[Debconf6-data-commit] r296 - website/www-es/debianday

Antonio Ognio gnrfan-guest at costa.debian.org
Mon Feb 6 18:32:11 UTC 2006

Author: gnrfan-guest
Date: 2006-02-06 18:32:11 +0000 (Mon, 06 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 296

Adding spanish top for dabianday

Added: website/www-es/debianday/top.html
--- website/www-es/debianday/top.html	2006-02-06 18:31:35 UTC (rev 295)
+++ website/www-es/debianday/top.html	2006-02-06 18:32:11 UTC (rev 296)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<!-- start top panel -->
+			<div id='mastimage'></div>
+<div id='toppanel'>
+<a name='top' />
+	<div id='topleftpanel'>
+		<div id='timeto'>
+		[+
+		do {
+		$datetill = Date::Manip::DateCalc("today","09:00 13th May, 2006",\$err,1);
+		$datetill =~ s/\+//;
+		@array = split(/:/,$datetill);
+		my $output = "Nos vemos en ";
+		my @names = ('year','month','week','day','hour','minute','second');
+		my $i = 0;
+		my @array;
+		foreach $element(split(/:/,$datetill)) {
+			if ($element > 0 && $i < 6 ) {
+				$temp = $element."&nbsp;".$names[$i];
+				$temp .= "s" if ($element > 1);
+				@array = (@array, $temp);
+			}
+			$i++
+		}
+		$elelength = @array;
+		$i = 0;
+		foreach $element(@array) {
+			$output .= $element;
+			$output .= ", " if ($i < ($elelength - 2));
+			$output .= " y " if ($i == ($elelength - 2) );
+			$i++;
+		}
+		if ($output eq "Nos vemos en ") {
+			$output = "Are you hot and spicy?";
+		} else {
+			$output .= "!";
+		}
+		}
+		+]
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<div id='topcenterpanel'>
+		<div id='masthead'>
+		</div>
+		<div id="floatlogo">
+			<img src='http://media.debconf.org/dc6/images/dday/logo.png' alt='DebianDay Logo' title='Hot and Spicy!' />
+		</div>
+		[- Execute ("menubar.html"); -]
+	</div>
+	<div id='toprightpanel'>
+		<div id='toprightcontent'>
+			[- Execute ("topright.html"); -]
+		</div>
+	</div>
+<!-- end top panel -->

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