[Debconf6-data-commit] r785 - proceedings/bof

Alexander Schmehl tolimar at costa.debian.org
Fri Jun 16 14:03:46 UTC 2006

Author: tolimar
Date: 2006-06-16 14:03:45 +0000 (Fri, 16 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 785

Hmmm... did I do any last minute changes?

Added: proceedings/bof/law.tex
--- proceedings/bof/law.tex	2006-06-16 14:02:55 UTC (rev 784)
+++ proceedings/bof/law.tex	2006-06-16 14:03:45 UTC (rev 785)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\subsection[Debian and the Law: Selected Legal Topics for the Developer]
+  {Debian and the Law: Selected Legal Topics for the Developer\\
+  \small{by Gregory Pomerantz}}
+As Debian grows and becomes more successful, keeping Debian on the right side
+of the law will become increasingly important. This talk will begin with a
+basic introduction to some of the legal considerations affecting free software
+developers and Debian in particular, including copyright, patent, trademark and
+trade secret law.
+I will cover various legal tests for infringement of the various forms of
+"intellectual property," and propose some common sense strategies to help keep
+Debian out of trouble. There will be plenty of time for Q\&A, so come armed with
+your law-related questions.

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