[debhelper-devel] Bug#765982: Please support premake4 in dh_auto_clean and dh_auto_configure

Niels Thykier niels at thykier.net
Sun Sep 20 16:53:58 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 wontfix

On Sun, 19 Oct 2014 22:27:55 +0200 djcj <djcj at gmx.de> wrote:
> Package: debhelper
> Version: 9.20141010
> I don't even know if there's currently any package in the repositories 
> that requires premake4 to build, but supporting it would be very simple 
> without adding too much code.
> If there's a premake4.lua file available dh_auto_clean should run 
> 'premake4 clean' and dh_auto_configure should run 'premake4 gmake 
> --os=linux'. Normally the '--os=linux' can be omitted, but it /might/ be 
> necessary for kfreebsd and hurd.


Given that exactly one package build-depends on premake4, I think it is
too early to include support in debhelper directly.

However, by all means please do consider adding a Debhelper build system
and shipping it in a dh-premake package (or premake4 itself).  Should
premake4 gain more traction, we can always revisit this decision. :)


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