[Debian-eeepc-devel] Some experiences with kernel 2.6.31

Luca Niccoli lultimouomo at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 11:27:26 UTC 2009

2009/10/10 Darren Salt <linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk>:

> That's quick compared to what it would take were i2c_i801 being loaded and
> claiming resources...

Oh, now I remember, it was a huge delay solved by
acpi_enforce_resources=strict, right?
Anyway, 3-4s is still a big delay considered how fast the Eee boots...

> 2103? That's what I have, and I see that module initialisation taking a few
> seconds here too.


> A combination of the choice of key code (KEY_ZOOM) in eeepc_laptop, and X not
> having a mapping for that. Or something like that, anyway...

I see, I was disoriented by the key code choice, but then I realized
the semantic was based on the labels drown on the laptop, while I was
think position oriented :)



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