file_names):
-    os.chdir(config['FILE_BASE'])
-    os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'rsync',
-               ['rsync', '--relative', '--partial', '--times', '-e ssh', '-vvv', '--bwlimit=307']
-               + file_names
-               + [config['PUBLICATION_PATH']])
-def main():
-    cur = database.get_cursor()
-    conference_title = config['CONFERENCE_NAME']
-    cur.execute('SELECT conference_id FROM conference'
-                ' WHERE title = %(title)s',
-                {'title': conference_title})
-    conference_id = cur.fetchone()
-    cur.execute("""
-SELECT video_target_file.id, target_format_abbr, event_recording_base_name,
-       filename_extension
-(((video_target_file JOIN video_event_recording
-   ON video_target_file.event_recording_id = video_event_recording.id)
-  JOIN event
-  ON video_event_recording.event_id = event.event_id)
- JOIN video_target_format
- ON video_target_file.target_format_id = video_target_format.id)
-WHERE event.conference_id = %(conference_id)s
-      AND video_target_format.published
-      AND published_time IS NULL
-      ORDER BY video_bit_rate asc
-                {'conference_id': conference_id})
-    for file_id, format_abbr, base_name, format_ext in cur.fetchall():
-        publish(config, ['%s/%s%s' % (format_abbr, base_name, format_ext)])
-        cur.execute("""
-UPDATE video_target_file
-WHERE id = %(file_id)s
-                {'file_id': file_id})
-        make_rss(config, cur)
-        publish(config, ['index.rss'])
-        cur.execute("COMMIT")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

Modified: package/branches/pycon09/src/dc-video-schema.sql
--- package/branches/pycon09/src/dc-video-schema.sql	2009-04-01 09:01:06 UTC (rev 419)
+++ package/branches/pycon09/src/dc-video-schema.sql	2009-04-14 07:02:46 UTC (rev 420)
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
     locked_by integer,
     generated_time timestamp, -- in GMT
     published_time timestamp, -- in GMT
+    published_url character varying(200),
     UNIQUE (event_recording_id, target_format_id)

Modified: package/branches/pycon09/src/media/style.css
--- package/branches/pycon09/src/media/style.css	2009-04-01 09:01:06 UTC (rev 419)
+++ package/branches/pycon09/src/media/style.css	2009-04-14 07:02:46 UTC (rev 420)
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
 	background: #282942;
-#emphasis td {
+#emphasis tr td.{
 	padding: 0px 3px;
 	border-bottom: 1px solid black;
-#emphasis tr:hover td {
+#emphasis hover tr td.{
 	color: #D3D3DE;
 	background: #282942;
@@ -47,29 +47,48 @@
 	color: grey;
-tr.status-A {
+td.status-A {
 	background-color: #009900;
-tr.status-B {
+td.status-B {
 	background-color: #006600;
-tr.status-C {
+td.status-C {
 	background-color: #cc9900;
-tr.status-D {
+td.status-D {
 	background-color: black;
 	color: red;
-tr.status-F {
+td.status-F {
 	background-color: #ff0000;
 	color: white;
-tr.status-X {
-	color: white;
+tr.status-A {
+        background-color: #009900;
+tr.status-B {
+        background-color: #006600;
+tr.status-C {
+        background-color: #cc9900;
+tr.status-D {
+        background-color: black;
+        color: red;
+tr.status-F {
+        background-color: #ff0000;
+        color: white;

Modified: package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/admin.py
--- package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/admin.py	2009-04-01 09:01:06 UTC (rev 419)
+++ package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/admin.py	2009-04-14 07:02:46 UTC (rev 420)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 class VideoTargetFileAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     fields = ['event', 'target_format',
               'generated_time', 'file_status', 'comments', 'locked_by',
-              'published_time']
+              'published_time', 'published_url']
     list_display = ['target_filename', 'file_status', 'locked_by']
     list_filter = ['target_format', 'file_status']

Modified: package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/models.py
--- package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/models.py	2009-04-01 09:01:06 UTC (rev 419)
+++ package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/models.py	2009-04-14 07:02:46 UTC (rev 420)
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
                                   blank=True, null=True)
     generated_time = models.DateTimeField()
     published_time = models.DateTimeField()
+    published_url = models.CharField(max_length=200)
     def _target_filename(self):
         return debconfvideo.target_filename(self.event,

Modified: package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/videotargetfile_list.html
--- package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/videotargetfile_list.html	2009-04-01 09:01:06 UTC (rev 419)
+++ package/branches/pycon09/src/pyconvideo/pyconvideo/videotargetfile_list.html	2009-04-14 07:02:46 UTC (rev 420)
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@
 	{% for target in file_set.target %}
 	{% if target %}
 	<td class="status-{{ target.file_status.file_status_code }}">
+	  {% if target.published_time %}
+	  <B>PUBLISHED: </B>{{ target.comments }}<br>
+	  {{ target.published_time }}<br>
+	  <a href="{{ target.published_url}}">{{ target.published_url}}</a>
+          {% else %} 
 	  {% if target.locked_by %}
 	  {% ifequal target.locked_by user %}
 	  <form action="/target/{{ target.id }}/review" method="post">
@@ -57,6 +62,7 @@
 	    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Review" />
 	  {% endif %}
+	  {% endif %}
 	{% else %}

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