[Debconf6-data-commit] r180 - mail

Neil McGovern neilm at costa.debian.org
Sun Dec 25 20:22:17 UTC 2005

Author: neilm
Date: 2005-12-25 20:22:14 +0000 (Sun, 25 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 180

Proof read.

Modified: mail/talks-accepted-rejected.templates
--- mail/talks-accepted-rejected.templates	2005-12-25 14:48:50 UTC (rev 179)
+++ mail/talks-accepted-rejected.templates	2005-12-25 20:22:14 UTC (rev 180)
@@ -1,70 +1,67 @@
 =========== accepted ============
-(This is a mass-mailing. If you want to speak to a human, reply
-to this mail, please!) 
+(This is a mass-mailing. If you want to speak to a human, please reply to this
 Hi $author!
-Marry Christmas!
+Merry Christmas!
-Thank you for submitting the proposal for a $talk_type about
-"$topic". We are happy to accept it into the main track of
+Thank you for submitting the proposal for a $talk_type about "$topic". We are
+happy to accept it into the main track of DebConf6. 
-If you need travel support, please book your tickets as soon as
-possible to get good prices and tell us how much you need until
-Jan 15 at the lastest or let us know if you need more time.
+If you need travel support, please book your tickets as soon as possible.
+Please try to get good prices and tell us how much you need by Jan 15 at the
+latest. If you require more time please let us know.
-Please submit your paper for the $talk_type until the 2006-04-06
-via the comas webinterface (and also choose a fitting, preferably
-DFSG free license). 
+Please submit your paper for the $talk_type by 2006-04-06 via the comas
+interface where you should also choose a fitting (preferably DFSG free)
-Afterwards the papers will still needed to be checked, (perhaps)
-commented on, typeset and printed and bound before finally being
-shipped to the conference place. This deadline is a hard one.  We
-can not push it further back.
+Afterwards this date, the papers will be checked, (perhaps) commented on,
+typeset, printed and bound before finally being shipped to the conference
+venue. This deadline is a hard one.  We can not push it further back, so it's
+imperative that your paper is submitted by this date. Once again, that's
+Thursday 6th April, 2006. If you can submit your paper before then, please do
+so, as it will make our jobs easier :)
-This year we have again a dedicated, qualified person who can
-help you with both preparing/rehearsing your talk and getting
-your paper into shape. Feel free to drop Meike Reichle
-<meike at debconf.org> a mail if you would like to get a
-second oppinion on your paper or would like to make arrangements
-for going over your talk ahead of time.
+This year we are fortunate to have (once again!) a dedicated, qualified person
+who can help you with both preparing/rehearsing your talk and getting your
+paper into shape. Feel free to drop Meike Reichle <meike at debconf.org> a mail if
+you would like to get a second opinion on your paper or would like to make
+arrangements to go over your talk before the conference.
-Should you have special requirements for your talk (besides a
-beamer) which could take more preparation then e.g. fonts
-installed on the presentation notebook, please let us know.
+Should you have special requirements for your talk (besides a limousine :P)
+which could take more preparation than usual (e.g. fonts installed on the
+presentation notebook), please let us know.
 We look forward to meeting you at Debconf6 in Mexico!
 ========= rejected ===============
-(This is a mass-mailing. If you want to speak to a human, reply
-to this mail, please!)·
+(This is a mass-mailing. If you want to speak to a human, please reply to this
 Hi $author!
 Merry Christmas!
-Thank you for submitting the proposal for a $talk_type about
-"$topic". Unfortunatly we were unable to accept all proposals and
-had to chose between 70 talks for the main track.
+Thank you for submitting the proposal for a $talk_type about "$topic".
+Unfortunately we were unable to accept all proposals and had to chose between
+70 talks for the main track. Your talk is one of the ones we couldn't fit in :(
-We would like to ask you to consider giving your proposal as a
-less formal Birds-of-a-Feathers (BoF) session. Unlike last year
-these BoFs will take place in smaller rooms suitable for
-discussions and brainstorming rather then fronal presentations or
+However, we would like to ask you to consider presenting your proposal in a
+less formal Birds-of-a-Feathers (BoF) session. Unlike last year, these BoFs
+will take place in smaller rooms suitable for discussions and brainstorming
+rather then front-facing presentations or talks.
-If you want to hold a BoF about "$topic", please use the Comas
-webinterface to change the type of your presentation from
-$talk_type to "BoF" and perhaps alter your proposal's text to fit
-the new form. This text will show up in the proceedings as the
-description of the BoF session.
+If you want to hold a BoF about "$topic", please use the Comas interface to
+change the type of your presentation from $talk_type to "BoF" and alter your
+proposal's text to fit, if necessary. This text will form the description of
+the BoF session.
-Should you decide that you would not like to give a BoF instead,
-please retract your proposal via Comas.
+Should you wish to withdraw your proposal instead of converting it, please do
+so via Comas.
 We look forward to meeting you at Debconf6 in Mexico!

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