[Debian-eeepc-devel] Brltty and the custom installer for the Eee

Robin Kipp webmaster at robin-kipp.de
Mon Dec 8 16:21:19 UTC 2008

I just looked through the BIOS settings with someone else, but I
couldn't find anything related to WLAN, so I don't know where it could
be turned off... The installer, however, doesn't seem to recognise WLAN
at all, I tried the boot parameter priority=low along with brltty to see
if there was maybe a list of network cards somewhere, but no success...
Unfortunately, installing the madwifi-package also didn't bring WLAN to
life, which is pretty strange I think. So what could actually be wrong
here? My Eee 900 is a few months old and I'm quite sure it has the
Ateros chipset, so I have no idea what could be the problem...

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