[Debian-astro-commits] [gyoto] 137/221: document Property and Value

Thibaut Jean-Claude Paumard thibaut at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 22 20:52:40 UTC 2015

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thibaut pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gyoto.

commit fb5078b9c3c295ac72c0b1e5c76962cb269489ec
Author: Thibaut Paumard <paumard at users.sourceforge.net>
Date:   Tue Dec 9 17:43:19 2014 +0100

    document Property and Value
 doc/doxyfile.in         |   4 +-
 include/GyotoObject.h   |  26 +++++-
 include/GyotoProperty.h | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 include/GyotoValue.h    |  56 +++++++++++-
 lib/Property.C          |   6 --
 5 files changed, 309 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/doxyfile.in b/doc/doxyfile.in
index abe596a..d55054a 100644
--- a/doc/doxyfile.in
+++ b/doc/doxyfile.in
@@ -1244,7 +1244,9 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS  =
 # undefined via #undef or recursively expanded use the := operator 
 # instead of the = operator.
+  static Property const  properties[];		\
+  virtual Property const * getProperties() const"
 # If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then 
 # this tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. 
diff --git a/include/GyotoObject.h b/include/GyotoObject.h
index 02c3f31..dc7faeb 100644
--- a/include/GyotoObject.h
+++ b/include/GyotoObject.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace Gyoto {
  * Any derived class that does define Properties (i.e. the macro
  * GYOTO_PROPERTY_START() is called somewhere in the .C file) must
- * call the GYOTO_OBJECT macro in a "public:" section of the class
+ * call the #GYOTO_OBJECT macro in a "public:" section of the class
  * declaration. Else, the property list is inherited from the direct
  * parent, and calling GYOTO_PROPERTY_START() in the .C file leads to
  * a compile-time error.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace Gyoto {
  *   1. declare (in the class declaration, .h file) and define (.C
  *      file) the pair or quadruplet of accessors for your Property
  *      (see Property class documentation;
- *   2. call the GYOTO_OBJECT macro in in a public section of the
+ *   2. call the #GYOTO_OBJECT macro in in a public section of the
  *      class declaration (in the .h file):
  *      \code
  *      class A: public Object {
@@ -113,6 +113,28 @@ class Gyoto::Object
   std::string kind_;
+  /** \fn virtual Property const * Object::getProperties() const
+   *  \brief Get list of properties 
+   *
+   * This method is declared automatically by the #GYOTO_OBJECT macro
+   * and defined automatically by the #GYOTO_PROPERTY_END macro.
+   */
+  /** \property static Property const  properties[]
+   * \brief Property list
+   * 
+   * This static member is declared automatically by the #GYOTO_OBJECT
+   * macro and defined automatically by the #GYOTO_PROPERTY_START,
+   *
+   * The list of properties is implemented as a static array of
+   * Property instances. The last item in a Property of type
+   * Property::empty_t, which evaluates to false, so the list can be
+   * considered to be NULL-terminated (it is actually rather
+   * false-terminated). This empty_t last item can be a link to
+   * another Property list: for instance, the last item in
+   * Gyoto::Astrobj::Standard::properties is a link to
+   * Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic::properties.
+   */
   /// Constructor setting kind
   Object (std::string const &kind) ;
diff --git a/include/GyotoProperty.h b/include/GyotoProperty.h
index caf5eb6..cfba481 100644
--- a/include/GyotoProperty.h
+++ b/include/GyotoProperty.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * \file GyotoObject.h
- * \brief Introspectbale objects 
+ * \file GyotoProperty.h
+ * \brief Introspectable properties 
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ namespace Gyoto {
   template <class T> class SmartPointer;
+/// Start Property list
+ * \param class Class for which we are defining a Property list
+ */
 #define GYOTO_PROPERTY_START(class) \
   Property const class::properties[] = {
@@ -168,66 +172,234 @@ namespace Gyoto {
     return class::properties;						\
+/// Property that can be set and got using standard methods
- * \brief Property
+ * The Property API makes it easy to declare the parameters that can
+ * be set in a class.
+ *
+ * Developpers who simply write classes (deriving from
+ * Astrobj::Generic, , Metric::Generic, Spectrum::Generic) need not
+ * know the inners of the Property class and interact with it only
+ * using macros to declare the parameters they need to read from XML.
+ *
+ * To make use of the Property framework, a class
+ * must derive from Gyoto::Object and use the #GYOTO_OBJECT in a
+ * public section of the class declaration (i.e. in the .h
+ * file). Then, in the corresponding .C file, the GYOTO_PROPERTY_*
+ * macros are used as follows (note the absence of punctuation after
+ * the macros):
+ * \code
+ * GYOTO_PROPERTY_<type>(MyClass, PropertyName, accessor)
+ * ...
+ * GYOTO_PROPERTY_END(MyClass, ParentClass::properties)
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * In the above, #GYOTO_PROPERTY_START starts the definition of the
+ * static member MyClass::properties. Each GYOTO_PROPERTY_<type> macro
+ * declares a new property. #GYOTO_PROPERTY_END ends the definition of
+ * the property list, with an optional pointer to the parent's class
+ * Property list, and defines the MyClass::getProperties() method.
+ *
+ * The underlying accessors must always be defined, both to set and to
+ * get the property. For the sake of simplicity, only a limited number
+ * of data types are allowed:
+ *   - long: see #GYOTO_PROPERTY_LONG;
+ *   - unsigned long: see #GYOTO_PROPERTY_UNSIGNED_LONG
+ *     (a.k.a. size_t: see #GYOTO_PROPERTY_SIZE_T, this may break on
+ *     architectures where size_t is not the same as unsigned long);
+ *   - bool: see #GYOTO_PROPERTY_BOOL;
+ *   - std::vector<double>: see #GYOTO_PROPERTY_VECTOR_DOUBLE
+ *   - Gyoto::SmartPointers to various base classes: Screen,
+ *     Metric::Generic, Astrobj::Generic, Spectrum::Generic and
+ *     Spectrometer::Generic. See #GYOTO_PROPERTY_METRIC,
+ *
+ * For the floating point data-types (double and vector<double>), two
+ * additional accessors supporting units can be provided. The
+ * accessors must have the same name and have specific prototypes, see
+ * the various function pointer typedefs, e.g. #set_double_t and
+ * #get_double_t.
+ *
+ * The type used in these accessors may not be the same as the type of
+ * the underlying class member. For instance, to read an array, it was
+ * chosen to use the std::vector<double> type because it is easy to
+ * read such a vector from XML and to thus determine dynamically the
+ * number of elements provided. But this type is slow, so it is
+ * expected that the class member will rather be a C-style array
+ * (double arr[]) or something else entirely. It is not forbidden to
+ * have a set of high-level accessors for the Property interface on
+ * top of lower-level, more efficient accessors to be used in
+ * compiled, static code:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * void MyClass::arrayMember(double const * const tab) {
+ *   for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) member_[i]=tab[i];
+ * }
+ * void MyClass::arrayMemberVector(std::vector<double> const &vect) {
+ *   if (vect.size()!=5) throwError("Please provide 5 elements");
+ *   for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) member_[i]=vect[i];
+ * } 
+ * double const *  MyClass::arrayMember() const {return member_;}
+ * std::vector<double> MyClass::arrayMemberVector() const {
+ *   std::vector<double> v(5, 0.);
+ *   for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) v[i]=member_[i];
+ *   return v;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * In this example, assuming MyClass is based directly on Object and
+ * member_ is the only parameter to read from XML, the Property list
+ * may be defined as:
+ * \code
+ * GYOTO_PROPERTY_VECTOR_DOUBLE(MyClass, ArrayMember, arrayMemberVector)
+ * GYOTO_PROPERTY_END(MyClass, Object::properties)
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Again, nothing more is required to read and write ArrayMember from
+ * XML and from Yorick.
 class Gyoto::Property
-  enum type_e {double_t, long_t, unsigned_long_t, bool_t,
-	       string_t, filename_t,
-	       vector_double_t, metric_t, screen_t, astrobj_t, spectrum_t, spectrometer_t,
-	       empty_t};
+  /// Possible type of a Property instance
+  /**
+   * These are all the values that Property::type may take.
+   */
+  enum type_e {
+    /// Type is double
+    double_t,
+    /// Type is long
+    long_t,
+    /// Type is unsigned long (a.k.a. size_t)
+    unsigned_long_t,
+    /// Type is bool
+    bool_t,
+    /// Type is std::string
+    string_t,
+    /// Type is std::string and holds a file name
+    /**
+     * In this case, the value may be changed to include relative or
+     * absolute path. The prefix "`pwd`/" forces path to be
+     * interpreted relative to the current working directory. If the
+     * value starts with "/", it is interpreted as an absolute
+     * path. Otherwise, when reading from XML, the path is interpreted
+     * relative to the XML file.
+     */
+    filename_t,
+    /// Type is std::vector<double>
+    vector_double_t,
+    /// Type is Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Metric::Generic>
+    metric_t,
+    /// Type is Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Screen::Generic>
+    screen_t,
+    /// Type is Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic>
+    astrobj_t,
+    /// Type is Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrum::Generic>
+    spectrum_t,
+    /// Type is Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic>
+    spectrometer_t,
+    /// Property is empty
+    /**
+     * In this case (and only in this case):
+     *  1. #Gyoto::Property::operator bool() const return false;
+     *  2. Property::parent may be different from NULL and point to
+     *     another array of Property instances, that should be
+     *     interpreted as appended to this list.
+     */
+    empty_t};
+  /// Name of this instance
   std::string name;
+  /// Name if false
+  /**
+   * Only if #type is #empty_t
+   */
   std::string name_false;
+  /// Type of this instance
   int type;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a double
   typedef void (Object::* set_double_t)(double val);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a double
   typedef double (Object::* get_double_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a double, with unit
   typedef void (Object::* set_double_unit_t)(double val,
 					     std::string const &unit);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a double, with unit
   typedef double (Object::* get_double_unit_t)(std::string const &unit) const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a long
   typedef void (Object::* set_long_t)(long val);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a long
   typedef long (Object::* get_long_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set an unsigned long
   typedef void (Object::* set_unsigned_long_t)(unsigned long val);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get an unsigned long
   typedef unsigned long (Object::* get_unsigned_long_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a bool
   typedef void (Object::* set_bool_t)(bool val);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a bool
   typedef bool (Object::* get_bool_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a string
   typedef void (Object::* set_string_t)(std::string const&);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a string
   typedef std::string (Object::* get_string_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a filename
   typedef void (Object::* set_fname_t)(std::string const&);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a filename
   typedef std::string (Object::* get_fname_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a std::vector<double>
   typedef void (Object::* set_vector_double_t)(std::vector<double> const&);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a std::vector<double>
   typedef std::vector<double> (Object::* get_vector_double_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a std::vector<double>, with unit
   typedef void (Object::* set_vector_double_unit_t)(std::vector<double> const&, std::string const &);
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a std::vector<double>, with unit
   typedef std::vector<double> (Object::* get_vector_double_unit_t)(std::string const &) const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Metric::Generic>
   typedef void (Object::* set_metric_t)
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Metric::Generic>
   typedef Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Metric::Generic>
     (Object::* get_metric_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Screen>
   typedef void (Object::* set_screen_t)
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Screen>
   typedef Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Screen>
     (Object::* get_screen_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic>
   typedef void (Object::* set_astrobj_t)
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic>
   typedef Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic>
     (Object::* get_astrobj_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrum::Generic>
   typedef void (Object::* set_spectrum_t)
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrum::Generic>
   typedef Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrum::Generic>
     (Object::* get_spectrum_t)() const;
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to set a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic>
   typedef void (Object::* set_spectrometer_t)
+  /// Prototype for an accessor to get a Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic>
   typedef Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic>
     (Object::* get_spectrometer_t)() const;
+  /// Union holding an accessor to set any type
+  /**
+   * Right type is stored in #type
+   */
   union setter_t {
     set_double_t set_double;
     set_long_t set_long;
@@ -241,6 +413,10 @@ class Gyoto::Property
     set_spectrum_t set_spectrum;
     set_spectrometer_t set_spectrometer;
+  /// Union holding an accessor to get any type
+  /**
+   * Right type is stored in #type
+   */
   union getter_t {
     get_double_t get_double;
     get_long_t get_long;
@@ -254,85 +430,127 @@ class Gyoto::Property
     get_spectrum_t get_spectrum;
     get_spectrometer_t get_spectrometer;
+  /// Union holding an accessor to set double or vector<double> with unit
+  /**
+   * Right type is stored in #type
+   */
   union setter_unit_t {
     set_double_unit_t set_double;
     set_vector_double_unit_t set_vdouble;
+  /// Union holding an accessor to get double or vector<double> with unit
   union getter_unit_t {
     get_double_unit_t get_double;
     get_vector_double_unit_t get_vdouble;
+  /// Pointer to the setter method
+  /**
+   * Right type is stored in #type
+   */
   setter_t setter;
+  /// Pointer to the getter method
+  /**
+   * Right type is stored in #type
+   */
   getter_t getter;
+  /// Pointer to the setter (with unit) method
+  /**
+   * Right type is stored in #type
+   */
   setter_unit_t setter_unit;
+  /// Pointer to the getter (with unit) method
+  /**
+   * Right type is stored in #type
+   */
   getter_unit_t getter_unit;
+  /// True if #Gyoto::Property::type is not #Gyoto::Property::empty_t
   operator bool() const ;
+  /// If #type is #empty_t, link to another Property list
   Property const * const  parent;
+  /// Constructor for #type==#empty_t
   Property(Property const * const ancestor);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#long_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_long_t set_long,
 	   get_long_t get_long);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#unsigned_long_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_unsigned_long_t set_unsigned_long,
 	   get_unsigned_long_t get_unsigned_long);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#double_t, without unit support
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_double_t set_double,
 	   get_double_t get_double);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#double_t, with unit support
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_double_t set_double,
 	   get_double_t get_double,
 	   set_double_unit_t set_double_unit,
 	   get_double_unit_t get_double_unit);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#bool_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   std::string name_false,
 	   set_bool_t set_bool,
 	   get_bool_t get_bool);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#string_t or #filename_t
+  /**
+   * \param name name of the Property
+   * \param set_string pointer to the setter accessor
+   * \param get_string pointer to the getter accessor
+   * \param is_filename true means #type=#filename_t
+   */
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_string_t set_string,
 	   get_string_t get_string,
 	   bool is_filename);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#vector_double_t, without unit support
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_vector_double_t set_vdouble,
 	   get_vector_double_t get_vdouble);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#vector_double_t, with unit support
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_vector_double_t set_vdouble,
 	   get_vector_double_t get_vdouble,
 	   set_vector_double_unit_t set_vdouble_unit,
 	   get_vector_double_unit_t get_vdouble_unit);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#metric_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_metric_t set_metric,
 	   get_metric_t get_metric);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#screen_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_screen_t set_screen,
 	   get_screen_t get_screen);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#astrobj_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_astrobj_t set_astrobj,
 	   get_astrobj_t get_astrobj);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#spectrum_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_spectrum_t set_spectrum,
 	   get_spectrum_t get_spectrum);
+  /// Constructor for #type==#spectrometer_t
   Property(std::string name,
 	   set_spectrometer_t set_spectrometer,
 	   get_spectrometer_t get_spectrometer);
-  Property const * find(std::string name) const;
diff --git a/include/GyotoValue.h b/include/GyotoValue.h
index fb0c57a..46e0447 100644
--- a/include/GyotoValue.h
+++ b/include/GyotoValue.h
@@ -39,56 +39,110 @@ namespace Gyoto {
   namespace Spectrometer {class Generic;}
   class Screen;
+/// Container for the value of a Property
+ * The Value class is very similar to the C union type (although not
+ * as memory efficient): it can hold several type of values, but only
+ * one at a time. Care must be taken to ensure only the member that
+ * was set is retrieved. The purpose of the Value class is to be used
+ * together with the Property class: code determines dynamicaly the
+ * type of a Property, reads the corresponding value appropriateley
+ * (e.g. from XML or from the Yorick prompt), stores the value in a
+ * Value instance, and sets the Property using the Object::set()
+ * method. Likewise, the Object::get() method returns a
+ * Gyoto::Value. Property::type must be used to determine which member
+ * of the Value is meaningful.
+ *
+ * Casting between Value and the various data type it can hold is
+ * normally automatic, but the members can also be accessed
+ * explicitly make code more easy to read and less ambiguous.
+ */
 class Gyoto::Value {
+  /// Constructor
+  /// Destructor
+  /// Assignement operator
   Value& operator=(Value const&);
+  /// A double value
   double Double;
+  /// Construct/cast from double
+  /// Cast to double
   operator double() const;
+  /// A boolean value
   bool Bool;
+  /// Construct/cast from boolean
+  /// Cast to bool
   operator bool() const;
+  /// A long value
   long Long;
+  /// Construct/cast from long
+  /// Cast to long
   operator long() const;
+  /// An unsigned long (a.k.a. size_t)
   unsigned long ULong;
+  /// Construct/cast from unsigned long
   Value(unsigned long);
+  /// Cast to unsigned long
   operator unsigned long() const;
+  /// A string value
   std::string String;
+  /// Construct/cast from string
+  /// Cast to string
   operator std::string() const;
+  /// A vector of double values
   std::vector<double> VDouble;
+  /// Construct/cast from vector of doubles
+  /// Cast to vector of doubles
   operator std::vector<double>() const;
+  /// A Metric object
   Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Metric::Generic> Metric;
+  /// Cast from Metric object
+  /// Cast to Metric object
   operator Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Metric::Generic>();
+  /// An Astrobj Object
   Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic> Astrobj;
+  /// Cast from Astrobj
+  /// Cast to Astrobj
   operator Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Astrobj::Generic>();
+  /// A Spectrum object
   Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrum::Generic> Spectrum;
+  /// Cast from Spectrum
+  /// Cast to Spectrum
   operator Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrum::Generic>();
+  /// A Spectrometer object
   Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic> Spectrometer;
+  /// Cast from Spectrometer
+  /// Cast to Spectrometer
   operator Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Spectrometer::Generic>();
+  /// A Screen object
   Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Screen> Screen;
+  /// Cast from Screen
+  /// Cast to Screen
   operator Gyoto::SmartPointer<Gyoto::Screen>();
diff --git a/lib/Property.C b/lib/Property.C
index e1daf58..720f5b1 100644
--- a/lib/Property.C
+++ b/lib/Property.C
@@ -75,10 +75,4 @@ Property::Property(string n,
-Property const * Property::find(std::string n) const {
-  if (type == empty_t) return parent;
-  if (name == n || (type == bool_t && name_false == n)) return this;
-  return this + 1;
 Property::operator bool() const { return type != empty_t; }

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