[Debian-astro-commits] [python-astropy] 02/04: Try to fix doctest failures
Ole Streicher
olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 19 11:36:56 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
olebole pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository python-astropy.
commit 4d84c6362f35ebac4fc9203df69244c6b8949201
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date: Thu Jan 19 09:41:41 2017 +0100
Try to fix doctest failures
...-to-use-plugin-for-doctests-in-.rst-files.patch | 123 +++
.../patches/Use-parametrize-instead-of-yield.patch | 850 +++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 2 +
debian/rules | 2 +-
4 files changed, 976 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/debian/patches/Allow-pytest-3.x-to-use-plugin-for-doctests-in-.rst-files.patch b/debian/patches/Allow-pytest-3.x-to-use-plugin-for-doctests-in-.rst-files.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5362b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/Allow-pytest-3.x-to-use-plugin-for-doctests-in-.rst-files.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+From: Marten van Kerkwijk <mhvk at astro.utoronto.ca>
+Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:59:16 -0500
+Subject: Allow pytest 3.x to use plugin for doctests in .rst files.
+Pull request: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/5688
+ astropy/tests/pytest_plugins.py | 17 ++++-------------
+ astropy/tests/tests/test_runner.py | 16 +++++++++-------
+ setup.cfg | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/astropy/tests/pytest_plugins.py b/astropy/tests/pytest_plugins.py
+index 27b683d..64f7b74 100644
+--- a/astropy/tests/pytest_plugins.py
++++ b/astropy/tests/pytest_plugins.py
+@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ def pytest_configure(config):
+ # uses internal doctest module parsing mechanism
+ finder = DocTestFinderPlus()
+- runner = doctest.DebugRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=opts)
++ runner = doctest.DebugRunner(verbose=False, optionflags=opts,
++ checker=AstropyOutputChecker())
+ for test in finder.find(module):
+ if test.examples: # skip empty doctests
+ if config.getvalue("remote_data") != 'any':
+@@ -191,21 +192,11 @@ def pytest_configure(config):
+ yield doctest_plugin.DoctestItem(
+ test.name, self, runner, test)
+- # This is for py.test prior to 2.4.0
+- def runtest(self):
+- return
+- class DocTestTextfilePlus(doctest_plugin.DoctestTextfile):
++ class DocTestTextfilePlus(doctest_plugin.DoctestItem, pytest.Module):
+ def runtest(self):
+ # satisfy `FixtureRequest` constructor...
+ self.funcargs = {}
+- try:
+- self._fixtureinfo = doctest_plugin.FuncFixtureInfo((), [], {})
+- fixture_request = doctest_plugin.FixtureRequest(self)
+- except AttributeError: # pytest >= 2.8.0
+- python_plugin = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('python')
+- self._fixtureinfo = python_plugin.FuncFixtureInfo((), [], {})
+- fixture_request = python_plugin.FixtureRequest(self)
++ fixture_request = doctest_plugin._setup_fixtures(self)
+ failed, tot = doctest.testfile(
+ str(self.fspath), module_relative=False,
+diff --git a/astropy/tests/tests/test_runner.py b/astropy/tests/tests/test_runner.py
+index a147cd9..0642c7f 100644
+--- a/astropy/tests/tests/test_runner.py
++++ b/astropy/tests/tests/test_runner.py
+@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
+-from astropy.tests.runner import TestRunner, TestRunnerBase, keyword
++from astropy.tests.runner import TestRunner as T_Runner
++from astropy.tests.runner import TestRunnerBase as T_RunnerBase
++from astropy.tests.runner import keyword
+ from astropy.tests.helper import pytest
+ def test_disable_kwarg():
+- class no_remote_data(TestRunner):
++ class no_remote_data(T_Runner):
+ @keyword()
+ def remote_data(self, remote_data, kwargs):
+ return NotImplemented
+@@ -14,13 +16,13 @@ def test_disable_kwarg():
+ def test_wrong_kwarg():
+- r = TestRunner('.')
++ r = T_Runner('.')
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ r.run_tests(spam='eggs')
+ def test_invalid_kwarg():
+- class bad_return(TestRunnerBase):
++ class bad_return(T_RunnerBase):
+ @keyword()
+ def remote_data(self, remote_data, kwargs):
+ return 'bob'
+@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ def test_invalid_kwarg():
+ def test_new_kwarg():
+- class Spam(TestRunnerBase):
++ class Spam(T_RunnerBase):
+ @keyword()
+ def spam(self, spam, kwargs):
+ return [spam]
+@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ def test_new_kwarg():
+ def test_priority():
+- class Spam(TestRunnerBase):
++ class Spam(T_RunnerBase):
+ @keyword()
+ def spam(self, spam, kwargs):
+ return [spam]
+@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ def test_priority():
+ def test_docs():
+- class Spam(TestRunnerBase):
++ class Spam(T_RunnerBase):
+ @keyword()
+ def spam(self, spam, kwargs):
+ """
+diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
+index 206e6f8..5b3e995 100644
+--- a/setup.cfg
++++ b/setup.cfg
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ all_files = 1
+ upload-dir = docs/_build/html
+ show-response = 1
+ minversion = 2.3.3
+ norecursedirs = ".tox" "build" "docs[\/]_build" "astropy[\/]extern" "astropy[\/]utils[\/]compat[\/]futures"
+ doctest_plus = enabled
diff --git a/debian/patches/Use-parametrize-instead-of-yield.patch b/debian/patches/Use-parametrize-instead-of-yield.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1019ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/Use-parametrize-instead-of-yield.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
+From: kelle <kellecruz at gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 17:45:29 -0500
+Subject: Use parametrize instead of yield.
+Pull request: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/5678
+Pull request: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/5682
+ astropy/io/votable/tests/vo_test.py | 5 +-
+ astropy/units/tests/test_format.py | 466 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ astropy/wcs/tests/test_profiling.py | 99 +++-----
+ astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcs.py | 146 +++++------
+ 4 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 418 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/astropy/io/votable/tests/vo_test.py b/astropy/io/votable/tests/vo_test.py
+index 587fc59..31acb9c 100644
+--- a/astropy/io/votable/tests/vo_test.py
++++ b/astropy/io/votable/tests/vo_test.py
+@@ -737,13 +737,10 @@ def table_from_scratch():
+ def test_open_files():
+- def test_file(filename):
+- parse(filename, pedantic=False)
+ for filename in get_pkg_data_filenames('data', pattern='*.xml'):
+ if filename.endswith('custom_datatype.xml'):
+ continue
+- yield test_file, filename
++ parse(filename, pedantic=False)
+ @raises(VOTableSpecError)
+diff --git a/astropy/units/tests/test_format.py b/astropy/units/tests/test_format.py
+index 9316a59..b5e9d12 100644
+--- a/astropy/units/tests/test_format.py
++++ b/astropy/units/tests/test_format.py
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,
+ from ...extern import six
+ from numpy.testing.utils import assert_allclose
+-from ...tests.helper import raises, pytest, catch_warnings
++from ...tests.helper import pytest, catch_warnings
+ from ... import units as u
+ from ...constants import si
+@@ -22,246 +22,205 @@ from .. import format as u_format
+ from ..utils import is_effectively_unity
+-def test_unit_grammar():
+- def _test_unit_grammar(s, unit):
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('strings, unit', [
++ (["m s", "m*s", "m.s"], u.m * u.s),
++ (["m/s", "m*s**-1", "m /s", "m / s", "m/ s"], u.m / u.s),
++ (["m**2", "m2", "m**(2)", "m**+2", "m+2", "m^(+2)"], u.m ** 2),
++ (["m**-3", "m-3", "m^(-3)", "/m3"], u.m ** -3),
++ (["m**(1.5)", "m(3/2)", "m**(3/2)", "m^(3/2)"], u.m ** 1.5),
++ (["2.54 cm"], u.Unit(u.cm * 2.54)),
++ (["10+8m"], u.Unit(u.m * 1e8)),
++ # This is the VOUnits documentation, but doesn't seem to follow the
++ # unity grammar (["3.45 10**(-4)Jy"], 3.45 * 1e-4 * u.Jy)
++ (["sqrt(m)"], u.m ** 0.5),
++ (["dB(mW)", "dB (mW)"], u.DecibelUnit(u.mW)),
++ (["mag"], u.mag),
++ (["mag(ct/s)"], u.MagUnit(u.ct / u.s)),
++ (["dex"], u.dex),
++ (["dex(cm s**-2)", "dex(cm/s2)"], u.DexUnit(u.cm / u.s**2))])
++def test_unit_grammar(strings, unit):
++ for s in strings:
+ print(s)
+ unit2 = u_format.Generic.parse(s)
+ assert unit2 == unit
+- data = [
+- (["m s", "m*s", "m.s"], u.m * u.s),
+- (["m/s", "m*s**-1", "m /s", "m / s", "m/ s"], u.m / u.s),
+- (["m**2", "m2", "m**(2)", "m**+2", "m+2", "m^(+2)"], u.m ** 2),
+- (["m**-3", "m-3", "m^(-3)", "/m3"], u.m ** -3),
+- (["m**(1.5)", "m(3/2)", "m**(3/2)", "m^(3/2)"], u.m ** 1.5),
+- (["2.54 cm"], u.Unit(u.cm * 2.54)),
+- (["10+8m"], u.Unit(u.m * 1e8)),
+- # This is the VOUnits documentation, but doesn't seem to follow the
+- # unity grammar (["3.45 10**(-4)Jy"], 3.45 * 1e-4 * u.Jy)
+- (["sqrt(m)"], u.m ** 0.5),
+- (["dB(mW)", "dB (mW)"], u.DecibelUnit(u.mW)),
+- (["mag"], u.mag),
+- (["mag(ct/s)"], u.MagUnit(u.ct / u.s)),
+- (["dex"], u.dex),
+- (["dex(cm s**-2)", "dex(cm/s2)"], u.DexUnit(u.cm / u.s**2))
+- ]
+- for strings, unit in data:
+- for s in strings:
+- yield _test_unit_grammar, s, unit
+-def test_unit_grammar_fail():
+- @raises(ValueError)
+- def _test_unit_grammar_fail(s):
+- u_format.Generic.parse(s)
+- data = ['sin( /pixel /s)',
+- 'mag(mag)',
+- 'dB(dB(mW))',
+- 'dex()']
+- for s in data:
+- yield _test_unit_grammar_fail, s
+-def test_cds_grammar():
+- def _test_cds_grammar(s, unit):
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('string', ['sin( /pixel /s)', 'mag(mag)',
++ 'dB(dB(mW))', 'dex()'])
++def test_unit_grammar_fail(string):
++ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
++ print(string)
++ u_format.Generic.parse(string)
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('strings, unit', [
++ (["0.1nm"], u.AA),
++ (["mW/m2"], u.Unit(u.erg / u.cm ** 2 / u.s)),
++ (["mW/(m2)"], u.Unit(u.erg / u.cm ** 2 / u.s)),
++ (["km/s", "km.s-1"], u.km / u.s),
++ (["10pix/nm"], u.Unit(10 * u.pix / u.nm)),
++ (["1.5x10+11m"], u.Unit(1.5e11 * u.m)),
++ (["1.5×10+11m"], u.Unit(1.5e11 * u.m)),
++ (["m2"], u.m ** 2),
++ (["10+21m"], u.Unit(u.m * 1e21)),
++ (["2.54cm"], u.Unit(u.cm * 2.54)),
++ (["20%"], 0.20 * u.dimensionless_unscaled),
++ (["10+9"], 1.e9 * u.dimensionless_unscaled),
++ (["2x10-9"], 2.e-9 * u.dimensionless_unscaled),
++ (["---"], u.dimensionless_unscaled),
++ (["ma"], u.ma),
++ (["mAU"], u.mAU),
++ (["uarcmin"], u.uarcmin),
++ (["uarcsec"], u.uarcsec),
++ (["kbarn"], u.kbarn),
++ (["Gbit"], u.Gbit),
++ (["Gibit"], 2 ** 30 * u.bit),
++ (["kbyte"], u.kbyte),
++ (["mRy"], 0.001 * u.Ry),
++ (["mmag"], u.mmag),
++ (["Mpc"], u.Mpc),
++ (["Gyr"], u.Gyr),
++ (["°"], u.degree),
++ (["°/s"], u.degree / u.s),
++ (["Å"], u.AA),
++ (["Å/s"], u.AA / u.s),
++ (["\\h"], si.h)])
++def test_cds_grammar(strings, unit):
++ for s in strings:
+ print(s)
+ unit2 = u_format.CDS.parse(s)
+ assert unit2 == unit
+- data = [
+- (["0.1nm"], u.AA),
+- (["mW/m2"], u.Unit(u.erg / u.cm ** 2 / u.s)),
+- (["mW/(m2)"], u.Unit(u.erg / u.cm ** 2 / u.s)),
+- (["km/s", "km.s-1"], u.km / u.s),
+- (["10pix/nm"], u.Unit(10 * u.pix / u.nm)),
+- (["1.5x10+11m"], u.Unit(1.5e11 * u.m)),
+- (["1.5×10+11m"], u.Unit(1.5e11 * u.m)),
+- (["m2"], u.m ** 2),
+- (["10+21m"], u.Unit(u.m * 1e21)),
+- (["2.54cm"], u.Unit(u.cm * 2.54)),
+- (["20%"], 0.20 * u.dimensionless_unscaled),
+- (["10+9"], 1.e9 * u.dimensionless_unscaled),
+- (["2x10-9"], 2.e-9 * u.dimensionless_unscaled),
+- (["---"], u.dimensionless_unscaled),
+- (["ma"], u.ma),
+- (["mAU"], u.mAU),
+- (["uarcmin"], u.uarcmin),
+- (["uarcsec"], u.uarcsec),
+- (["kbarn"], u.kbarn),
+- (["Gbit"], u.Gbit),
+- (["Gibit"], 2 ** 30 * u.bit),
+- (["kbyte"], u.kbyte),
+- (["mRy"], 0.001 * u.Ry),
+- (["mmag"], u.mmag),
+- (["Mpc"], u.Mpc),
+- (["Gyr"], u.Gyr),
+- (["°"], u.degree),
+- (["°/s"], u.degree / u.s),
+- (["Å"], u.AA),
+- (["Å/s"], u.AA / u.s),
+- (["\\h"], si.h)]
+- for strings, unit in data:
+- for s in strings:
+- yield _test_cds_grammar, s, unit
+-def test_cds_grammar_fail():
+- @raises(ValueError)
+- def _test_cds_grammar_fail(s):
+- print(s)
+- u_format.CDS.parse(s)
+- data = ['0.1 nm',
+- 'solMass(3/2)',
+- 'km / s',
+- 'km s-1',
+- 'pix0.1nm',
+- 'pix/(0.1nm)',
+- 'km*s',
+- 'km**2',
+- '5x8+3m',
+- '0.1---',
+- '---m',
+- 'm---',
+- 'mag(s-1)',
+- 'dB(mW)',
+- 'dex(cm s-2)']
+- for s in data:
+- yield _test_cds_grammar_fail, s
+-def test_ogip_grammar():
+- def _test_ogip_grammar(s, unit):
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('string', [
++ '0.1 nm',
++ 'solMass(3/2)',
++ 'km / s',
++ 'km s-1',
++ 'pix0.1nm',
++ 'pix/(0.1nm)',
++ 'km*s',
++ 'km**2',
++ '5x8+3m',
++ '0.1---',
++ '---m',
++ 'm---',
++ 'mag(s-1)',
++ 'dB(mW)',
++ 'dex(cm s-2)'])
++def test_cds_grammar_fail(string):
++ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
++ print(string)
++ u_format.CDS.parse(string)
++# These examples are taken from the EXAMPLES section of
++# http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/docs/general/ogip_93_001/
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('strings, unit', [
++ (["count /s", "count/s", "count s**(-1)", "count / s", "count /s "],
++ u.count / u.s),
++ (["/pixel /s", "/(pixel * s)"], (u.pixel * u.s) ** -1),
++ (["count /m**2 /s /eV", "count m**(-2) * s**(-1) * eV**(-1)",
++ "count /(m**2 * s * eV)"],
++ u.count * u.m ** -2 * u.s ** -1 * u.eV ** -1),
++ (["erg /pixel /s /GHz", "erg /s /GHz /pixel", "erg /pixel /(s * GHz)"],
++ u.erg / (u.s * u.GHz * u.pixel)),
++ (["keV**2 /yr /angstrom", "10**(10) keV**2 /yr /m"],
++ # Though this is given as an example, it seems to violate the rules
++ # of not raising scales to powers, so I'm just excluding it
++ # "(10**2 MeV)**2 /yr /m"
++ u.keV**2 / (u.yr * u.angstrom)),
++ (["10**(46) erg /s", "10**46 erg /s", "10**(39) J /s", "10**(39) W",
++ "10**(15) YW", "YJ /fs"],
++ 10**46 * u.erg / u.s),
++ (["10**(-7) J /cm**2 /MeV", "10**(-9) J m**(-2) eV**(-1)",
++ "nJ m**(-2) eV**(-1)", "nJ /m**2 /eV"],
++ 10 ** -7 * u.J * u.cm ** -2 * u.MeV ** -1),
++ (["sqrt(erg /pixel /s /GHz)", "(erg /pixel /s /GHz)**(0.5)",
++ "(erg /pixel /s /GHz)**(1/2)",
++ "erg**(0.5) pixel**(-0.5) s**(-0.5) GHz**(-0.5)"],
++ (u.erg * u.pixel ** -1 * u.s ** -1 * u.GHz ** -1) ** 0.5),
++ (["(count /s) (/pixel /s)", "(count /s) * (/pixel /s)",
++ "count /pixel /s**2"],
++ (u.count / u.s) * (1.0 / (u.pixel * u.s)))])
++def test_ogip_grammar(strings, unit):
++ for s in strings:
+ print(s)
+ unit2 = u_format.OGIP.parse(s)
+ assert unit2 == unit
+- # These examples are taken from the EXAMPLES section of
+- # http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/docs/general/ogip_93_001/
+- data = [
+- (["count /s", "count/s", "count s**(-1)", "count / s", "count /s "],
+- u.count / u.s),
+- (["/pixel /s", "/(pixel * s)"], (u.pixel * u.s) ** -1),
+- (["count /m**2 /s /eV", "count m**(-2) * s**(-1) * eV**(-1)",
+- "count /(m**2 * s * eV)"],
+- u.count * u.m ** -2 * u.s ** -1 * u.eV ** -1),
+- (["erg /pixel /s /GHz", "erg /s /GHz /pixel", "erg /pixel /(s * GHz)"],
+- u.erg / (u.s * u.GHz * u.pixel)),
+- (["keV**2 /yr /angstrom", "10**(10) keV**2 /yr /m",
+- # Though this is given as an example, it seems to violate the rules
+- # of not raising scales to powers, so I'm just excluding it
+- # "(10**2 MeV)**2 /yr /m"
+- ],
+- u.keV**2 / (u.yr * u.angstrom)),
+- (["10**(46) erg /s", "10**46 erg /s", "10**(39) J /s", "10**(39) W",
+- "10**(15) YW", "YJ /fs"],
+- 10**46 * u.erg / u.s),
+- (["10**(-7) J /cm**2 /MeV", "10**(-9) J m**(-2) eV**(-1)",
+- "nJ m**(-2) eV**(-1)", "nJ /m**2 /eV"],
+- 10 ** -7 * u.J * u.cm ** -2 * u.MeV ** -1),
+- (["sqrt(erg /pixel /s /GHz)", "(erg /pixel /s /GHz)**(0.5)",
+- "(erg /pixel /s /GHz)**(1/2)",
+- "erg**(0.5) pixel**(-0.5) s**(-0.5) GHz**(-0.5)"],
+- (u.erg * u.pixel ** -1 * u.s ** -1 * u.GHz ** -1) ** 0.5),
+- (["(count /s) (/pixel /s)", "(count /s) * (/pixel /s)",
+- "count /pixel /s**2"],
+- (u.count / u.s) * (1.0 / (u.pixel * u.s)))]
+- for strings, unit in data:
+- for s in strings:
+- yield _test_ogip_grammar, s, unit
+-def test_ogip_grammar_fail():
+- @raises(ValueError)
+- def _test_ogip_grammar_fail(s):
+- u_format.OGIP.parse(s)
+- data = ['log(photon /m**2 /s /Hz)',
+- 'sin( /pixel /s)',
+- 'log(photon /cm**2 /s /Hz) /(sin( /pixel /s))',
+- 'log(photon /cm**2 /s /Hz) (sin( /pixel /s))**(-1)',
+- 'dB(mW)', 'dex(cm/s**2)']
+- for s in data:
+- yield _test_ogip_grammar_fail, s
+-def test_roundtrip():
+- def _test_roundtrip(unit):
+- a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('generic'), format='generic')
+- b = core.Unit(unit.decompose().to_string('generic'), format='generic')
+- assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- assert_allclose(b.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- for key, val in u.__dict__.items():
+- if isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit):
+- yield _test_roundtrip, val
+-def test_roundtrip_vo_unit():
+- def _test_roundtrip_vo_unit(unit, skip_decompose):
+- a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('vounit'), format='vounit')
+- assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- if skip_decompose:
+- return
+- u = unit.decompose().to_string('vounit')
+- assert ' ' not in u
+- b = core.Unit(u, format='vounit')
+- assert_allclose(b.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- x = u_format.VOUnit
+- for key, val in x._units.items():
+- if isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit):
+- yield _test_roundtrip_vo_unit, val, val in (u.mag, u.dB)
+-def test_roundtrip_fits():
+- def _test_roundtrip_fits(unit):
+- s = unit.to_string('fits')
+- a = core.Unit(s, format='fits')
+- assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- for key, val in u_format.Fits._units.items():
+- if isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit):
+- yield _test_roundtrip_fits, val
+-def test_roundtrip_cds():
+- def _test_roundtrip_cds(unit):
+- a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('cds'), format='cds')
+- assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- try:
+- b = core.Unit(unit.decompose().to_string('cds'), format='cds')
+- except ValueError: # skip mag: decomposes into dex, unknown to OGIP
+- return
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('string', [
++ 'log(photon /m**2 /s /Hz)',
++ 'sin( /pixel /s)',
++ 'log(photon /cm**2 /s /Hz) /(sin( /pixel /s))',
++ 'log(photon /cm**2 /s /Hz) (sin( /pixel /s))**(-1)',
++ 'dB(mW)', 'dex(cm/s**2)'])
++def test_ogip_grammar_fail(string):
++ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
++ print(string)
++ u_format.OGIP.parse(string)
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', [val for key, val in u.__dict__.items()
++ if (isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and
++ not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit))])
++def test_roundtrip(unit):
++ a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('generic'), format='generic')
++ b = core.Unit(unit.decompose().to_string('generic'), format='generic')
++ assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
++ assert_allclose(b.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', [
++ val for key, val in u_format.VOUnit._units.items()
++ if (isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and
++ not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit))])
++def test_roundtrip_vo_unit(unit):
++ a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('vounit'), format='vounit')
++ assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
++ if unit not in (u.mag, u.dB):
++ ud = unit.decompose().to_string('vounit')
++ assert ' ' not in ud
++ b = core.Unit(ud, format='vounit')
+ assert_allclose(b.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- x = u_format.CDS
+- for key, val in x._units.items():
+- if isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit):
+- yield _test_roundtrip_cds, val
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', [
++ val for key, val in u_format.Fits._units.items()
++ if (isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and
++ not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit))])
++def test_roundtrip_fits(unit):
++ s = unit.to_string('fits')
++ a = core.Unit(s, format='fits')
++ assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+-def test_roundtrip_ogip():
+- def _test_roundtrip_ogip(unit):
+- a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('ogip'), format='ogip')
+- assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- try:
+- b = core.Unit(unit.decompose().to_string('ogip'), format='ogip')
+- except ValueError: # skip mag: decomposes into dex, unknown to OGIP
+- return
+- assert_allclose(b.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+- x = u_format.OGIP
+- for key, val in x._units.items():
+- if isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit):
+- yield _test_roundtrip_ogip, val
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', [
++ val for key, val in u_format.CDS._units.items()
++ if (isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and
++ not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit))])
++def test_roundtrip_cds(unit):
++ a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('cds'), format='cds')
++ assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
++ try:
++ b = core.Unit(unit.decompose().to_string('cds'), format='cds')
++ except ValueError: # skip mag: decomposes into dex, unknown to OGIP
++ return
++ assert_allclose(b.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('unit', [
++ val for key, val in u_format.OGIP._units.items()
++ if (isinstance(val, core.UnitBase) and
++ not isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit))])
++def test_roundtrip_ogip(unit):
++ a = core.Unit(unit.to_string('ogip'), format='ogip')
++ assert_allclose(a.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
++ try:
++ b = core.Unit(unit.decompose().to_string('ogip'), format='ogip')
++ except ValueError: # skip mag: decomposes into dex, unknown to OGIP
++ return
++ assert_allclose(b.decompose().scale, unit.decompose().scale, rtol=1e-2)
+ def test_fits_units_available():
+@@ -307,22 +266,16 @@ def test_latex_inline_scale():
+ assert fluxunit.to_string('latex_inline') == latex_inline
+-def test_format_styles():
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('format_spec, string', [
++ ('generic','erg / (cm2 s)'),
++ ('s', 'erg / (cm2 s)'),
++ ('console', ' erg \n ------\n s cm^2'),
++ ('latex', '$\\mathrm{\\frac{erg}{s\\,cm^{2}}}$'),
++ ('latex_inline', '$\\mathrm{erg\\,s^{-1}\\,cm^{-2}}$'),
++ ('>20s',' erg / (cm2 s)')])
++def test_format_styles(format_spec, string):
+ fluxunit = u.erg / (u.cm ** 2 * u.s)
+- def _test_format_styles(format_spec, s):
+- assert format(fluxunit, format_spec) == s
+- format_s_pairs = [
+- ('generic','erg / (cm2 s)'),
+- ('s', 'erg / (cm2 s)'),
+- ('console', ' erg \n ------\n s cm^2'),
+- ('latex', '$\\mathrm{\\frac{erg}{s\\,cm^{2}}}$'),
+- ('latex_inline', '$\\mathrm{erg\\,s^{-1}\\,cm^{-2}}$'),
+- ('>20s',' erg / (cm2 s)'),
+- ]
+- for format_, s in format_s_pairs:
+- yield _test_format_styles, format_, s
++ assert format(fluxunit, format_spec) == string
+ def test_flatten_to_known():
+@@ -332,10 +285,9 @@ def test_flatten_to_known():
+ assert myunit2.to_string('fits') == 'bit3 erg Hz-1'
+- at raises(ValueError)
+ def test_flatten_impossible():
+ myunit = u.def_unit("FOOBAR_Two")
+- with u.add_enabled_units(myunit):
++ with u.add_enabled_units(myunit), pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ myunit.to_string('fits')
+@@ -434,34 +386,20 @@ def test_deprecated_did_you_mean_units():
+ assert '0.1nm' in six.text_type(w[0].message)
+-def test_fits_function():
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('string', ['mag(ct/s)', 'dB(mW)', 'dex(cm s**-2)'])
++def test_fits_function(string):
+ # Function units cannot be written, so ensure they're not parsed either.
+- @raises(ValueError)
+- def _test_fits_grammar_fail(s):
+- print(s)
+- u_format.Fits().parse(s)
+- data = ['mag(ct/s)',
+- 'dB(mW)',
+- 'dex(cm s**-2)']
+- for s in data:
+- yield _test_fits_grammar_fail, s
++ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
++ print(string)
++ u_format.Fits().parse(string)
+-def test_vounit_function():
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize('string', ['mag(ct/s)', 'dB(mW)', 'dex(cm s**-2)'])
++def test_vounit_function(string):
+ # Function units cannot be written, so ensure they're not parsed either.
+- @raises(ValueError)
+- def _test_vounit_grammar_fail(s):
+- print(s)
+- u_format.VOUnit().parse(s)
+- data = ['mag(ct/s)',
+- 'dB(mW)',
+- 'dex(cm s**-2)']
+- for s in data:
+- yield _test_vounit_grammar_fail, s
++ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
++ print(string)
++ u_format.VOUnit().parse(string)
+ def test_vounit_binary_prefix():
+diff --git a/astropy/wcs/tests/test_profiling.py b/astropy/wcs/tests/test_profiling.py
+index a17a076..57d9a93 100644
+--- a/astropy/wcs/tests/test_profiling.py
++++ b/astropy/wcs/tests/test_profiling.py
+@@ -7,84 +7,61 @@ import os
+ import numpy as np
++from ...tests.helper import pytest
+ from ...utils.data import get_pkg_data_filenames, get_pkg_data_contents
+ from ...utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext
+ from ... import wcs
++#hdr_map_file_list = list(get_pkg_data_filenames("maps", pattern="*.hdr"))
+-def test_maps():
+- def test_map(filename):
+- header = get_pkg_data_contents(os.path.join("maps", filename))
+- wcsobj = wcs.WCS(header)
+- with NumpyRNGContext(123456789):
+- x = np.random.rand(2 ** 12, wcsobj.wcs.naxis)
+- world = wcsobj.wcs_pix2world(x, 1)
+- pix = wcsobj.wcs_world2pix(x, 1)
+- hdr_file_list = list(get_pkg_data_filenames("maps", pattern="*.hdr"))
+- # actually perform a test for each one
+- for filename in hdr_file_list:
+- # use the base name of the file, because everything we yield
+- # will show up in the test name in the pandokia report
+- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+- # yield a function name and parameters to make a generated test
+- yield test_map, filename
++# use the base name of the file, because everything we yield
++# will show up in the test name in the pandokia report
++hdr_map_file_list = [os.path.basename(fname) for fname in get_pkg_data_filenames("maps", pattern="*.hdr")]
+- # AFTER we tested with every file that we found, check to see that we
+- # actually have the list we expect. If N=0, we will not have performed
+- # any tests at all. If N < n_data_files, we are missing some files,
+- # so we will have skipped some tests. Without this check, both cases
+- # happen silently!
++# Checking the number of files before reading them in.
++# AFTER we tested with every file that we found, check to see that we
++# actually have the list we expect. If N=0, we will not have performed
++# any tests at all. If N < n_data_files, we are missing some files,
++# so we will have skipped some tests. Without this check, both cases
++# happen silently!
+- # how many do we expect to see?
+- n_data_files = 28
+- if len(hdr_file_list) != n_data_files:
+- assert False, (
+- "test_maps has wrong number data files: found {}, expected "
+- " {}".format(len(hdr_file_list), n_data_files))
+- # b.t.w. If this assert happens, py.test reports one more test
+- # than it would have otherwise.
++def test_read_map_files():
++ # how many map files we expect to see
++ n_map_files = 28
++ assert len(hdr_map_file_list) == n_map_files, (
++ "test_read_map_files has wrong number data files: found {}, expected "
++ " {}".format(len(hdr_map_file_list), n_map_files))
+-def test_spectra():
+- def test_spectrum(filename):
+- header = get_pkg_data_contents(os.path.join("spectra", filename))
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", hdr_map_file_list)
++def test_map(filename):
++ header = get_pkg_data_contents(os.path.join("maps", filename))
+ wcsobj = wcs.WCS(header)
+ with NumpyRNGContext(123456789):
+- x = np.random.rand(2 ** 16, wcsobj.wcs.naxis)
++ x = np.random.rand(2 ** 12, wcsobj.wcs.naxis)
+ world = wcsobj.wcs_pix2world(x, 1)
+ pix = wcsobj.wcs_world2pix(x, 1)
+- hdr_file_list = list(get_pkg_data_filenames("spectra", pattern="*.hdr"))
++hdr_spec_file_list = [os.path.basename(fname) for fname in get_pkg_data_filenames("spectra", pattern="*.hdr")]
+- # actually perform a test for each one
+- for filename in hdr_file_list:
++def test_read_spec_files():
++ # how many spec files expected
++ n_spec_files = 6
+- # use the base name of the file, because everything we yield
+- # will show up in the test name in the pandokia report
+- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+- # yield a function name and parameters to make a generated test
+- yield test_spectrum, filename
+- # AFTER we tested with every file that we found, check to see that we
+- # actually have the list we expect. If N=0, we will not have performed
+- # any tests at all. If N < n_data_files, we are missing some files,
+- # so we will have skipped some tests. Without this check, both cases
+- # happen silently!
+- # how many do we expect to see?
+- n_data_files = 6
+- if len(hdr_file_list) != n_data_files:
+- assert False, (
++ assert len(hdr_spec_file_list) == n_spec_files, (
+ "test_spectra has wrong number data files: found {}, expected "
+- " {}".format(len(hdr_file_list), n_data_files))
++ " {}".format(len(hdr_spec_file_list), n_spec_files))
+ # b.t.w. If this assert happens, py.test reports one more test
+ # than it would have otherwise.
++ at pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", hdr_spec_file_list)
++def test_spectrum(filename):
++ header = get_pkg_data_contents(os.path.join("spectra", filename))
++ wcsobj = wcs.WCS(header)
++ with NumpyRNGContext(123456789):
++ x = np.random.rand(2 ** 16, wcsobj.wcs.naxis)
++ world = wcsobj.wcs_pix2world(x, 1)
++ pix = wcsobj.wcs_world2pix(x, 1)
+diff --git a/astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcs.py b/astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcs.py
+index cf9db9a..12e77bc 100644
+--- a/astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcs.py
++++ b/astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcs.py
+@@ -26,99 +26,67 @@ from ...io import fits
+ from ...extern.six.moves import range
+-# test_maps() is a generator
+-def test_maps():
++class TestMaps(object):
++ def setup(self):
++ # get the list of the hdr files that we want to test
++ self._file_list = list(get_pkg_data_filenames("maps", pattern="*.hdr"))
+- # test_map() is the function that is called to perform the generated test
+- def test_map(filename):
+- # the test parameter is the base name of the file to use; find
+- # the file in the installed wcs test directory
+- header = get_pkg_data_contents(
+- os.path.join("maps", filename), encoding='binary')
+- wcsobj = wcs.WCS(header)
+- world = wcsobj.wcs_pix2world([[97, 97]], 1)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(world, [[285.0, -66.25]], decimal=1)
+- pix = wcsobj.wcs_world2pix([[285.0, -66.25]], 1)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(pix, [[97, 97]], decimal=0)
+- # get the list of the hdr files that we want to test
+- hdr_file_list = list(get_pkg_data_filenames("maps", pattern="*.hdr"))
+- # actually perform a test for each one
+- for filename in hdr_file_list:
+- # use the base name of the file, because everything we yield
+- # will show up in the test name in the pandokia report
+- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+- # yield a function name and parameters to make a generated test
+- yield test_map, filename
+- # AFTER we tested with every file that we found, check to see that we
+- # actually have the list we expect. If N=0, we will not have performed
+- # any tests at all. If N < n_data_files, we are missing some files,
+- # so we will have skipped some tests. Without this check, both cases
+- # happen silently!
+- # how many do we expect to see?
+- n_data_files = 28
+- if len(hdr_file_list) != n_data_files:
+- assert False, (
+- "test_maps has wrong number data files: found {}, expected "
+- " {}".format(len(hdr_file_list), n_data_files))
+- # b.t.w. If this assert happens, py.test reports one more test
+- # than it would have otherwise.
++ def test_consistency(self):
++ # Check to see that we actually have the list we expect, so that we
++ # do not get in a situation where the list is empty or incomplete and
++ # the tests still seem to pass correctly.
++ # how many do we expect to see?
++ n_data_files = 28
+-# test_spectra() is a generator
+-def test_spectra():
+- # test_spectrum() is the function that is called to perform the
+- # generated test
+- def test_spectrum(filename):
+- # the test parameter is the base name of the file to use; find
+- # the file in the installed wcs test directory
+- header = get_pkg_data_contents(
+- os.path.join("spectra", filename), encoding='binary')
+- all_wcs = wcs.find_all_wcs(header)
+- assert len(all_wcs) == 9
+- # get the list of the hdr files that we want to test
+- hdr_file_list = list(get_pkg_data_filenames("spectra", pattern="*.hdr"))
+- # actually perform a test for each one
+- for filename in hdr_file_list:
+- # use the base name of the file, because everything we yield
+- # will show up in the test name in the pandokia report
+- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+- # yield a function name and parameters to make a generated test
+- yield test_spectrum, filename
+- # AFTER we tested with every file that we found, check to see that we
+- # actually have the list we expect. If N=0, we will not have performed
+- # any tests at all. If N < n_data_files, we are missing some files,
+- # so we will have skipped some tests. Without this check, both cases
+- # happen silently!
+- # how many do we expect to see?
+- n_data_files = 6
+- if len(hdr_file_list) != n_data_files:
+- assert False, (
++ assert len(self._file_list) == n_data_files, (
++ "test_spectra has wrong number data files: found {}, expected "
++ " {}".format(len(self._file_list), n_data_files))
++ def test_maps(self):
++ for filename in self._file_list:
++ # use the base name of the file, so we get more useful messages
++ # for failing tests.
++ filename = os.path.basename(filename)
++ # Now find the associated file in the installed wcs test directory.
++ header = get_pkg_data_contents(
++ os.path.join("maps", filename), encoding='binary')
++ # finally run the test.
++ wcsobj = wcs.WCS(header)
++ world = wcsobj.wcs_pix2world([[97, 97]], 1)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(world, [[285.0, -66.25]], decimal=1)
++ pix = wcsobj.wcs_world2pix([[285.0, -66.25]], 1)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(pix, [[97, 97]], decimal=0)
++class TestSpectra(object):
++ def setup(self):
++ self._file_list = list(get_pkg_data_filenames("spectra",
++ pattern="*.hdr"))
++ def test_consistency(self):
++ # Check to see that we actually have the list we expect, so that we
++ # do not get in a situation where the list is empty or incomplete and
++ # the tests still seem to pass correctly.
++ # how many do we expect to see?
++ n_data_files = 6
++ assert len(self._file_list) == n_data_files, (
+ "test_spectra has wrong number data files: found {}, expected "
+- " {}".format(len(hdr_file_list), n_data_files))
+- # b.t.w. If this assert happens, py.test reports one more test
+- # than it would have otherwise.
++ " {}".format(len(self._file_list), n_data_files))
++ def test_spectra(self):
++ for filename in self._file_list:
++ # use the base name of the file, so we get more useful messages
++ # for failing tests.
++ filename = os.path.basename(filename)
++ # Now find the associated file in the installed wcs test directory.
++ header = get_pkg_data_contents(
++ os.path.join("spectra", filename), encoding='binary')
++ # finally run the test.
++ all_wcs = wcs.find_all_wcs(header)
++ assert len(all_wcs) == 9
+ def test_fixes():
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index a96427d..c47f1df 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ mark_known_failures.patch
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 62da450..df33b64 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ override_dh_auto_clean:
ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
- python$* setup.py test --skip-docs -vv --args -vv
+ python$* setup.py test -vv --args -vv
override_dh_auto_test: $(PYTHON2:%=test-python%) $(PYTHON3:%=test-python%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-astro/packages/python-astropy.git
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