[Debian-arabic-packages] iceweasel-l10n news

Lior Kaplan kaplan at debian.org
Fri Dec 22 18:54:02 CET 2006


I send this to both lists, please respond to your list. (sorry, I'm lazy
for sending two similar mails to each list (: ).

iceweasel-l10n is now in the NEW queue, and from it's changelog:

iceweasel-l10n (2.0+debian.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Re-adding Hebrew and Punjabi translations from pre-release
  * Including new Georgian and Kurdish translations from pre-release

 -- Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>  Mon, 18 Dec 2006 19:32:00 +0100

iceweasel-l10n (2.0+debian-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Including unofficial translations:
    - fa-IR.xpi from persian_language_pack-0.2.3-fx.xpi
    - fur-IT.xpi from furlan_language_pack-2.0-fx.xpi
    - uk-UA.xpi from ukrainian_ua_language_pack-1.0.4-fx.xpi

 -- Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>  Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:43:00 +0100

So here is a small step forward for us with Hebrew, Kurdish and Persian.

Thanks Daniel (:

For the patient less:


Lior Kaplan
kaplan at debian.org

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