[Debian-br-wiki] Debian-BR-Wiki: teste foi modificada

ewiki@debian-br.alioth.debian.org ewiki@debian-br.alioth.debian.org
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 20:10:08 -0600


Este e-mail foi automaticamente gerado pelo Notify Plugin do
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A pagina 'teste' foi modificada. Ela pode ser encontrada aqui:

ErfurtWiki em http://debian-br.alioth.debian.org/

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--- /tmp/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.fe7c29abe11fc1a0537f227fa8f652b6	2004-06-17 20:10:07.000000000 -0600
+++ /tmp/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.e6d504dd1dc1da94ba6c1907b182ea7f	2004-06-17 20:10:07.000000000 -0600
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-Duh... burrice minha
+When he saw her getting of the bus
+It seemed to wipe away the years
+Her face was older, just a little rough
+But her eyes were still so clear
+He drank his coffee and he hurried out
+Across before she walked away
+Then he approached her like a little child
+Too scared for what he had to say
-acho que é porque todo mundo tá com delivery disabled
+"Hello Louise,
+Remember me?
+Now should we part
+Or stay awhile?
+As if we were still lovers"
-veremos =)
+She took a moment just to recognise
+The man she'd known so well before
+And as he started to apologise
+Lose any bitterness she bore
+She gently put her finger on his lips
+To let him know she understood
+And with her suit case standing on the floor
+Embraced him like a lover would
-e... nada? vamos ver agora!
-asdasdasd das
-sda asd
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+He told Louise
+"You look so good
+It's just you see
+You make me feel
+As if we were still lovers"
+It's not always true that time heals all wounds.
+There are wounds that you don't wanna heal,
+the memories of something really good,
+something truly real, that you never found again.
+And though they talked for just a little time
+Before she said she had to go
+He saw the meeting as a tiny sign
+That told him all he had to know
+And so Louise
+Waved from the bus
+And as she left
+She gave that smile
+As if they were still lovers
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