[Debian-astro-commits] [python-astropy] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0_rc1'
Ole Streicher
olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jul 2 12:54:11 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
olebole pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-astropy.
commit f55df34d9dbbc48483f1b03cf1e34ec1f0881ef8
Merge: cd6c001 11bc332
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date: Wed Jun 28 08:32:35 2017 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/2.0_rc1'
Upstream version 2.0~rc1
CHANGES.rst | 501 ++-
PKG-INFO | 2 +-
README.rst | 9 +-
ah_bootstrap.py | 57 +-
astropy/__init__.py | 5 +-
astropy/_erfa/core.py | 3861 ++------------------
astropy/_erfa/core.py.templ | 62 +-
astropy/_erfa/erfa_generator.py | 115 +-
astropy/_erfa/setup_package.py | 1 +
astropy/_erfa/tests/test_erfa.py | 30 +-
astropy/analytic_functions/blackbody.py | 69 +-
astropy/analytic_functions/tests/test_blackbody.py | 117 +-
astropy/astropy.cfg | 4 +-
astropy/config/paths.py | 1 -
astropy/config/tests/test_configs.py | 6 +-
astropy/constants/__init__.py | 5 +-
astropy/constants/astropyconst13.py | 20 +
astropy/constants/astropyconst20.py | 19 +
astropy/constants/cgs.py | 26 +-
astropy/constants/codata2010.py | 112 +
astropy/constants/codata2014.py | 107 +
astropy/constants/constant.py | 32 +-
astropy/constants/iau2012.py | 78 +
astropy/constants/iau2015.py | 96 +
astropy/constants/si.py | 162 +-
astropy/constants/tests/test_constant.py | 3 +-
astropy/constants/tests/test_pickle.py | 8 +-
.../{test_constant.py => test_prior_version.py} | 41 +-
astropy/convolution/__init__.py | 2 +-
astropy/convolution/boundary_extend.c | 3004 +++++----------
astropy/convolution/boundary_extend.pyx | 223 +-
astropy/convolution/boundary_fill.c | 3404 ++++++-----------
astropy/convolution/boundary_fill.pyx | 231 +-
astropy/convolution/boundary_none.c | 2588 ++++---------
astropy/convolution/boundary_none.pyx | 168 +-
astropy/convolution/boundary_wrap.c | 3096 +++++-----------
astropy/convolution/boundary_wrap.pyx | 222 +-
astropy/convolution/convolve.py | 412 ++-
astropy/convolution/core.py | 4 +-
astropy/convolution/tests/test_convolve.py | 394 +-
astropy/convolution/tests/test_convolve_fft.py | 301 +-
astropy/convolution/tests/test_convolve_kernels.py | 2 +-
astropy/convolution/tests/test_convolve_models.py | 106 +
astropy/convolution/tests/test_convolve_nddata.py | 12 +-
astropy/convolution/tests/test_discretize.py | 11 +-
astropy/convolution/tests/test_kernel_class.py | 46 +-
astropy/convolution/tests/test_pickle.py | 14 +-
astropy/coordinates/__init__.py | 1 +
astropy/coordinates/angles.py | 105 +-
astropy/coordinates/baseframe.py | 1061 +++---
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/__init__.py | 51 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/altaz.py | 104 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/baseradec.py | 84 +
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/cirs.py | 47 +-
.../builtin_frames/cirs_observed_transforms.py | 34 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/ecliptic.py | 184 +-
.../builtin_frames/ecliptic_transforms.py | 16 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/fk4.py | 114 +-
.../builtin_frames/fk4_fk5_transforms.py | 6 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/fk5.py | 45 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/galactic.py | 53 +-
.../builtin_frames/galactic_transforms.py | 2 +-
.../coordinates/builtin_frames/galactocentric.py | 236 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/gcrs.py | 95 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/hcrs.py | 45 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/icrs.py | 30 +-
.../builtin_frames/icrs_cirs_transforms.py | 93 +-
.../builtin_frames/icrs_fk5_transforms.py | 2 +
.../intermediate_rotation_transforms.py | 50 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/itrs.py | 6 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/lsr.py | 194 +
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/skyoffset.py | 23 +-
.../coordinates/builtin_frames/supergalactic.py | 53 +-
astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/utils.py | 4 +-
astropy/coordinates/calculation.py | 36 +-
astropy/coordinates/distances.py | 6 +-
astropy/coordinates/earth.py | 117 +-
astropy/coordinates/earth_orientation.py | 1 +
astropy/coordinates/frame_attributes.py | 492 +++
astropy/coordinates/funcs.py | 4 +-
astropy/coordinates/matching.py | 2 +-
astropy/coordinates/name_resolve.py | 2 +-
astropy/coordinates/orbital_elements.py | 246 +-
astropy/coordinates/representation.py | 2320 ++++++++++--
astropy/coordinates/setup_package.py | 2 +-
astropy/coordinates/sky_coordinate.py | 264 +-
astropy/coordinates/solar_system.py | 5 +-
.../coordinates/tests/accuracy/generate_ref_ast.py | 1 +
.../coordinates/tests/accuracy/test_altaz_icrs.py | 4 +-
.../coordinates/tests/accuracy/test_ecliptic.py | 1 +
.../tests/accuracy/test_fk4_no_e_fk4.py | 3 +-
.../tests/accuracy/test_fk4_no_e_fk5.py | 2 +-
.../tests/accuracy/test_galactic_fk4.py | 3 +-
.../coordinates/tests/accuracy/test_icrs_fk5.py | 2 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_angles.py | 90 +-
.../coordinates/tests/test_angular_separation.py | 5 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_api_ape5.py | 38 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_arrays.py | 49 +-
.../tests/test_celestial_transformations.py | 33 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_distance.py | 28 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_earth.py | 75 +-
.../tests/test_finite_difference_velocities.py | 231 ++
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_frames.py | 219 +-
.../coordinates/tests/test_frames_with_velocity.py | 168 +
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_funcs.py | 2 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_iau_fullstack.py | 23 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_matching.py | 24 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_matrix_utilities.py | 15 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_name_resolve.py | 3 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_pickle.py | 22 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_regression.py | 87 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_representation.py | 466 ++-
.../tests/test_representation_arithmetic.py | 869 ++++-
.../tests/test_representation_methods.py | 83 +-
.../coordinates/tests/test_shape_manipulation.py | 4 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_sites.py | 11 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_sky_coord.py | 84 +-
.../tests/test_skyoffset_transformations.py | 34 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_solar_system.py | 12 +-
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_transformations.py | 254 +-
.../coordinates/tests/test_unit_representation.py | 4 -
astropy/coordinates/tests/test_velocity_corrs.py | 300 ++
astropy/coordinates/transformations.py | 509 ++-
astropy/cosmology/core.py | 91 +-
astropy/cosmology/funcs.py | 3 +-
astropy/cosmology/tests/test_cosmology.py | 80 +-
astropy/cosmology/tests/test_pickle.py | 6 +-
astropy/extern/pytest.py | 3498 ------------------
astropy/io/ascii/basic.py | 9 +-
astropy/io/ascii/cds.py | 7 +-
astropy/io/ascii/connect.py | 2 +
astropy/io/ascii/core.py | 78 +-
astropy/io/ascii/cparser.pyx | 2 +-
astropy/io/ascii/ecsv.py | 52 +-
astropy/io/ascii/fastbasic.py | 16 +-
astropy/io/ascii/fixedwidth.py | 8 +-
astropy/io/ascii/html.py | 32 +-
astropy/io/ascii/ipac.py | 6 +-
astropy/io/ascii/latex.py | 13 +-
astropy/io/ascii/rst.py | 3 +
astropy/io/ascii/setup_package.py | 2 +
astropy/io/ascii/sextractor.py | 2 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/t/test4.dat | 2 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_c_reader.py | 116 +-
.../io/ascii/tests/test_cds_header_from_readme.py | 1 +
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_compressed.py | 5 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_connect.py | 5 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_ecsv.py | 208 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_fixedwidth.py | 7 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_html.py | 25 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_ipac_definitions.py | 4 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_read.py | 83 +-
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_rst.py | 9 +
astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_write.py | 74 +-
astropy/io/ascii/ui.py | 73 +-
astropy/io/fits/__init__.py | 3 +
astropy/io/fits/_numpy_hacks.py | 2 -
astropy/io/fits/card.py | 4 +-
astropy/io/fits/column.py | 23 +-
astropy/io/fits/connect.py | 7 +-
astropy/io/fits/convenience.py | 188 +-
astropy/io/fits/diff.py | 130 +-
astropy/io/fits/file.py | 12 +-
astropy/io/fits/fitsrec.py | 16 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/base.py | 52 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/compressed.py | 5 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/groups.py | 4 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py | 214 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/image.py | 25 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/nonstandard.py | 16 +-
astropy/io/fits/hdu/table.py | 69 +-
astropy/io/fits/header.py | 6 +-
astropy/io/fits/scripts/fitsdiff.py | 39 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/__init__.py | 2 -
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_checksum.py | 2 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_connect.py | 58 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_convenience.py | 56 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_core.py | 68 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_diff.py | 101 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_fitsdiff.py | 187 +
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_groups.py | 4 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_hdulist.py | 175 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_header.py | 11 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_image.py | 82 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_table.py | 62 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_uint.py | 13 +-
astropy/io/fits/tests/test_util.py | 3 +-
astropy/io/fits/util.py | 42 +-
astropy/io/misc/pickle_helpers.py | 1 -
astropy/io/misc/tests/test_hdf5.py | 5 +-
astropy/io/misc/tests/test_pickle_helpers.py | 13 +-
astropy/io/misc/tests/test_yaml.py | 32 +-
astropy/io/misc/yaml.py | 59 +-
astropy/io/registry.py | 63 +
astropy/io/setup_package.py | 1 +
astropy/io/tests/test_registry.py | 54 +-
astropy/io/votable/__init__.py | 2 +
astropy/io/votable/connect.py | 12 +-
astropy/io/votable/converters.py | 88 +-
astropy/io/votable/exceptions.py | 1 +
astropy/io/votable/table.py | 32 +-
astropy/io/votable/tests/converter_test.py | 1 +
astropy/io/votable/tests/exception_test.py | 18 +-
astropy/io/votable/tests/table_test.py | 3 +-
astropy/io/votable/tests/tree_test.py | 3 +-
astropy/io/votable/tests/util_test.py | 2 +-
astropy/io/votable/tests/vo_test.py | 80 +-
astropy/io/votable/tree.py | 283 +-
astropy/io/votable/ucd.py | 6 +-
astropy/io/votable/validator/main.py | 2 -
astropy/io/votable/validator/result.py | 28 +-
astropy/io/votable/voexceptions.py | 11 -
astropy/logger.py | 23 +-
astropy/modeling/blackbody.py | 348 ++
astropy/modeling/core.py | 663 +++-
astropy/modeling/fitting.py | 163 +-
astropy/modeling/functional_models.py | 589 ++-
astropy/modeling/mappings.py | 6 +-
astropy/modeling/models.py | 3 +-
astropy/modeling/optimizers.py | 12 +-
astropy/modeling/parameters.py | 224 +-
astropy/modeling/polynomial.py | 202 +-
astropy/modeling/powerlaws.py | 300 +-
astropy/modeling/projections.py | 131 +-
astropy/modeling/rotations.py | 217 +-
astropy/modeling/setup_package.py | 3 +-
astropy/modeling/src/projections.c | 688 ++--
astropy/modeling/src/wcsconfig.h | 2 +-
astropy/modeling/tabular.py | 5 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/example_models.py | 15 +-
.../tests/test_blackbody.py | 73 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_compound.py | 66 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_constraints.py | 64 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_core.py | 34 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_fitters.py | 64 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_functional_models.py | 69 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_input.py | 4 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_mappings.py | 42 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_models.py | 32 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_models_quantities.py | 330 ++
astropy/modeling/tests/test_parameters.py | 8 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_polynomial.py | 38 +-
astropy/modeling/tests/test_projections.py | 73 +-
.../modeling/tests/test_quantities_evaluation.py | 189 +
astropy/modeling/tests/test_quantities_fitting.py | 135 +
astropy/modeling/tests/test_quantities_model.py | 25 +
.../modeling/tests/test_quantities_parameters.py | 330 ++
.../modeling/tests/test_quantities_rotations.py | 104 +
astropy/modeling/tests/test_rotations.py | 25 +-
astropy/modeling/utils.py | 89 +-
astropy/nddata/__init__.py | 2 +
astropy/nddata/ccddata.py | 579 +++
astropy/nddata/mixins/ndarithmetic.py | 23 -
astropy/nddata/mixins/tests/test_ndarithmetic.py | 142 +-
astropy/nddata/mixins/tests/test_ndslicing.py | 2 +-
astropy/nddata/nduncertainty.py | 44 +-
astropy/nddata/setup_package.py | 7 +
astropy/nddata/tests/data/sip-wcs.fits | 1 +
astropy/nddata/tests/test_ccddata.py | 831 +++++
astropy/nddata/tests/test_compat.py | 2 +-
astropy/nddata/tests/test_flag_collection.py | 3 +-
astropy/nddata/tests/test_nddata.py | 2 +-
astropy/nddata/tests/test_nduncertainty.py | 2 +-
astropy/nddata/tests/test_utils.py | 19 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/__init__.py | 9 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/client.py | 100 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/constants.py | 12 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/data/astropy_icon.png | Bin
astropy/{vo => }/samp/data/clientaccesspolicy.xml | 0
astropy/{vo => }/samp/data/crossdomain.xml | 0
astropy/{vo => }/samp/errors.py | 6 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/hub.py | 129 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/hub_proxy.py | 61 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/hub_script.py | 82 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/integrated_client.py | 115 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/lockfile_helpers.py | 25 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/setup_package.py | 4 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/standard_profile.py | 6 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/__init__.py | 0
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/test_client.py | 4 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/test_errors.py | 1 +
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/test_helpers.py | 4 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/test_hub.py | 1 +
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/test_hub_proxy.py | 1 +
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/test_hub_script.py | 0
.../{vo => }/samp/tests/test_standard_profile.py | 77 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/tests/test_web_profile.py | 6 +-
.../samp/tests/web_profile_test_helpers.py | 10 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/utils.py | 11 +-
astropy/{vo => }/samp/web_profile.py | 9 +-
astropy/setup_package.py | 1 +
astropy/stats/__init__.py | 2 +
astropy/stats/bayesian_blocks.py | 5 +-
astropy/stats/biweight.py | 644 ++++
astropy/stats/circstats.py | 26 +-
astropy/stats/funcs.py | 317 +-
astropy/stats/info_theory.py | 4 +-
astropy/stats/jackknife.py | 11 +-
astropy/stats/lombscargle/core.py | 25 +-
.../stats/lombscargle/implementations/chi2_impl.py | 2 +-
.../lombscargle/implementations/cython_impl.c | 2 +-
.../lombscargle/implementations/cython_impl.pyx | 2 +-
.../stats/lombscargle/implementations/fast_impl.py | 6 +-
.../lombscargle/implementations/fastchi2_impl.py | 2 +-
.../lombscargle/implementations/scipy_impl.py | 2 +-
.../stats/lombscargle/implementations/slow_impl.py | 2 +-
.../lombscargle/implementations/tests/test_mle.py | 3 +-
.../implementations/tests/test_utils.py | 2 +-
.../stats/lombscargle/tests/test_lombscargle.py | 16 +-
astropy/stats/sigma_clipping.py | 307 +-
astropy/stats/spatial.py | 331 ++
astropy/stats/tests/test_bayesian_blocks.py | 6 +-
astropy/stats/tests/test_biweight.py | 251 ++
astropy/stats/tests/test_circstats.py | 6 +-
astropy/stats/tests/test_funcs.py | 259 +-
astropy/stats/tests/test_histogram.py | 8 +-
astropy/stats/tests/test_jackknife.py | 2 +-
astropy/stats/tests/test_sigma_clipping.py | 29 +-
astropy/stats/tests/test_spatial.py | 144 +
astropy/table/__init__.py | 4 +-
astropy/table/_column_mixins.c | 1131 ++++--
astropy/table/_column_mixins.pyx | 19 +-
astropy/table/_np_utils.c | 2 +-
astropy/table/_np_utils.pyx | 2 +-
astropy/table/bst.py | 14 +-
astropy/table/column.py | 282 +-
astropy/table/groups.py | 2 +
astropy/table/index.py | 22 +-
astropy/table/info.py | 6 +-
astropy/table/jsviewer.py | 3 +-
astropy/table/meta.py | 6 +-
astropy/table/np_utils.py | 401 +-
astropy/table/operations.py | 182 +-
astropy/table/pprint.py | 29 +-
astropy/table/row.py | 37 +-
astropy/table/serialize.py | 211 ++
astropy/table/sorted_array.py | 18 +-
astropy/table/table.py | 213 +-
astropy/table/table_helpers.py | 16 +-
astropy/table/tests/conftest.py | 19 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_array.py | 11 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_bst.py | 16 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_column.py | 290 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_groups.py | 8 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_index.py | 28 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_info.py | 28 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_init_table.py | 14 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_item_access.py | 4 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_jsviewer.py | 4 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_masked.py | 24 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_mixin.py | 66 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_operations.py | 661 ++--
astropy/table/tests/test_pickle.py | 3 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_pprint.py | 13 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_row.py | 46 +-
astropy/table/tests/test_subclass.py | 4 +
astropy/table/tests/test_table.py | 151 +-
astropy/tests/helper.py | 187 +-
astropy/tests/pytest_plugins.py | 20 +-
astropy/tests/runner.py | 3 +-
astropy/tests/test_logger.py | 6 +-
astropy/tests/tests/test_quantity_helpers.py | 20 +-
astropy/tests/tests/test_run_tests.py | 3 +-
astropy/tests/tests/test_runner.py | 4 +-
astropy/tests/tests/test_skip_remote_data.py | 3 +-
astropy/tests/tests/test_socketblocker.py | 11 +-
astropy/time/core.py | 104 +-
astropy/time/formats.py | 42 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_basic.py | 49 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_comparisons.py | 3 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_delta.py | 16 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_guess.py | 4 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_methods.py | 21 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_precision.py | 2 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_quantity_interaction.py | 38 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_sidereal.py | 10 +-
astropy/time/tests/test_ut1.py | 2 +-
astropy/units/astrophys.py | 18 +-
astropy/units/cds.py | 1 -
astropy/units/cgs.py | 2 +-
astropy/units/core.py | 68 +-
astropy/units/decorators.py | 156 +-
astropy/units/deprecated.py | 70 +
astropy/units/equivalencies.py | 114 +-
astropy/units/format/generic.py | 1 +
astropy/units/format/latex.py | 5 +-
astropy/units/format/vounit.py | 4 +-
astropy/units/physical.py | 2 +
astropy/units/quantity.py | 601 +--
astropy/units/quantity_helper.py | 333 +-
astropy/units/required_by_vounit.py | 61 +
.../units/tests/py3_test_quantity_annotations.py | 176 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_deprecated.py | 63 +
astropy/units/tests/test_equivalencies.py | 79 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_format.py | 15 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_logarithmic.py | 41 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_quantity.py | 137 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_array_methods.py | 41 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_decorator.py | 380 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_non_ufuncs.py | 17 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_quantity_ufuncs.py | 278 +-
astropy/units/tests/test_units.py | 14 +-
astropy/units/utils.py | 51 +-
astropy/utils/__init__.py | 2 -
astropy/utils/compat/_funcsigs.py | 20 +-
astropy/utils/compat/argparse.py | 10 -
astropy/utils/compat/fractions.py | 10 -
astropy/utils/compat/gzip.py | 10 -
astropy/utils/compat/misc.py | 32 +-
astropy/utils/compat/numpy/lib/stride_tricks.py | 5 -
.../compat/numpy/tests/test_broadcast_arrays.py | 2 +-
astropy/utils/compat/numpy/tests/test_matmul.py | 2 +-
astropy/utils/compat/numpycompat.py | 35 +-
astropy/utils/compat/odict.py | 13 -
astropy/utils/compat/subprocess.py | 8 -
astropy/utils/console.py | 13 +-
astropy/utils/data.py | 103 +-
astropy/utils/data_info.py | 143 +-
astropy/utils/decorators.py | 4 +-
astropy/utils/iers/iers.py | 40 +-
astropy/utils/iers/tests/test_iers.py | 10 +-
astropy/utils/introspection.py | 2 +-
astropy/utils/metadata.py | 35 +-
astropy/utils/misc.py | 10 +-
astropy/utils/release.py | 272 --
astropy/utils/state.py | 1 -
astropy/utils/tests/data/test_package/__init__.py | 1 +
astropy/utils/tests/test_argparse.py | 22 -
astropy/utils/tests/test_codegen.py | 3 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_collections.py | 2 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_console.py | 38 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_data.py | 38 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_data_info.py | 5 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_decorators.py | 8 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_fractions.py | 22 -
astropy/utils/tests/test_gzip.py | 21 -
astropy/utils/tests/test_introspection.py | 5 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_metadata.py | 10 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_misc.py | 2 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_odict.py | 16 -
astropy/utils/tests/test_subprocess.py | 21 -
astropy/utils/tests/test_timer.py | 6 +-
astropy/utils/tests/test_xml.py | 6 +-
astropy/utils/timer.py | 26 +-
astropy/utils/xml/check.py | 1 +
astropy/utils/xml/iterparser.py | 7 -
astropy/utils/xml/writer.py | 12 +-
astropy/version.py | 14 +-
astropy/visualization/__init__.py | 1 -
astropy/visualization/mpl_normalize.py | 12 +-
astropy/visualization/mpl_style.py | 61 +-
.../scripts/tests/test_fits2bitmap.py | 2 +-
astropy/visualization/tests/test_histogram.py | 6 +-
astropy/visualization/tests/test_interval.py | 2 +-
astropy/visualization/tests/test_lupton_rgb.py | 4 +-
astropy/visualization/tests/test_norm.py | 12 +-
astropy/visualization/tests/test_stretch.py | 3 +-
astropy/visualization/tests/test_ui.py | 61 -
astropy/visualization/tests/test_units.py | 6 +-
astropy/visualization/ui.py | 107 -
astropy/visualization/units.py | 2 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/__init__.py | 11 +-
.../visualization/wcsaxes/coordinate_helpers.py | 2 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/core.py | 4 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/formatter_locator.py | 16 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/patches.py | 6 +-
.../wcsaxes/tests/test_formatter_locator.py | 28 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/tests/test_frame.py | 3 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/tests/test_images.py | 3 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/tests/test_misc.py | 6 +-
.../wcsaxes/tests/test_transform_coord_meta.py | 3 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/tests/test_utils.py | 6 +-
astropy/visualization/wcsaxes/utils.py | 4 +-
astropy/vo/__init__.py | 5 +
astropy/vo/client/async.py | 3 +
astropy/vo/client/conesearch.py | 15 +
astropy/vo/client/exceptions.py | 4 +
astropy/vo/client/tests/test_conesearch.py | 18 +-
astropy/vo/client/tests/test_vos_catalog.py | 14 +-
astropy/vo/client/vos_catalog.py | 23 +-
astropy/vo/samp/__init__.py | 41 +-
astropy/vo/samp/ssl_utils.py | 201 -
astropy/vo/samp/tests/data/README.md | 54 -
astropy/vo/samp/tests/data/test1.crt | 10 -
astropy/vo/samp/tests/data/test1.key | 9 -
astropy/vo/samp/tests/data/test2.crt | 10 -
astropy/vo/samp/tests/data/test2.key | 9 -
astropy/vo/validator/__init__.py | 5 +
astropy/vo/validator/exceptions.py | 4 +
astropy/vo/validator/inspect.py | 8 +-
astropy/vo/validator/tests/test_inpect.py | 11 +
astropy/vo/validator/tests/test_validate.py | 15 +-
astropy/vo/validator/tstquery.py | 7 +-
astropy/vo/validator/validate.py | 3 +
astropy/wcs/include/astropy_wcs/wcsconfig.h | 2 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcsconfig.h | 2 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/cel.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/lin.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/prj.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/spc.h | 11 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/spx.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/tab.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/wcs.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/wcserr.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/wcsmath.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/include/wcslib/wcsprintf.h | 8 +-
astropy/wcs/setup_package.py | 4 +-
astropy/wcs/tests/extension/test_extension.py | 2 +-
astropy/wcs/tests/test_profiling.py | 9 +-
astropy/wcs/tests/test_utils.py | 217 +-
astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcs.py | 12 +-
astropy/wcs/tests/test_wcsprm.py | 18 +-
astropy/wcs/wcs.py | 127 +-
astropy_helpers/CHANGES.rst | 37 +-
astropy_helpers/README.rst | 15 +
astropy_helpers/ah_bootstrap.py | 57 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 28 +-
.../astropy_helpers.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 39 +-
.../astropy_helpers/commands/_test_compat.py | 6 +-
.../astropy_helpers/commands/build_ext.py | 9 +-
.../astropy_helpers/commands/build_sphinx.py | 15 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/commands/test.py | 2 +-
.../compat/_subprocess_py2/__init__.py | 38 -
.../astropy_helpers/compat/subprocess.py | 18 -
.../astropy_helpers/distutils_helpers.py | 2 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/extern/__init__.py | 11 +
.../astropy_helpers/extern/automodapi/__init__.py | 1 +
.../automodapi}/autodoc_enhancements.py | 46 +-
.../ext => extern/automodapi}/automodapi.py | 83 +-
.../ext => extern/automodapi}/automodsumm.py | 121 +-
.../ext => extern/automodapi}/smart_resolver.py | 1 -
.../{sphinx/ext => extern/automodapi}/utils.py | 36 +
.../{sphinx/ext => extern/numpydoc}/__init__.py | 0
.../{sphinx/ext => extern/numpydoc}/docscrape.py | 0
.../ext => extern/numpydoc}/docscrape_sphinx.py | 0
.../astropy_helpers/extern/numpydoc/linkcode.py | 83 +
.../{sphinx/ext => extern/numpydoc}/numpydoc.py | 3 +-
.../astropy_helpers/extern}/setup_package.py | 2 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/setup_helpers.py | 28 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/sphinx/__init__.py | 4 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/sphinx/conf.py | 15 +-
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/__init__.py | 1 -
.../sphinx/ext/astropyautosummary.py | 123 -
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/comment_eater.py | 169 -
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/compiler_unparse.py | 865 -----
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/doctest.py | 2 +-
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/edit_on_github.py | 3 +-
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/phantom_import.py | 167 -
.../sphinx/ext/templates/autosummary_core/base.rst | 10 -
.../ext/templates/autosummary_core/class.rst | 65 -
.../ext/templates/autosummary_core/module.rst | 41 -
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/tests/__init__.py | 70 -
.../sphinx/ext/tests/test_autodoc_enhancements.py | 56 -
.../sphinx/ext/tests/test_automodapi.py | 366 --
.../sphinx/ext/tests/test_automodsumm.py | 114 -
.../sphinx/ext/tests/test_docscrape.py | 791 ----
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/tests/test_utils.py | 34 -
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/ext/traitsdoc.py | 143 -
.../astropy_helpers/sphinx/setup_package.py | 1 -
.../sphinx/themes/bootstrap-astropy/.DS_Store | Bin 8196 -> 0 bytes
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/test_helpers.py | 2 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/utils.py | 24 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/version.py | 206 +-
astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/version_helpers.py | 4 +-
astropy_helpers/ez_setup.py | 36 +-
cextern/erfa/README.rst | 12 +
cextern/erfa/a2af.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/a2tf.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ab.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/af2a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/anp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/anpm.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apcg.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apcg13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apci.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apci13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apco.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apco13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apcs.c | 6 +-
cextern/erfa/apcs13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/aper.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/aper13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apio.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/apio13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atci13.c | 8 +-
cextern/erfa/atciq.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atciqn.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atciqz.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atco13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atic13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/aticq.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/aticqn.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atio13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atioq.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atoc13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atoi13.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/atoiq.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/bi00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/bp00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/bp06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/bpn2xy.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2i00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2i00b.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2i06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2ibpn.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2ixy.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2ixys.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2s.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2t00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2t00b.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2t06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2tcio.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2teqx.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2tpe.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/c2txy.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/cal2jd.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/cp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/cpv.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/cr.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/d2dtf.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/d2tf.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/dat.c | 8 +-
cextern/erfa/dtdb.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/dtf2d.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/eceq06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ecm06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ee00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ee00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ee00b.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ee06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/eect00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/eform.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/eo06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/eors.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/epb.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/epb2jd.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/epj.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/epj2jd.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/epv00.c | 12 +-
cextern/erfa/eqec06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/eqeq94.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/era00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/erfa.h | 7 +-
cextern/erfa/erfaextra.h | 59 +
cextern/erfa/erfam.h | 14 +-
cextern/erfa/erfaversion.c | 53 +
cextern/erfa/fad03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fae03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/faf03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/faju03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fal03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/falp03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fama03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fame03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fane03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/faom03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fapa03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fasa03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/faur03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fave03.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fk52h.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fk5hip.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fk5hz.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fw2m.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/fw2xy.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/g2icrs.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gc2gd.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gc2gde.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gd2gc.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gd2gce.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gmst00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gmst06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gmst82.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gst00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gst00b.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gst06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gst06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/gst94.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/h2fk5.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/hfk5z.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/icrs2g.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ir.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/jd2cal.c | 10 +-
cextern/erfa/jdcalf.c | 10 +-
cextern/erfa/ld.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ldn.c | 6 +-
cextern/erfa/ldsun.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/lteceq.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ltecm.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/lteqec.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ltp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ltpb.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ltpecl.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/numat.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/nut00b.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/nutm80.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/obl80.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/p06e.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/p2s.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pap.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pas.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/pdp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pfw06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/plan94.c | 18 +-
cextern/erfa/pm.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pmat00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pmat06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pmat76.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pmp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pmpx.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pmsafe.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pn.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pn00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pn00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pn00b.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pn06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pn06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pnm00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pnm00b.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pnm06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pnm80.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pom00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ppp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ppsp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pr00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/prec76.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/pvmpv.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/pvstar.c | 20 +-
cextern/erfa/pvtob.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/pvup.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pvxpv.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/pxp.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/rxp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/rxpv.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/rxr.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ry.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/rz.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/s00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/s00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/s00b.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/s2pv.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/s2xpv.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/seps.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/sp00.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/starpm.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/starpv.c | 23 +-
cextern/erfa/sxp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/sxpv.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/taitt.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/taiut1.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/taiutc.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tcbtdb.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tcgtt.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tdbtcb.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tdbtt.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tf2a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tf2d.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tr.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/trxp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/trxpv.c | 4 +-
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cextern/erfa/tttcg.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/tttdb.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ttut1.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ut1tai.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ut1tt.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/ut1utc.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/utctai.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/utcut1.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/xy06.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/xys00a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/xys00b.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/xys06a.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/zp.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/zpv.c | 4 +-
cextern/erfa/zr.c | 4 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/GNUmakefile | 4 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/cel.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/cel.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/dis.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/dis.h | 10 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/fitshdr.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/fitshdr.l | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/flexed/fitshdr.c | 10 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/flexed/wcsbth.c | 10 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/flexed/wcspih.c | 10 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/flexed/wcsulex.c | 12 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/flexed/wcsutrn.c | 10 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/getwcstab.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/getwcstab.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/lin.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/lin.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/log.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/log.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/prj.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/prj.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/spc.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/spc.h | 11 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/sph.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/sph.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/spx.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/spx.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/tab.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/tab.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcs.c | 10 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcs.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsbth.l | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcserr.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcserr.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsfix.c | 14 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsfix.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcshdr.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcshdr.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcslib.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsmath.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcspih.l | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsprintf.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsprintf.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcstrig.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcstrig.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsulex.l | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsunits.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsunits.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsutil.c | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsutil.h | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/C/wcsutrn.l | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/CHANGES | 23 +-
cextern/wcslib/GNUmakefile | 4 +-
cextern/wcslib/INSTALL | 12 +-
cextern/wcslib/README | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/THANKS | 4 +-
cextern/wcslib/VALIDATION | 22 +-
cextern/wcslib/configure | 24 +-
cextern/wcslib/configure.ac | 6 +-
cextern/wcslib/flavours | 2 +-
cextern/wcslib/makedefs.in | 8 +-
cextern/wcslib/wcsconfig.h.in | 4 +-
cextern/wcslib/wcsconfig_f77.h.in | 4 +-
cextern/wcslib/wcsconfig_tests.h.in | 4 +-
cextern/wcslib/wcsconfig_utils.h.in | 4 +-
docs/analytic_functions/index.rst | 24 +-
docs/conf.py | 1 +
docs/config/config_0_4_transition.rst | 16 +-
docs/constants/index.rst | 58 +-
docs/convolution/index.rst | 297 +-
docs/convolution/kernels.rst | 27 +-
docs/convolution/non_normalized_kernels.rst | 105 +
docs/convolution/using.rst | 10 +-
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.../{getting_started.rst => importing_astropy.rst} | 50 +-
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docs/table/table_row_before_1.0.png | Bin 16091 -> 0 bytes
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setup.cfg | 39 +-
setup.py | 4 +-
1036 files changed, 36500 insertions(+), 32592 deletions(-)
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