[Debian-eeepc-devel] Can't connect anywhere with rt2860

Tomaž Šolc tomaz.solc at tablix.org
Wed Dec 10 18:17:09 UTC 2008


Well, it's a bit stupid, but it looks like my access point (an older SMC 
model) was to blame for my problems.

After I restarted it I can connect to my WPA1 network with no problems 
using "ifup ra0=homewifi". My /etc/network/interfaces contains this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface ra0 inet dhcp
          pre-up ifconfig ra0 up

iface homewifi inet dhcp
          wpa-ssid xxx
          wpa-psk xxx

WICD also works as expected with this config.

Still don't know why I couldn't connect before to an open network in a 


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