[Debian-eeepc-devel] extra buttons/keys and linux-image-2.6.31

Darren Salt linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk
Fri Nov 13 22:30:31 UTC 2009

I demand that Paul Menzel may or may not have written...

> I upgraded to linux-image-2.6.31-1-686 and everything works fine besides
> that I cannot toggle the LVDS and monitor anymore. I enabled KMS so the
> naming of the output devices is different(?).

> Do I need a newer eeepc-acpi-scripts package? Mine is 1.1.2. If yes, is
> there a repository?

Yes (if you can't see where to make the changes); yes.

Pre-empting your next question:

| Darren Salt            | linux at youmustbejoking | nr. Ashington, | Doon
| using Debian GNU/Linux | or ds    ,demon,co,uk    | Northumberland | Army
| + http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/

Your most useful program will be continually improved until it is useless.

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