[Debian-eeepc-devel] eeepc-acpi-scripts update & breakage
Andre Majorel
aym-naibed at teaser.fr
Thu Apr 21 09:36:39 UTC 2011
On 2011-04-21 05:38 -0300, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> Do you not use the acpi_osi="Linux" hack, then?
Never did. Apparently, things are not supposed to work without
it but they did. Whether eeepc_laptop and eeepc_wmi were loaded,
I don't know.
I only tried setting acpi_osi when things broke after the
kernel/eeepc-acpi-tools upgrade.
Latest results :
#1 eeepc-acpi-tools 1.1.11, kernel 2.6.32, acpi_osi="Linux" :
eeepc_laptop loaded
eeepc_wmi not loaded
Fn-F7 no-op
Fn-F1 no-op
lid down no-op
guessnet reconfigure eth0 on wake-up
In this configuration, modprobe eeepc_wmi gives :
"Module not found"
#2 eeepc-acpi-tools 1.1.11, kernel 2.6.38, acpi_osi="Linux" :
eeepc_laptop loaded
eeepc_wmi not loaded
Fn-F7 no-op
Fn-F1 no-op
lid down no-op
guessnet reconfigure eth0 on wake-up
In this configuration, modprobe eeepc_wmi gives :
wmi: Mapper loaded
eeepc_wmi: No known WMI GUID found
FATAL: Error inserting eeepc_wmi (/lib/modules/2.6.38-2-686/
kernel/drivers/platform/x86/eeepc-wmi.ko): No such device
André Majorel <http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/>
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