[Debian-eeepc-devel] (no subject)

claire.ducrocq at ac-amiens.fr claire.ducrocq at ac-amiens.fr
Wed May 26 20:05:47 UTC 2010

Euro Mega Millions
Brookmount House,
62-65 Chandos Place,
Covent Garden,
United Kingdom.

Confirmation Reference Number: 78-45-2-12-47-66-4
reply to E-mail to: bentelliot09 at realtyagent.com

You have won Euro (One million Euro) in the Euro Millions Email
Sweepstakes Easter charity bonanza, held on the 1st of May 2010. In London,
United Kingdom. Please contact the agency for the claim.

contact person: Mr.Bent Elliot
TEL: +44-755-348-4351 Fax: +44-703-195-2966
reply to E-mail to: bentelliot09 at realtyagent.com

Below are your Winning
Information's:Email Ticket Number 15-21-4-19-27-44
Reference Number: 78-45-2-12-47-66-4
Draw Lucky Number:8-17-10-13-37/*5*7
Batch Number :JKPN44521412
Serial Number: HMML235524453

1. Full Name:
2. Full Address:
3. Occupation:
4. Age/Sex:
5. Phone Number:
6. Country:

Note, All winning must be claim not later than June 30th, 2010.

Mrs. Holt, Hermekan.
E-mail: bentelliot09 at realtyagent.com

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