[Debian-astro-commits] [saods9] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/7.5_b2+repack' into experimental

Ole Streicher olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 14 08:15:39 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

olebole pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository saods9.

commit a4604e2abdc35643b266a15e89362e6140a24ab1
Merge: 7f4f3b8 a8b36c2
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Jul 14 09:37:38 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/7.5_b2+repack' into experimental
    Upstream version 7.5~b2+repack

 copyright                                       |     2 +-
 ds9/doc/ref/command.html                        |   205 +-
 ds9/doc/ref/file.html                           |    41 +-
 ds9/doc/ref/prefs.html                          |    10 +-
 ds9/doc/ref/region.html                         |   153 +-
 ds9/doc/ref/samp.html                           |   418 +-
 ds9/doc/ref/xpa.html                            |   267 +-
 ds9/doc/release/r7.0.html                       |    20 +-
 ds9/library/2mass.tcl                           |    15 +-
 ds9/library/analysis.tcl                        |    10 +-
 ds9/library/ar.tcl                              |     4 +-
 ds9/library/backup.tcl                          |     6 +-
 ds9/library/cat.tcl                             |    67 +-
 ds9/library/catcds.tcl                          |     2 +-
 ds9/library/catcdssrchdialog.tcl                |     4 +-
 ds9/library/catcxc.tcl                          |     4 +-
 ds9/library/catdialog.tcl                       |    40 +-
 ds9/library/catned.tcl                          |     2 +-
 ds9/library/catsimbad.tcl                       |     2 +-
 ds9/library/catskybot.tcl                       |     2 +-
 ds9/library/catvot.tcl                          |   379 +-
 ds9/library/comm.tcl                            |     3 +
 ds9/library/command.tcl                         |     3 +-
 ds9/library/debug.tcl                           |     5 +
 ds9/library/ds9.tcl                             |     9 +-
 ds9/library/error.tcl                           |     2 -
 ds9/library/eso.tcl                             |    16 +-
 ds9/library/hv.tcl                              |   244 -
 ds9/library/hvsup.tcl                           |    19 +-
 ds9/library/imgsvr.tcl                          |   251 +-
 ds9/library/manalysis.tcl                       |    70 +-
 ds9/library/multiframe.tcl                      |    16 +-
 ds9/library/nameres.tcl                         |     5 +-
 ds9/library/nsvr.tcl                            |    30 +-
 ds9/library/nvss.tcl                            |    17 +-
 ds9/library/prefs.tcl                           |    96 +-
 ds9/library/samp.tcl                            |    18 +-
 ds9/library/sao.tcl                             |    15 +-
 ds9/library/sia.tcl                             |   499 +
 ds9/library/siadialog.tcl                       |   488 +
 ds9/library/skyview.tcl                         |    15 +-
 ds9/library/source.tcl                          |     7 +-
 ds9/library/stsci.tcl                           |    15 +-
 ds9/library/{cattsv.tcl => tsv.tcl}             |    12 +-
 ds9/library/url.tcl                             |   149 +-
 ds9/library/util.tcl                            |   187 +-
 ds9/library/vla.tcl                             |    17 +-
 ds9/library/vlss.tcl                            |   132 +
 ds9/library/vo.tcl                              |     4 +-
 ds9/library/{catvot.tcl => vot.tcl}             |   121 +-
 ds9/library/wcs.tcl                             |     1 +
 ds9/library/xmlrpc.tcl                          |   875 +
 ds9/library/xpa.tcl                             |    36 +
 ds9/macosx/Makefile.in                          |    65 +-
 ds9/macosx/SAOImage DS9.app/Contents/Info.plist |     6 +-
 ds9/macosx/ds9.C                                |     8 +-
 ds9/msgs/cs.msg                                 |    20 +-
 ds9/msgs/da.msg                                 |    20 +-
 ds9/msgs/de.msg                                 |    20 +-
 ds9/msgs/es.msg                                 |    20 +-
 ds9/msgs/fr.msg                                 |    18 +-
 ds9/msgs/ja.msg                                 |    20 +-
 ds9/msgs/pt.msg                                 |    20 +-
 ds9/msgs/zh.msg                                 |    20 +-
 ds9/unix/Makefile.in                            |    78 +-
 ds9/unix/ds9.C                                  |     8 +-
 ds9/win/Makefile.in                             |    56 +-
 ds9/win/ds9.C                                   |     8 +-
 ds9/win/ds9.rc                                  |     2 +-
 macosx/Makefile.in                              |    44 +-
 macosx/configure                                |     4 +
 macosx/configure.in                             |     3 +
 make.include                                    |    29 +-
 make.pkgs                                       |    50 +-
 mods/html/htmlcmd.c                             |    36 -
 mods/html/htmlurl.c                             |    52 -
 mods/html/htmlwidget.c                          |    56 -
 mods/html/makemake.tcl.in                       |    62 -
 mods/html/maketokens.tcl                        |    11 -
 mods/rice/ricecomp.c                            |    16 -
 mods/tk8.6/generic/tkArgv.c                     |    12 -
 mods/tkcon/pkgIndex.tcl                         |    10 -
 mods/tkcon/tkcon.tcl                            |    79 -
 notes.txt                                       |  1310 -
 tcliis/iis.c                                    |     2 +-
 tcliis/xim.C                                    |     2 +-
 tests/all.sh                                    |     3 +
 tests/array/char.arr                            |   Bin 0 -> 65536 bytes
 tests/array/char.arr.gz                         |   Bin 0 -> 1069 bytes
 tests/array/double_big.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/array/double_big.arr.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 7262 bytes
 tests/array/double_little.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/array/double_little.arr.gz                |   Bin 0 -> 6682 bytes
 tests/array/float_big.arr                       |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/array/float_big.arr.gz                    |   Bin 0 -> 2693 bytes
 tests/array/float_little.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/array/float_little.arr.gz                 |   Bin 0 -> 2639 bytes
 tests/array/int_big.arr                         |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/array/int_big.arr.gz                      |   Bin 0 -> 2722 bytes
 tests/array/int_little.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/array/int_little.arr.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 2558 bytes
 tests/array/longlong_big.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/array/longlong_big.arr.gz                 |   Bin 0 -> 5775 bytes
 tests/array/longlong_little.arr                 |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/array/longlong_little.arr.gz              |   Bin 0 -> 5510 bytes
 tests/array/short_big.arr                       |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/array/short_big.arr.gz                    |   Bin 0 -> 1675 bytes
 tests/array/short_little.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/array/short_little.arr.gz                 |   Bin 0 -> 1674 bytes
 tests/array/ushort_big.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/array/ushort_big.arr.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 1675 bytes
 tests/array/ushort_little.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/array/ushort_little.arr.gz                |   Bin 0 -> 1674 bytes
 tests/cat.sh                                    |    60 +
 tests/ciaoregs.sh                               |    76 +
 tests/ciaoregs/all.fits                         |     3 +
 tests/ciaoregs/all.fits.sav                     |    60 +
 tests/ciaoregs/all.reg                          |    69 +
 tests/ciaoregs/annulus.reg                      |     2 +
 tests/ciaoregs/annulus.reg.sav                  |     2 +
 tests/ciaoregs/box.reg                          |    13 +
 tests/ciaoregs/box.reg.sav                      |    13 +
 tests/ciaoregs/circle.reg                       |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/circle.reg.sav                   |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/circle_wcs.reg                   |     9 +
 tests/ciaoregs/circle_wcs.reg.sav               |     9 +
 tests/ciaoregs/ellipse.reg                      |    14 +
 tests/ciaoregs/ellipse.reg.sav                  |    14 +
 tests/ciaoregs/field.reg                        |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/field.reg.sav                    |     0
 tests/ciaoregs/ones.fits                        |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/pie.reg                          |     4 +
 tests/ciaoregs/pie.reg.sav                      |     4 +
 tests/ciaoregs/point.reg                        |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/point.reg.sav                    |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/polygon.reg                      |     3 +
 tests/ciaoregs/polygon.reg.sav                  |     3 +
 tests/ciaoregs/rectangle.reg                    |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/rectangle.reg.sav                |     1 +
 tests/ciaoregs/rotbox.reg                       |    12 +
 tests/ciaoregs/rotbox.reg.sav                   |    12 +
 tests/ciaoregs/sector.reg                       |     8 +
 tests/ciaoregs/sector.reg.sav                   |     0
 tests/command.sh                                |    60 +-
 tests/envi/cube_float_little.bsq                |   Bin 0 -> 2097152 bytes
 tests/envi/cube_float_little.hdr                |    10 +
 tests/envi/double_big.bsq                       |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/envi/double_big.hdr                       |     9 +
 tests/envi/double_little.bsq                    |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/envi/double_little.hdr                    |     9 +
 tests/envi/float_big.bsq                        |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/envi/float_big.hdr                        |     9 +
 tests/envi/float_little.bsq                     |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/envi/float_little.hdr                     |     9 +
 tests/envi/int_big.bsq                          |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/envi/int_big.hdr                          |     9 +
 tests/envi/int_little.bsq                       |   Bin 0 -> 262144 bytes
 tests/envi/int_little.hdr                       |     9 +
 tests/envi/longlong_big.bsq                     |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/envi/longlong_big.hdr                     |     9 +
 tests/envi/longlong_little.bsq                  |   Bin 0 -> 524288 bytes
 tests/envi/longlong_little.hdr                  |     9 +
 tests/envi/short_big.bsq                        |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/envi/short_big.hdr                        |     9 +
 tests/envi/short_little.bsq                     |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/envi/short_little.hdr                     |     9 +
 tests/envi/ushort_big.bsq                       |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/envi/ushort_big.hdr                       |     9 +
 tests/envi/ushort_little.bsq                    |   Bin 0 -> 131072 bytes
 tests/envi/ushort_little.hdr                    |     9 +
 tests/fits/1d.fits                              |   Bin 0 -> 5760 bytes
 tests/fits/char.fits                            |   Bin 0 -> 69120 bytes
 tests/fits/char.fits.gz                         |   Bin 0 -> 1161 bytes
 tests/fits/char_blank.fits                      |   Bin 0 -> 69120 bytes
 tests/fits/char_blank.fits.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 1173 bytes
 tests/fits/char_bscale.fits                     |   Bin 0 -> 69120 bytes
 tests/fits/char_bscale.fits.gz                  |   Bin 0 -> 1181 bytes
 tests/fits/double.fits                          |   Bin 0 -> 529920 bytes
 tests/fits/double.fits.gz                       |   Bin 0 -> 7387 bytes
 tests/fits/double_bscale.fits                   |   Bin 0 -> 529920 bytes
 tests/fits/double_bscale.fits.gz                |   Bin 0 -> 7417 bytes
 tests/fits/double_inf.fits                      |   Bin 0 -> 529920 bytes
 tests/fits/double_inf.fits.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 7399 bytes
 tests/fits/double_nan.fits                      |   Bin 0 -> 529920 bytes
 tests/fits/double_nan.fits.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 7401 bytes
 tests/fits/float.fits                           |   Bin 0 -> 267840 bytes
 tests/fits/float.fits.gz                        |   Bin 0 -> 2812 bytes
 tests/fits/float_bscale.fits                    |   Bin 0 -> 267840 bytes
 tests/fits/float_bscale.fits.gz                 |   Bin 0 -> 2832 bytes
 tests/fits/float_inf.fits                       |   Bin 0 -> 267840 bytes
 tests/fits/float_inf.fits.gz                    |   Bin 0 -> 2813 bytes
 tests/fits/float_nan.fits                       |   Bin 0 -> 267840 bytes
 tests/fits/float_nan.fits.gz                    |   Bin 0 -> 2815 bytes
 tests/fits/int.fits                             |   Bin 0 -> 267840 bytes
 tests/fits/int.fits.gz                          |   Bin 0 -> 2851 bytes
 tests/fits/int_blank.fits                       |   Bin 0 -> 267840 bytes
 tests/fits/int_blank.fits.gz                    |   Bin 0 -> 2861 bytes
 tests/fits/int_bscale.fits                      |   Bin 0 -> 267840 bytes
 tests/fits/int_bscale.fits.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 2876 bytes
 tests/fits/long.fits                            |   Bin 0 -> 529920 bytes
 tests/fits/long.fits.gz                         |   Bin 0 -> 5888 bytes
 tests/fits/long_blank.fits                      |   Bin 0 -> 529920 bytes
 tests/fits/long_blank.fits.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 5893 bytes
 tests/fits/long_bscale.fits                     |   Bin 0 -> 529920 bytes
 tests/fits/long_bscale.fits.gz                  |   Bin 0 -> 5917 bytes
 tests/fits/short.fits                           |   Bin 0 -> 135360 bytes
 tests/fits/short.fits.gz                        |   Bin 0 -> 1797 bytes
 tests/fits/short_blank.fits                     |   Bin 0 -> 135360 bytes
 tests/fits/short_blank.fits.gz                  |   Bin 0 -> 1805 bytes
 tests/fits/short_bscale.fits                    |   Bin 0 -> 135360 bytes
 tests/fits/short_bscale.fits.gz                 |   Bin 0 -> 1821 bytes
 tests/fits/table.fits                           | 60165 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/fits/table.fits.gz                        |   Bin 0 -> 2885085 bytes
 tests/fits/wmap.fits                            |   Bin 0 -> 25174080 bytes
 tests/fits/wmap.fits.gz                         |   Bin 0 -> 13468937 bytes
 tests/gzip/char.fits.fz                         |   Bin 0 -> 80640 bytes
 tests/gzip/char_blank.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 80640 bytes
 tests/gzip/char_bscale.fits.fz                  |   Bin 0 -> 80640 bytes
 tests/gzip/double.fits.fz                       |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/gzip/double_bscale.fits.fz                |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/gzip/double_inf.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/gzip/double_nan.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/gzip/float.fits.fz                        |   Bin 0 -> 123840 bytes
 tests/gzip/float_bscale.fits.fz                 |   Bin 0 -> 164160 bytes
 tests/gzip/float_inf.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/gzip/float_nan.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/gzip/int.fits.fz                          |   Bin 0 -> 115200 bytes
 tests/gzip/int_blank.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 115200 bytes
 tests/gzip/int_bscale.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 115200 bytes
 tests/gzip/short.fits.fz                        |   Bin 0 -> 112320 bytes
 tests/gzip/short_blank.fits.fz                  |   Bin 0 -> 112320 bytes
 tests/gzip/short_bscale.fits.fz                 |   Bin 0 -> 112320 bytes
 tests/hcompress/char.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 23040 bytes
 tests/hcompress/char_blank.fits.fz              |   Bin 0 -> 23040 bytes
 tests/hcompress/char_bscale.fits.fz             |   Bin 0 -> 23040 bytes
 tests/hcompress/double.fits.fz                  |    22 +
 tests/hcompress/double_bscale.fits.fz           |    47 +
 tests/hcompress/double_inf.fits.fz              |    22 +
 tests/hcompress/double_nan.fits.fz              |    22 +
 tests/hcompress/float.fits.fz                   |   123 +
 tests/hcompress/float_bscale.fits.fz            |    82 +
 tests/hcompress/float_inf.fits.fz               |    33 +
 tests/hcompress/float_nan.fits.fz               |    33 +
 tests/hcompress/int.fits.fz                     |   Bin 0 -> 20160 bytes
 tests/hcompress/int_blank.fits.fz               |   Bin 0 -> 20160 bytes
 tests/hcompress/int_bscale.fits.fz              |   Bin 0 -> 20160 bytes
 tests/hcompress/short.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 20160 bytes
 tests/hcompress/short_blank.fits.fz             |   Bin 0 -> 20160 bytes
 tests/hcompress/short_bscale.fits.fz            |   Bin 0 -> 20160 bytes
 tests/mecube/char.fits                          |   769 +
 tests/mecube/char_blank.fits                    |   769 +
 tests/mecube/char_bscale.fits                   |   769 +
 tests/mecube/double.fits                        |     1 +
 tests/mecube/double_bscale.fits                 |     1 +
 tests/mecube/double_inf.fits                    |     1 +
 tests/mecube/double_nan.fits                    |     1 +
 tests/mecube/float.fits                         |   415 +
 tests/mecube/float_bscale.fits                  |   415 +
 tests/mecube/float_inf.fits                     |   415 +
 tests/mecube/float_nan.fits                     |   415 +
 tests/mecube/int.fits                           |   769 +
 tests/mecube/int_blank.fits                     |   769 +
 tests/mecube/int_bscale.fits                    |   769 +
 tests/mecube/long.fits                          |   769 +
 tests/mecube/long_blank.fits                    |   769 +
 tests/mecube/long_bscale.fits                   |   769 +
 tests/mecube/short.fits                         |   769 +
 tests/mecube/short_blank.fits                   |   769 +
 tests/mecube/short_bscale.fits                  |   769 +
 tests/nrrd/char_gzip.nrrd                       |   Bin 0 -> 1133 bytes
 tests/nrrd/char_raw.nrrd                        |   Bin 0 -> 65599 bytes
 tests/nrrd/cube_float_little_gzip.nrrd          |   Bin 0 -> 20347 bytes
 tests/nrrd/cube_float_little_raw.nrrd           |   Bin 0 -> 2097233 bytes
 tests/nrrd/double_big_gzip.nrrd                 |   Bin 0 -> 7340 bytes
 tests/nrrd/double_big_raw.nrrd                  |   Bin 0 -> 524365 bytes
 tests/nrrd/double_little_gzip.nrrd              |   Bin 0 -> 6763 bytes
 tests/nrrd/double_little_raw.nrrd               |   Bin 0 -> 524368 bytes
 tests/nrrd/float_big_gzip.nrrd                  |   Bin 0 -> 2770 bytes
 tests/nrrd/float_big_raw.nrrd                   |   Bin 0 -> 262220 bytes
 tests/nrrd/float_little_gzip.nrrd               |   Bin 0 -> 2719 bytes
 tests/nrrd/float_little_raw.nrrd                |   Bin 0 -> 262223 bytes
 tests/nrrd/int_big_gzip.nrrd                    |   Bin 0 -> 2797 bytes
 tests/nrrd/int_big_raw.nrrd                     |   Bin 0 -> 262218 bytes
 tests/nrrd/int_little_gzip.nrrd                 |   Bin 0 -> 2636 bytes
 tests/nrrd/int_little_raw.nrrd                  |   Bin 0 -> 262221 bytes
 tests/nrrd/longlong_big_gzip.nrrd               |   Bin 0 -> 5855 bytes
 tests/nrrd/longlong_big_raw.nrrd                |   Bin 0 -> 524367 bytes
 tests/nrrd/longlong_little_gzip.nrrd            |   Bin 0 -> 5593 bytes
 tests/nrrd/longlong_little_raw.nrrd             |   Bin 0 -> 524370 bytes
 tests/nrrd/short_big_gzip.nrrd                  |   Bin 0 -> 1752 bytes
 tests/nrrd/short_big_raw.nrrd                   |   Bin 0 -> 131148 bytes
 tests/nrrd/short_little_gzip.nrrd               |   Bin 0 -> 1754 bytes
 tests/nrrd/short_little_raw.nrrd                |   Bin 0 -> 131151 bytes
 tests/nrrd/ushort_big_gzip.nrrd                 |   Bin 0 -> 1753 bytes
 tests/nrrd/ushort_big_raw.nrrd                  |   Bin 0 -> 131149 bytes
 tests/nrrd/ushort_little_gzip.nrrd              |   Bin 0 -> 1755 bytes
 tests/nrrd/ushort_little_raw.nrrd               |   Bin 0 -> 131152 bytes
 tests/photo/rose.gif                            |   Bin 0 -> 26395 bytes
 tests/photo/rose.jpeg                           |   Bin 0 -> 5459 bytes
 tests/photo/rose.png                            |   Bin 0 -> 49306 bytes
 tests/photo/rose.tiff                           |   Bin 0 -> 101804 bytes
 tests/plio/char.fits.fz                         |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/char_blank.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/char_bscale.fits.fz                  |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/double.fits.fz                       |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/plio/double_bscale.fits.fz                |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/double_inf.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/plio/double_nan.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/plio/float.fits.fz                        |   Bin 0 -> 123840 bytes
 tests/plio/float_bscale.fits.fz                 |   Bin 0 -> 164160 bytes
 tests/plio/float_inf.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/plio/float_nan.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 126720 bytes
 tests/plio/int.fits.fz                          |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/int_blank.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/int_bscale.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/short.fits.fz                        |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/short_blank.fits.fz                  |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/plio/short_bscale.fits.fz                 |   Bin 0 -> 144000 bytes
 tests/prefs.sh                                  |     2 +
 tests/regions.sh                                |    27 +-
 tests/regions/ciao.fits                         |     2 +
 tests/regions/ciao.fits.reg                     |     3 +
 tests/regions/ciao.fk5.reg                      |    25 +
 tests/regions/ciao.physical.reg                 |    25 +
 tests/regions/ds9.color.reg                     |    10 +
 tests/regions/ds9.comment.reg                   |    10 +
 tests/regions/ds9.composite.reg                 |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.ecliptic.hms.reg              |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.ecliptic.hms.strip.reg        |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.ecliptic.reg                  |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.ecliptic.strip.reg            |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fits.reg                      |    12 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk4.hms.reg                   |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk4.hms.strip.reg             |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk4.reg                       |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk4.strip.reg                 |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk5.hms.reg                   |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk5.hms.strip.reg             |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk5.reg                       |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.fk5.strip.reg                 |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.galactic.hms.reg              |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.galactic.hms.strip.reg        |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.galactic.reg                  |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.galactic.strip.reg            |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.icrs.hms.reg                  |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.icrs.hms.strip.reg            |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.icrs.reg                      |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.icrs.strip.reg                |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.image.reg                     |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.image.strip.reg               |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.linear.wcs.reg                |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.linear.wcsa.reg               |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.linear.wcsc.reg               |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.linear.wcsd.reg               |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.linear.wcsi.reg               |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.linear.wcsp.reg               |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.ecliptic.hms.reg       |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.ecliptic.reg           |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.fk4.hms.reg            |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.fk4.reg                |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.fk5.hms.reg            |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.fk5.reg                |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.galactic.hms.reg       |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.galactic.reg           |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.icrs.hms.reg           |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.icrs.reg               |    73 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.image.reg              |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.mosaic.physical.reg           |   143 +
 tests/regions/ds9.physical.reg                  |    39 +
 tests/regions/ds9.physical.strip.reg            |     1 +
 tests/regions/ds9.reg.fits                      |     1 +
 tests/regions/pros.ecliptic.hms.reg             |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.ecliptic.reg                 |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.fk4.hms.reg                  |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.fk4.reg                      |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.fk5.hms.reg                  |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.fk5.reg                      |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.galactic.hms.reg             |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.galactic.reg                 |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.image.reg                    |    16 +
 tests/regions/pros.physical.reg                 |    16 +
 tests/regions/samp.reg                          |     1 +
 tests/regions/saoimage.reg                      |    16 +
 tests/regions/saotng.ecliptic.hms.reg           |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.ecliptic.reg               |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.fk4.hms.reg                |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.fk4.reg                    |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.fk5.hms.reg                |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.fk5.reg                    |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.galactic.hms.reg           |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.galactic.reg               |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.icrs.hms.reg               |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.icrs.reg                   |    26 +
 tests/regions/saotng.image.reg                  |    26 +
 tests/regions/vo1.reg                           |     4 +
 tests/regions/vo2.reg                           |     4 +
 tests/regions/xml.ecliptic.hms.reg              |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.ecliptic.reg                  |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.fk4.hms.reg                   |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.fk4.reg                       |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.fk5.hms.reg                   |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.fk5.reg                       |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.galactic.hms.reg              |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.galactic.reg                  |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.icrs.hms.reg                  |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.icrs.reg                      |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.image.reg                     |    77 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.ecliptic.hms.reg       |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.ecliptic.reg           |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.fk4.hms.reg            |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.fk4.reg                |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.fk5.hms.reg            |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.fk5.reg                |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.galactic.hms.reg       |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.galactic.reg           |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.icrs.hms.reg           |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.icrs.reg               |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.image.reg              |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.mosaic.physical.reg           |   102 +
 tests/regions/xml.physical.reg                  |    77 +
 tests/regions/xy.ecliptic.hms.reg               |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.ecliptic.reg                   |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.fk4.hms.reg                    |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.fk4.reg                        |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.fk5.hms.reg                    |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.fk5.reg                        |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.galactic.hms.reg               |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.galactic.reg                   |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.icrs.hms.reg                   |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.icrs.reg                       |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.image.reg                      |    26 +
 tests/regions/xy.physical.reg                   |    26 +
 tests/rgbarray/char.rgb                         |   Bin 0 -> 196608 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/char.rgb.gz                      |   Bin 0 -> 2447 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/double_big.rgb                   |   Bin 0 -> 1572864 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/double_big.rgb.gz                |   Bin 0 -> 21583 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/double_little.rgb                |   Bin 0 -> 1572864 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/double_little.rgb.gz             |   Bin 0 -> 19853 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/float_big.rgb                    |   Bin 0 -> 786432 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/float_big.rgb.gz                 |   Bin 0 -> 8010 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/float_little.rgb                 |   Bin 0 -> 786432 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/float_little.rgb.gz              |   Bin 0 -> 7679 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/int_big.rgb                      |   Bin 0 -> 786432 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/int_big.rgb.gz                   |   Bin 0 -> 7974 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/int_little.rgb                   |   Bin 0 -> 786432 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/int_little.rgb.gz                |   Bin 0 -> 7486 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/longlong_big.rgb                 |   Bin 0 -> 1572864 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/longlong_big.rgb.gz              |   Bin 0 -> 17074 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/longlong_little.rgb              |   Bin 0 -> 1572864 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/longlong_little.rgb.gz           |   Bin 0 -> 16326 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/short_big.rgb                    |   Bin 0 -> 393216 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/short_big.rgb.gz                 |   Bin 0 -> 4749 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/short_little.rgb                 |   Bin 0 -> 393216 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/short_little.rgb.gz              |   Bin 0 -> 4750 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/ushort_big.rgb                   |   Bin 0 -> 393216 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/ushort_big.rgb.gz                |   Bin 0 -> 4749 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/ushort_little.rgb                |   Bin 0 -> 393216 bytes
 tests/rgbarray/ushort_little.rgb.gz             |   Bin 0 -> 4750 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/char.fits                         |   Bin 0 -> 201600 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/char_blank.fits                   |   Bin 0 -> 201600 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/char_bscale.fits                  |   Bin 0 -> 201600 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/double.fits                       |   Bin 0 -> 1578240 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/double_bscale.fits                |   Bin 0 -> 1578240 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/double_inf.fits                   |   Bin 0 -> 1578240 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/double_nan.fits                   |   Bin 0 -> 1578240 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/float.fits                        |   Bin 0 -> 792000 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/float_bscale.fits                 |   Bin 0 -> 792000 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/float_inf.fits                    |   Bin 0 -> 792000 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/float_nan.fits                    |   Bin 0 -> 792000 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/int.fits                          |   Bin 0 -> 792000 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/int_blank.fits                    |   Bin 0 -> 792000 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/int_bscale.fits                   |   Bin 0 -> 792000 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/long.fits                         |   Bin 0 -> 1578240 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/long_blank.fits                   |   Bin 0 -> 1578240 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/long_bscale.fits                  |   Bin 0 -> 1578240 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/short.fits                        |   Bin 0 -> 397440 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/short_blank.fits                  |   Bin 0 -> 397440 bytes
 tests/rgbcube/short_bscale.fits                 |   Bin 0 -> 397440 bytes
 tests/rice/char.fits.fz                         |   Bin 0 -> 34560 bytes
 tests/rice/char_blank.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 34560 bytes
 tests/rice/char_bscale.fits.fz                  |   Bin 0 -> 34560 bytes
 tests/rice/double.fits.fz                       |   222 +
 tests/rice/double_bscale.fits.fz                |   151 +
 tests/rice/double_inf.fits.fz                   |   199 +
 tests/rice/double_nan.fits.fz                   |   199 +
 tests/rice/float.fits.fz                        |   201 +
 tests/rice/float_bscale.fits.fz                 |   442 +
 tests/rice/float_inf.fits.fz                    |   283 +
 tests/rice/float_nan.fits.fz                    |   283 +
 tests/rice/int.fits.fz                          |   Bin 0 -> 37440 bytes
 tests/rice/int_blank.fits.fz                    |   Bin 0 -> 37440 bytes
 tests/rice/int_bscale.fits.fz                   |   Bin 0 -> 37440 bytes
 tests/rice/short.fits.fz                        |   Bin 0 -> 34560 bytes
 tests/rice/short_blank.fits.fz                  |   Bin 0 -> 34560 bytes
 tests/rice/short_bscale.fits.fz                 |   Bin 0 -> 34560 bytes
 tests/samp.sh                                   |     3 +-
 tests/samp/saveimage.samp                       |     2 +-
 tests/samp/sia.samp                             |    21 +
 tests/samp/skyview.samp                         |     2 +-
 tests/samp/vla.samp                             |    40 +-
 tests/samp/vlss.samp                            |    29 +
 tests/scale/asinh.fits                          |   Bin 0 -> 1054080 bytes
 tests/scale/linear.fits                         |   Bin 0 -> 1054080 bytes
 tests/scale/log.fits                            |   Bin 0 -> 1054080 bytes
 tests/scale/pow.fits                            |   Bin 0 -> 1054080 bytes
 tests/scale/sinh.fits                           |   Bin 0 -> 1054080 bytes
 tests/scale/sqrt.fits                           |   Bin 0 -> 1054080 bytes
 tests/scale/squ.fits                            |   Bin 0 -> 1054080 bytes
 tests/sfits/char.arr                            |   Bin 0 -> 66240 bytes
 tests/sfits/char.hdr                            |     1 +
 tests/sfits/char_blank.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 66240 bytes
 tests/sfits/char_blank.hdr                      |     1 +
 tests/sfits/char_bscale.arr                     |   Bin 0 -> 66240 bytes
 tests/sfits/char_bscale.hdr                     |     1 +
 tests/sfits/double.arr                          |   Bin 0 -> 527040 bytes
 tests/sfits/double.hdr                          |     1 +
 tests/sfits/double_bscale.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 527040 bytes
 tests/sfits/double_bscale.hdr                   |     1 +
 tests/sfits/double_inf.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 527040 bytes
 tests/sfits/double_inf.hdr                      |     1 +
 tests/sfits/double_nan.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 527040 bytes
 tests/sfits/double_nan.hdr                      |     1 +
 tests/sfits/float.arr                           |   Bin 0 -> 264960 bytes
 tests/sfits/float.hdr                           |     1 +
 tests/sfits/float_bscale.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 264960 bytes
 tests/sfits/float_bscale.hdr                    |     1 +
 tests/sfits/float_inf.arr                       |   Bin 0 -> 264960 bytes
 tests/sfits/float_inf.hdr                       |     1 +
 tests/sfits/float_nan.arr                       |   Bin 0 -> 264960 bytes
 tests/sfits/float_nan.hdr                       |     1 +
 tests/sfits/int.arr                             |   Bin 0 -> 264960 bytes
 tests/sfits/int.hdr                             |     1 +
 tests/sfits/int_blank.arr                       |   Bin 0 -> 264960 bytes
 tests/sfits/int_blank.hdr                       |     1 +
 tests/sfits/int_bscale.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 264960 bytes
 tests/sfits/int_bscale.hdr                      |     1 +
 tests/sfits/long.arr                            |   Bin 0 -> 527040 bytes
 tests/sfits/long.hdr                            |     1 +
 tests/sfits/long_blank.arr                      |   Bin 0 -> 527040 bytes
 tests/sfits/long_blank.hdr                      |     1 +
 tests/sfits/long_bscale.arr                     |   Bin 0 -> 527040 bytes
 tests/sfits/long_bscale.hdr                     |     1 +
 tests/sfits/short.arr                           |   Bin 0 -> 132480 bytes
 tests/sfits/short.hdr                           |     1 +
 tests/sfits/short_blank.arr                     |   Bin 0 -> 132480 bytes
 tests/sfits/short_blank.hdr                     |     1 +
 tests/sfits/short_bscale.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 132480 bytes
 tests/sfits/short_bscale.hdr                    |     1 +
 tests/sia.sh                                    |    44 +
 tests/srgbcube/char.arr                         |   Bin 0 -> 198720 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/char.hdr                         |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/char_blank.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 198720 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/char_blank.hdr                   |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/char_bscale.arr                  |   Bin 0 -> 198720 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/char_bscale.hdr                  |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/double.arr                       |   Bin 0 -> 1575360 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/double.hdr                       |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/double_bscale.arr                |   Bin 0 -> 1575360 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/double_bscale.hdr                |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/double_inf.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 1575360 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/double_inf.hdr                   |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/double_nan.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 1575360 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/double_nan.hdr                   |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/float.arr                        |   Bin 0 -> 789120 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/float.hdr                        |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/float_bscale.arr                 |   Bin 0 -> 789120 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/float_bscale.hdr                 |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/float_inf.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 789120 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/float_inf.hdr                    |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/float_nan.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 789120 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/float_nan.hdr                    |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/int.arr                          |   Bin 0 -> 789120 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/int.hdr                          |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/int_blank.arr                    |   Bin 0 -> 789120 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/int_blank.hdr                    |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/int_bscale.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 789120 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/int_bscale.hdr                   |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/long.arr                         |   Bin 0 -> 1575360 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/long.hdr                         |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/long_blank.arr                   |   Bin 0 -> 1575360 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/long_blank.hdr                   |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/long_bscale.arr                  |   Bin 0 -> 1575360 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/long_bscale.hdr                  |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/short.arr                        |   Bin 0 -> 394560 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/short.hdr                        |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/short_blank.arr                  |   Bin 0 -> 394560 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/short_blank.hdr                  |     1 +
 tests/srgbcube/short_bscale.arr                 |   Bin 0 -> 394560 bytes
 tests/srgbcube/short_bscale.hdr                 |     1 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_AIR.fits                      |   315 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_AIT.fits                      |   306 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_ARC.fits                      |   329 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_AZP.fits                      |   353 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_BON.fits                      |   279 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_CAR.fits                      |   316 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_CEA.fits                      |   296 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_COD.fits                      |   272 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_COE.fits                      |   301 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_COO.fits                      |   247 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_COP.fits                      |   262 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_CSC.fits                      |   350 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_CYP.fits                      |   204 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_HPX.fits                      |   347 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_MER.fits                      |   306 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_MOL.fits                      |   313 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_NCP.fits                      |   314 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_PAR.fits                      |   336 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_PCO.fits                      |   320 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_QSC.fits                      |   368 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_SFL.fits                      |   317 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_SIN.fits                      |   314 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_STG.fits                      |   351 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_SZP.fits                      |   296 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_TAN.fits                      |   375 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_TSC.fits                      |   235 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_ZEA.fits                      |   317 +
 tests/wcs/1904-66_ZPN.fits                      |   135 +
 tests/wcs/sipsample.fits                        |   856 +
 tests/wcs/tnx.fits                              |  1413 +
 tests/wcs/tpv.fits                              |  2008 +
 tests/wcs/zpx.fits                              |  2008 +
 tests/wcs2.sh                                   |     3 -
 tests/xpa.sh                                    |    80 +-
 tests/xpa/2mass.xpa                             |     6 +
 tests/xpa/dsseso.xpa                            |     6 +
 tests/xpa/dssstsci.xpa                          |     6 +
 tests/xpa/nvss.xpa                              |     5 +
 tests/xpa/prefs.xpa                             |     2 +-
 tests/xpa/skyview.xpa                           |     7 +
 tests/xpa/vlss.xpa                              |     5 +
 tksao/colorbar/colorbarbase.C                   |    22 +-
 tksao/fitsy++/hist.C                            |     6 +
 tksao/fitsy++/outsocket.C                       |     3 +-
 tksao/frame/box.C                               |     4 +-
 tksao/frame/ciaolex.C                           |   446 +-
 tksao/frame/ciaolex.L                           |    11 +-
 tksao/frame/ciaoparser.C                        |   522 +-
 tksao/frame/ciaoparser.H                        |    20 +-
 tksao/frame/ciaoparser.Y                        |   157 +-
 tksao/frame/context.C                           |     2 +-
 tksao/frame/ds9parser.C                         |     4 +-
 tksao/frame/ds9parser.Y                         |    98 +-
 tksao/frame/fitsdata.C                          |    12 +
 tksao/frame/frame3d.C                           |     8 +-
 tksao/frame/frblt.C                             |     2 +-
 tksao/frame/frmarker.C                          |    16 +-
 tksao/frame/marker.C                            |     2 +-
 unix/Makefile.in                                |    32 +-
 unix/configure                                  |     8 +
 unix/configure.in                               |     9 +-
 win/Makefile.in                                 |    32 +-
 win/configure                                   |     4 +
 win/configure.in                                |     3 +
 653 files changed, 99248 insertions(+), 3873 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-astro/packages/saods9.git

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