[Debian-ba-wikipage] Debian-BA-Wiki: Debian-BA foi modificada

ewiki@debian-ba.alioth.debian.org ewiki@debian-ba.alioth.debian.org
Sat, 05 Feb 2005 19:03:53 -0700


Este e-mail foi automaticamente gerado pelo Notify Plugin do
Erfurk Wiki de www.debian-ba.org.

A pagina 'Debian-BA' foi modificada. Ela pode ser encontrada aqui:

ErfurtWiki em http://debian-ba.alioth.debian.org/

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--- /tmp/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.dc4897606ad8231b9b2faaa8c9f1c79d	2005-02-05 19:03:53.000000000 -0700
+++ /tmp/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.3e50367891d186209fa965fb68032ecd	2005-02-05 19:03:53.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-!!innocent boys touching the insanity°°°° hehehe this is a protest, different but a protest. We protest against the terrorism, war, and the all innocent peoples that die all time for the "WAR GAME" Bush x Bin Laden... Fuck Bush, Blair, BinLaden?, and all politics!
-!!The rules are to control you, protest too!
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+vympel r0x
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