[DebianBR-commits] r501 - /planeta/trunk/config/config.ini
darkstar-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
darkstar-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Nov 5 12:43:31 UTC 2015
Author: darkstar-guest
Date: Thu Nov 5 12:43:31 2015
New Revision: 501
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=501
Disabling feeds from Maçan, Marcelo and Otavio
Modified: planeta/trunk/config/config.ini
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/planeta/trunk/config/config.ini?rev=501&op=diff
--- planeta/trunk/config/config.ini (original)
+++ planeta/trunk/config/config.ini Thu Nov 5 12:43:31 2015
@@ -114,13 +114,6 @@
facewidth = 73
faceheight = 96
-# macan at debian.org
-name = Eduardo Marcel Macan (macan)
-face = macan.png
-facewidth = 64
-faceheight = 70
# fernanda at softwarelivre.org
name = Fernanda Weiden
@@ -170,20 +163,6 @@
facewidth = 84
faceheight = 84
-# marcelo at msantana.eng.br
-name = Marcelo Santana
-face = msantana.png
-facewidth = 65
-faceheight = 81
-# otavio at debian.org
-name = Otavio Salvador (otavio)
-face = otavio.png
-facewidth = 110
-faceheight = 148
# tiago at debian-ba.org
name = Tiago Bortoletto Vaz (tiago)
@@ -240,3 +219,29 @@
# tjpp at if.uff.br
#name = Thadeu Penna
+# 2015.11.05 - marcelo: internal server error
+# marcelo at msantana.eng.br
+#name = Marcelo Santana
+#face = msantana.png
+#facewidth = 65
+#faceheight = 81
+# 2015.11.05 - marcelo: couldn't find any feed with subject relative to Debian
+# macan at debian.org
+#name = Eduardo Marcel Macan (macan)
+#face = macan.png
+#facewidth = 64
+#faceheight = 70
+# 2015.11.05 - marcelo: internal server error
+# otavio at debian.org
+#name = Otavio Salvador (otavio)
+#face = otavio.png
+#facewidth = 110
+#faceheight = 148
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