[debhelper-devel] Bug#839723: debhelper: Should ${misc:Depends} detect and include lsb-base automatically?

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Tue Oct 4 10:03:01 UTC 2016

Package: debhelper
Severity: wishlist

Hello Niels.

I reported this against chef:


but I fear that there must be more packages with the same bug.

Maybe it would be useful that debhelper detects that
/lib/lsb/init-functions is being used in some init script
and adds lsb-base automatically to ${misc:Depends}.

(The chef source package uses "dh" and it uses
debian/chef.chef-client.init automatically).

I was also going to report this against lintian, but it was already
reported as Bug #468147. As of today, lsb-base is "less" essential
than before: util-linux no longer depends on it and it's perfectly
possible to have a chroot to build packages without it.


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