[Debconf6-data-commit] r779 - blog
Joerg Jaspert
joerg at costa.debian.org
Fri Jun 2 22:24:05 UTC 2006
Author: joerg
Date: 2006-06-02 22:24:05 +0000 (Fri, 02 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 779
Added a "debconf6 is over, thank you" blog entry
Added: blog/jj_debconf-over-thanks.txt
--- blog/jj_debconf-over-thanks.txt 2006-06-02 21:19:38 UTC (rev 778)
+++ blog/jj_debconf-over-thanks.txt 2006-06-02 22:24:05 UTC (rev 779)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+DebConf6 Over - Thanks to all and pictures for the gallery
+meta-author: The DebConf6 Orga Team
+As you probably know by now: DebConf6 is over! It was an excellent event at
+a nice location with some amazing network details - such as 1.8km of
+cable to get all our areas linked into the local network, and having a
+fiber link into the tower - with 10mbit hubs.
+We would like to say <b>thank you</b> to all the people who helped to run
+and organize this conference, taking on tasks such as
+ <li>Getting the reception to do the right things at the right time</li>
+ <li>Running our info desk, handling a very broad set of tasks</li>
+ <li>Getting the local network running, including all the cables and
+ wireless parts</li>
+ <li>Getting the uplink running</li>
+ <li>Maintaining the local servers and video machines</li>
+ <li>Recording videos of the talks, workshops and BoFs</li>
+ <li>Managing the sound equipment</li>
+ <li>Streaming the videos to the world</li>
+ <li>Printing name tags and food tickets</li>
+ <li>Packing the bags for the participants</li>
+ <li>Managing Talks</li>
+ <li>Collecting food tickets</li>
+ <li>Laundry management</li>
+ <li>Translating Spanish to English, and vice versa</li>
+ <li>Maintaining the schedule</li>
+ <li>Taking people to the medical service</li>
+ <li>Making T-Shirts</li>
+ <li>Managing the Formal Dinner</li>
+ <li>Tidying up</li>
+ <li>Arranging a great day trip</li>
+ <li>Translating texts</li>
+ <li>All the tasks we missed to mention here but still got done</li>
+Additional thanks go to all the people who lent us their hardware, our
+sponsors for making the event possible in the first place (see the full list
+at <a href="http://debconf6.debconf.org/">debconf6.debconf.org</a>), and to
+all the attendees who managed to keep on smiling even when things
+didn't always turn out as expected.
+While we are at it: There is a central gallery for DebConf6 behind
+<a href="https://gallery.debconf.org/">gallery.debconf.org</a>.
+As it is open for everyone, just create a user there and send
+a little mail to
+<a href="mailto:gallery-admins at debconf.org">gallery-admins at debconf.org</a>
+to get your account activated.
+We would like to have this as a central point for all pictures taken at
+DebConf6 (and all prior / following DebConf-Events), so we would really
+appreciate if you can (in addition to your own gallery) upload the
+pictures from DebConf6 or all prior events you attended there.
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