[Debian-ba-wikipage] Debian-BA-Wiki: WikiMarkup foi modificada

ewiki at debian-ba.alioth.debian.org ewiki at debian-ba.alioth.debian.org
Thu Mar 30 14:20:08 UTC 2006


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--- /tmp/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.29498df86333112c147cec15f1015978	2006-03-30 14:20:08.000000000 +0000
+++ /tmp/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.b86f9163c06da8698318dad9e04631e8	2006-03-30 14:20:08.000000000 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Click on the [EditThisPage]Link at the bottom of this page or else
-all you read here won't make much sense to you.
+all you read here won\'t make much sense to you.
 ! Paragraphs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
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 * if you have spaces on the left of your text, it will be printed with a typewriter-like font
 * to indent text use ;: at the beginning of a line
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+* use three percent signs %%\'\'\'\'% to enforce a line break
 ! !! Headlines
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
 ! text style
-* if you want to ''emphasize text'' enclose it in two single-quotes '' (usually looks italic)
+* if you want to \'\'emphasize text\'\' enclose it in two single-quotes \'\' (usually looks italic)
 * __text gets bold__ with two underscores __ (or if enclosed with two asterisks **)
 * to make ##text big## enclose it in hash characters ##
-* you can get µµ smaller text µµ using "µµ" likewise
+* you can get µµ smaller text µµ using \"µµ\" likewise
 ! Lists
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
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 * enclose a www address or a !WikiLink inside square brackets [[freshmeat | http://www.freshmeat.net/projects/ewiki]] and assign it a neat title using quotation marks or the | character
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 ** !!http://nolink.org/
@@ -59,6 +59,19 @@
 ! More markup
-Please see the page about ExtendedWikiMarkup, if you'd like to know a bit
+Please see the page about ExtendedWikiMarkup, if you\'d like to know a bit
 more about available markup.
+http://stopforeclosure.proboards98.com -- Stopping Foreclosure
+http://hookah-pipe.guanabios.org/ --  hookah-pipe
+http://hookah-pipe.guanabios.org/hookah-bar.htm --  hookah-pipe
+http://hookah-pipe.guanabios.org/ekoostik-hookah.htm --  hookah-pipe
+http://hookah-pipe.guanabios.org/hookah-lounge.htm --  hookah-pipe
+http://hookah-pipe.guanabios.org/hookah-tobacco.htm --  hookah-pipe
+http://vistaril.guanabios.org/ --  vistaril
+http://vistaril.guanabios.org/vistaril-side-effects.htm --  vistaril
+http://vistaril.guanabios.org/hydroxyzine-vistaril.htm --  vistaril
+http://switchplates.guanabios.org  -- switchplates
+http://switchplates.guanabios.org/antique-switchplates.htm  -- switchplates
+http://switchplates.guanabios.org/baldwin-brass-switchplates.htm  -- switchplates

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