[Debian-ezgo-packaging] NOTE: (This is not a Scam Related Proposal)

Mr Jakub Papierski office-----web1280 at att.net
Wed Mar 9 23:47:28 UTC 2011

PKO Bank Polski 
Centrum Finansowe Pulawska
15 Pulawska Street
00-975 Warsaw, Poland
info.pkob at yahoo.pl

Dear Friend,
My name is Jakub Papierski and i work with PKO Bank in Poland.
Can i confide in you for a transfer of dormant account under  our portfolio management department  for a period of Three (3) years and the  deposit matured on the 18th of
March  2006 with over 100% growth  which  amounted to a total of $7.2m Upon maturity, a routine notification  was sent to depositor address all  to no  avail. Several
attempts were made  to contact him but without responses.My proposal is to front you as the next of kin to the deceased Customer of our bank, if this transaction interests
you, kindly let me know so I can brief you on how we will execute this deal through my private email:jp.pkob at gmail.com
I hope you will  not betray my confidence.
Awaiting your reply.

Mr Jakub Papierski
Email:info.pkob at yahoo.pl
Tel.: +48-22-534-00-11. 
Fax: +48-22-534-08-13

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