[Debian-eeepc-commits] [SCM] Maintenance of eeepc-acpi-scripts debian package branch, master, updated. 1.1.1-25-g96a033f

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Fri Aug 14 09:33:56 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 96a033f6f6c8640dbea0268b5ce5ea64883b7cf6
Author: Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 14 12:33:50 2009 +0300

    add TODO about co-existence with acpi-support

diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 52532bc..eade1c1 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -12,3 +12,18 @@
 * test bluetooth toggling when both the internal adapter and an external
   adapter are present.
+* investigate co-existence with acpi-support
+  10:16 dam anyone remembers why do we conflct with acpi-support?
+  11:58 SynrG> dam: acpi-support triggers for the wrong keys, starting scripts for the eee that shouldn't be
+  11:58 SynrG> dam: and vice versa
+  11:58 SynrG> because asus decided to map the keys differently
+  11:58 SynrG> from all of its other stuff
+  12:26 dam> so how can we co-exist with acpi-support? perhaps split acpi-support-asus and conflict only with it?
+  12:28 SynrG> or file a bug on acpi-support to not respond when the system is an eee
+  12:29 SynrG> start with looking over acpi-support to make sure this is still the case
+  12:29 dam> hm, then it would be reasonable for us to respond only if the systemm is an eee too
+  12:29 SynrG> yes
+  the goal is for eeepc-acpi-scripts to be able to be installed by the installer if eee is detected
+  for this, we shall not conflict with acpi-support, which is installed by default

Maintenance of eeepc-acpi-scripts debian package

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