[Debian-eeepc-devel] Debian packages for bluetooth and elantech kernel patches

Luca Niccoli lultimouomo at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 12:47:41 UTC 2008

2008/12/21 Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>:

>  * I also think it would be useful if both eeepc-bluetooth-source and
>   eeepc-bluetooth-modules-NNN packages are on eeepc.debian.net
>   package repository. That way people not found of builting from
>   source can get the functionality a bit easier.

This is quite important for the EeePC I think, if someone doesn't have
the possibility to compile on another computer, doing it on the eee
can be a pain. I would also find handy to have a patch package (both
for bluetooth and elantech), for people like me who have many modules
compiled in the kernel to speed up the boot process. Applying the
patches to the kernel source itself is not a big problem, finding
them, scattered as they are all around the internet, is not as easy,
so having them in the repository would be great.

Thanks for your work

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