[debhelper-devel] Bug#680687: tagging 551463, tagging 680686, tagging 639168, tagging 680687 pending

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Wed Jan 7 19:21:43 UTC 2015

limit source debhelper
tags 551463 + pending
tags 680686 + pending
tags 639168 + pending
tags 680687 + pending

commited to git:
  * add DH_QUIET environment variable to make things more silent
  * dh: don't output commands to run if DH_QUIET is set
  * buildsystems print commands unless DH_QUIET is set (Closes: #639168,
  * #680687)
  * autoconf is always passed one of
     --enable-silent-rules (if DH_QUIET is set) or
     --disable-silent-rules (otherwise). (Closes: #551463, #680686)

	Bernhard R. Link
F8AC 04D5 0B9B 064B 3383  C3DA AFFC 96D1 151D FFDC

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