[Debian-astro-commits] [cpl-plugin-giraf] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.15+dfsg' into debian

Ole Streicher olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 30 07:39:36 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

olebole pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository cpl-plugin-giraf.

commit c4da66d55b10d180e0d9df0bd7b90b96a06bf12a
Merge: ab1225b b5fafe1
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jul 30 09:28:01 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.15+dfsg' into debian
    Upstream version 2.15+dfsg

 COPYING                                |    39 +-
 COPYING.LIB                            |    20 +-
 INSTALL                                |   380 +-
 Makefile.am                            |     2 +-
 Makefile.in                            |    15 +-
 Makefile.purify.in                     |   109 -
 NEWS                                   |    18 +
 README                                 |     2 +-
 aclocal.m4                             |    24 -
 config.h.in                            |     3 -
 configure                              | 15159 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 configure.ac                           |    21 +-
 giraffe/Makefile.in                    |     5 +-
 irplib/Makefile.in                     |     5 +-
 irplib/tests/Makefile.am               |     3 -
 irplib/tests/Makefile.in               |     9 +-
 irplib/tests/irplib_polynomial-test.c  |    50 +-
 m4/purify.m4                           |    27 -
 recipes/Makefile.in                    |     5 +-
 reflex/Makefile.am                     |    41 +
 {regtests/tests => reflex}/Makefile.in |   194 +-
 reflex/giraf.xml.in                    |  9119 +++++++++++++++++++
 reflex/giraf_grp.xml.in                |  9115 +++++++++++++++++++
 reflex/giraf_wkf.oca                   |   714 ++
 reflex/giraf_wkf_grp.oca               |   688 ++
 regtests/Makefile.in                   |     5 +-
 regtests/tests/Makefile.am             |    12 -
 regtests/tests/Makefile.in             |    11 +-
 tests/Makefile.in                      |     5 +-
 29 files changed, 28152 insertions(+), 7648 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-astro/packages/cpl-plugin-giraf.git

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