Re: Giving out Loans

Centro de Documentaç shpark at
Mon Feb 24 12:23:55 UTC 2014

Ijaraloans  Islamic Finance Ijara Marketing NY160-01 Hillside AveJamaica, NY 11432This is to inform you that we Ijara loans is currently giving out loan to the general public at low intrest as low as 2% yearly or 0.1% Montly.Ijara loans USA can assist Muslim consumers achieve their goal of owning a home while complying with Islamic Law. We also help you achieve your dream in becoming what ever you desire.We offer loan at low interest rate and with no credit check, we offer Personal loans, debt consolidation loans, venture capital,business loans,education loans, home loans or "loans for any reason!".However, Our method, offers you the chance to state the amount of loan needed and also the duration you can afford. This gives you a real chanceto get the funds you need!For more information and loan application,do send a return email to our Finance Representative wende011 at
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