[debhelper-devel] Massive Adjustments Available to Your Student Loans

Kay Bagby vanessa at uppersonoran.rocks
Tue Apr 14 01:29:27 UTC 2015

Obama's Brand new program for 2015. Called The Student Forgiveness Program

Open Enrollment Mar 24, 2015

Call: (866)-410-9198 to take advantage of the President' s newer plan for students with debt. 

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program:Payments as low as $0

Fast and simple

Call Now! (866)-410-9198

9am - 9pm EST (Mon - Fri)


Under public service loan forgiveness, borrowers may qualify for forgiveness ... If you don't know what type of federal student loan you have Call us!
(866)-410-9198 9am - 9pm EST (Mon - Fri)

The name Obama Student Loan Forgiveness has become the nickname for a program actually called the William D. Ford Direct Loan program. Many people
only know about the program, and have heard of it through others as the Obama Student Loan Forgiveness program.  The name came about when President
Obama reformed part of the Direct Loan program in 2009 in his Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Its important to keep in mind all
the programs are offered to reduce your principle payment. Find out more today.

This is a service provided to help students and former students act on the new program available ONLY to new Students, current Students and former
Students. If you have Student debt, it would be great for you to see if you can take advantage of this new program.

Fast and simple

Call Now! (866)-410-9198

Customer Service Network
Post Office 55071 #81361
Boston, MA 02205-5071
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