CVS general

CVS commit messages for debian-flyers debian-flyers-commits at
Mon Sep 3 21:14:41 UTC 2007

Update of /cvsroot/debian-flyers/general
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv23392

Modified Files:
Log Message:
etch dropped support voor m68k

--- /cvsroot/debian-flyers/general/english.tex	2006/03/16 13:33:59	1.16
+++ /cvsroot/debian-flyers/general/english.tex	2007/09/03 21:14:41	1.17
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 Debian is a free operating system for your computer.  Debian is currently
 based on the Linux kernel and includes more than 10,000 packages of
 utilities and applications.  This is far more software than is available for any other
-Free operating system.  Many architectures are supported,
-including Intel x86, Intel IA-64, AMD64, Alpha, Motorola 68k, PowerPC and Sun SPARC.
+Free operating system.  Over 10 architectures are supported,
+including Intel x86, AMD64, Alpha, PowerPC and Sun SPARC.
 Almost 1,000 volunteer developers are working on maintaining Debian's high

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