[Debian-eeepc-devel] trouble with suspend-to-disk (Update)

Paul Menzel paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jan 21 23:06:23 UTC 2011

Dear Hans,

Am Donnerstag, den 20.01.2011, 23:40 +0100 schrieb Hans-J. Ullrich:
> Am Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011 schrieb Hans-J. Ullrich:

> > since one of my last upgrades debian/squeeze on my EEEPC 1005HGO,

do you know exactly which packages and which version and when it broke?

`/var/log/aptitude` or `/var/log/dpkg.log` should give you some hints.

> > suspend-to- disk is not working any more. It does suspend, but at wakeup
> > it tries to recall the datas and then it switches off and boots from the
> > beginning.
> > 
> > As I changed from grub-legacy to grub-pc at the same time, I first thought,
> > this caused the problem. But reverting to grub-legacy did not solve it.
> > 
> > I added in /etc/default/grub also the parameter "acpi_osi=linux" and all
> > the hotkeys are still working. Did something change in eeepc-acpi-scripts,
> > so that I must manually configure something?
> > 
> > If you need more info, configuration files, log entries or something else,
> > I will be pleased to send it. I will be happy to run tests and send some
> > output, if needed. Please just ask!
> > 
> > Feedback will be sent as soon as I know, what is happening.


> I forgot to tell: My disks are encrypted, and suspend-to-ram is still working 
> perfectly. Just suspend-to-disk is not working.

I guess your disks were encrypted before when it was working before the
package upgrades?

> I am using the latest packages of squeeze and no modified (=stock) kernel.

Sorry I do not have that model and I do not use suspend-to-disk.

Please submit a report to the Debian BTS against the most likely package
and tag the report as Eee PC related. I guess the Linux kernel package
or `pm-utils` (unlikely) should be at fault.

Please be as specific as possible. What command/program do you use to
issue the suspend-to-disk?

I think you could try to look for some hints in `/var/log/syslog` or

I hope this issues will be fixed before Squeeze gets released.


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