[Debian-ezgo-packaging] Hussan Al-Rifi - Harvard Business School

Hussan Al-Rifi - Harvard Business School hussan.al-rifi at hbs.edu
Mon Aug 6 19:28:06 UTC 2012

Dear Sir/madam,

Assalamu Alaikum!

Here is the email i sent to you, my name is Hussan Al-Rifi the only child of  General Ali Sharif Al-Rifi, Libyan politician and Minister of Internal security during the time of Colonel Gaddafi. I have just finished studying for my Masters In Business Administration (MBA) here at Harvard Business School. I saw your  profile in a link on the Harvard business directory and I decided to contact you.

Just to let you know that my family is facing political problems with the new Libyan Government and this made them to cross over to Niamey Niger. I am travelling from the USA tomorrow to Niamey capital of Niger to see my family as they are in asylum in this country bordering Libya in the South.

My father has instructed me to look for a reliable partner that can help us to decouple our family funds from London. The funds in question, my father acquired  it as precede from his crude oil allocations during the time of Gaddafi. The  principal is in total of $8.5million deposited in a safe place in Tummu Libya.

I must also tell you that my family is facing a political mix up with the new Libyan Government and that's why we need someone like you that can represent us  in claiming the funds out of London and help us to manage it. Upon your  agreement, i will furnish with all the details and we will take it from there.

Please contact me at your earliest so i can explain more about this matter. I will also like you to email me your mobile number because as soon as get to London on transit, i will acquire a satellite phone i can reach you. You must not reply me through my Harvard business school email because it will be deactivated soon as i have finished my studies in Harvard. Reply me via my private email: (hussan.al-rifi at artlover.com)
I wait to hear from you.
Thank you.

Hussan Al-Rifi

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