[debhelper-devel] Bug#763766: debhelper: please implement the new build profile syntax

Johannes Schauer j.schauer at email.de
Thu Oct 9 13:17:04 UTC 2014

Hi Joey,

On Thu, 02 Oct 2014 16:27:58 +0200 Johannes Schauer <j.schauer at email.de> wrote:
> the syntax for the Build-Profiles field was changed during the bootstrap
> sprint in paris [1,2]. I wanted to file my patch for debhelper once dpkg
> with the new syntax was released but since that release did not happen
> during the past month and at the same time the freeze draws dangerously
> close, I decided to file this bug with the patch anyways.

dpkg recently got released with support for the new syntax (>= 1.17.14). Did
you find some time to look at the patch I submitted to patch debhelper? If you
have any critique I would be glad to address it. I have been testing the patch
during the past couple of weeks and did not spot problems so far.

If you like that better, then I can also prepare a patch which uses
libdpkg-perl directly instead of copy&pasting the build profile evaluation
logic from it. Since debhelper already indirectly depends on libdpkg-perl
through dpkg-dev this additional dependency should not be a problem?

As you can see, this bug is already a blocker for 10 other bugs so it would be
nice if it could be resolved soon :)

Thank you for your consideration!

cheers, josch

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