[Debian-ezgo-packaging] ezgo-debian bootsplash and artwork

Andrew Lee ajqlee at debian.org
Mon Feb 8 10:14:53 UTC 2010

Hi Mwei(hi Eric),

魏藥/Medical-Wei wrote:
> The splashy theme for ezgo-debian as well as (maybe) the new artwork
> for ezgo-debian is in the attachment.

Thanks Eric and his OSSACC project for the original artwork, and thanks
MWei's effort on improve the artwork to fits more Debian style.

I am preparing to upload a new version of ezgo package into Sid to
include such artworks. I have a question for the splashy themes you sent
to me. What's different between the ezgo-debian/ and ezgo-debian-43/ in
your tarball?

Also, could you please indicate the licenses for these artworks? eg:
include a COPYING file in the tarball.



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