[Debian-eeepc-devel] Booting fast

Paul Menzel paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Oct 17 07:09:01 UTC 2008

Dear list,

after it has been shown that an ASUS EeePC, there has been some effort
mainly from Phil to achieve this on a Debian system.

At least he seems to be the only one to post his results to this list.

Anyway I was thinking that not only EeePC users are interested in this
but also owners of other netbooks and for example thin client users and
Debian users in general.

So I am wondering how we could get these other interested people
involved and to participate?

I came up with the following.

• Create a dedicated page in the Debian Wiki. I did not find one.
• Setup a dedicated mailing list on Alioth.

What do you think? Do you have more ideas?

Thanks for your input.

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