[debhelper-devel] #768507: Co-maintainers for debhelper

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Sun Nov 16 19:34:15 UTC 2014

* Niels Thykier <niels at thykier.net> [141116 17:33]:
> All: If you are (still) interested in maintaining all of the debhelper
> tools, please add yourself to the Uploaders list of the package.


>  * For Jessie, I am only aware of #747141 as potential blocker.
>    - If you are aware of other debhelper bugs/issues you feel should be
>      fixed for Jessie - please do let me know.  Though keep the freeze
>      policy in mind.
>    - I believe Axel and Bernhard have already been looking at #747141.

#747141 already has a jessie-ignore tag.
AFAIK binNMUs is nothing that usually happens in stable and
in the freeze perhaps also not that often in unstable,
so the question is whether the risk of breaking anything is worth
having that fixed in jessie.

	Bernhard R. Link
F8AC 04D5 0B9B 064B 3383  C3DA AFFC 96D1 151D FFDC

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