[debhelper-devel] Bug#747141: Bug#747141: debhelper: dh_installdocs --link-doc forces source-version dependencies (was: Re: Bug#766795: afterstep not binnmu safe and not installable in sid)

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Sun Nov 9 18:59:25 UTC 2014

* Bernhard R. Link <brlink at debian.org> [141109 19:45]:
> - keep the way it is which causes those packages generate uninstallable
>   packages if binnmu'd [2]

I forgot to mention that the smalles possible change to bring any
package that became uninstallable by binNMU back to working state
is a MU or source-full NMU (other changes are only needed if
one wants to fix the problem that another binNMU breaks them again).

	Bernhard R. Link
F8AC 04D5 0B9B 064B 3383  C3DA AFFC 96D1 151D FFDC

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