[Debian-arabic-packages] ttf-freefarsi package updated
Lior Kaplan
kaplan at debian.org
Tue Jan 23 21:23:32 CET 2007
I reviewed the package.
1. Please mention the addition of a new font from upstream -
FreeFarsi-Mono. No needed for only learning about this from the diff
between the versions.
2. I see this diff line:
-The rest of this project's fonts is Copyright ( C ) 2004 2005 2006
Abbas Izad (abbasizad at hotmail.com)
+The rest of this project's fonts is Copyright ( C ) 2004 2005 2006
This must be mentioned in debian/copyright file. And please remind them
to add 2007 as well.
3. I see upstream removed the ChangeLog file and the About file. Where
do the provide info about the chagnes? Could you talk with them.
4. I also see the replace some English text in the infomation files
(INSTALL for example) with Arabic text. I suggest them will also make an
English version available.
Alan Baghumian wrote:
> Hi,
> An updated version of ttf-freefarsi package is available now and is
> ready to review. Get it from:
> http://parsix.org/packages/pool/main/t/ttf-freefarsi/
> I like to work on svn, but still have access denied trouble. I can ssh
> to alioth but can't checkout via user/pass.
> Alan
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Lior Kaplan
kaplan at debian.org
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