[debhelper-devel] Debhelper patch for supporting Build-Profiles field

Johannes Schauer j.schauer at email.de
Thu Feb 20 10:49:27 UTC 2014

Hi Daniel and Joey,

Quoting Daniel Schepler (2014-02-11 04:31:22)
> Here's the latest version of the patch with your suggested updates -- this
> time against debhelper git.  (It excludes the autogenerated changes in po4a
> files.)

I just tried out Daniel's patch and was not successful when I used it for
packages with more than one binary package stanza in debian/control.

The relevant parts of debian/control in my test source package:

Package: builds-only-stage1
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Build-Profiles: stage1
Description: test for build profiles (only stage1)
 This package will only build with the build profile stage1 activated

Package: builds-not-stage1
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Build-Profiles: !stage1
Description: test for build profiles (without stage1)
 This package will only build with the build profile stage1 deactivated

When trying to build this I got:

dpkg-gencontrol: error: must specify package since control info has many (builds-only-stage1 builds-not-stage1)
dh_gencontrol: dpkg-gencontrol -ldebian/changelog -Tdebian/builds-only-stage1.substvars -Pdebian/builds-only-stage1 returned exit code 255

The following change to debhelper fixed my problem:

diff --git a/dh_gencontrol b/dh_gencontrol
index 32b8563..5d02445 100755
--- a/dh_gencontrol
+++ b/dh_gencontrol
@@ -66,9 +66,7 @@ foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
        # Generate and install control file.
        my @command="dpkg-gencontrol";
-       if (getpackages() > 1) {
-               push @command, "-p$package";
-       }
+       push @command, "-p$package";
        doit(@command, "-l$changelog", "-T$substvars", 

Maybe this is not the correct fix, but I wanted to bring up the issue before
the next debhelper version is released.

Thanks for both your work!

cheers, josch

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