[Debian-eeepc-devel] eeepc901, Fn+F2 to switch off wifi FREEZE the system; switch on works

Vic Lee llyzs at 163.com
Mon Aug 24 09:43:00 UTC 2009


Just give you a little background for the bug.

Yesterday I have a clean install of Lenny then full-upgrade to Squeeze.
I use the standard Lenny installer (not the one customized for eeepc!)
because I want to test with a "clean" Squeeze system. I did the
following steps on my eeepc 901:

1) Install Lenny using standard Debian network installer
2) Change sources.list and full-upgrade to Squeeze immediately
3) Install the following additional packages to make the hardware
eeepc-acpi-scripts (1.1.1)

I even recreate my home directory. So this is a very clean system.

Before I install eeepc-acpi-scripts, fn+f2 nothing happen.
After I install eeepc-acpi-scripts, fn+f2 freeze my system entirely. But
when I hard-boot it, the wifi was indeed disable in BIOS, and I have no
problem at all enable it again using fn+f2. But disable it always

Any idea about this or any additional steps I have to do to help to
track the problem?



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