[Debian-ha-commits] [cluster-glue] 01/01: Added accurate symbols from snapshot.debian.org v1.0.3+
Richard Winters
devrik-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 21 20:46:33 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
devrik-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cluster-glue.
commit 7561ead19a7656420856f5272d2ccd8af6a7030f
Author: Richard B Winters <rik at mmogp.com>
Date: Tue Apr 21 16:46:12 2015 -0400
Added accurate symbols from snapshot.debian.org v1.0.3+
Change-Id: I8a062334ebadfcd8e4a6bee8f74a4e6182afc990
Signed-off-by: Richard B Winters <rik at mmogp.com>
debian/liblrm2.symbols | 23 ++++
debian/libpils2.symbols | 21 +++
debian/libplumb2.symbols | 312 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/libplumbgpl2.symbols | 6 +
debian/libstonith1.symbols | 27 ++++
5 files changed, 389 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/liblrm2.symbols b/debian/liblrm2.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2193d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/liblrm2.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+liblrm.so.2 liblrm2 #MINVER#
+ closefiles at Base 1.0.3
+ copy_str_table at Base 1.0.3
+ create_lrm_addrsc_msg at Base 1.0.3
+ create_lrm_msg at Base 1.0.3
+ create_lrm_reg_msg at Base 1.0.3
+ create_lrm_ret at Base 1.0.3
+ create_lrm_rsc_msg at Base 1.0.3
+ execra_code2string at Base 1.0.3
+ filtered at Base 1.0.3
+ free_str_table at Base 1.0.3
+ get_failed_exec_rc at Base 1.0.3
+ get_ra_pathname at Base 1.0.3
+ get_runnable_list at Base 1.0.3
+ ll_lrm_new at Base 1.0.3
+ lrm_free_op at Base 1.0.3
+ lrm_free_op_list at Base 1.0.3
+ lrm_free_rsc at Base 1.0.3
+ lrm_free_str_list at Base 1.0.3
+ lrm_free_str_table at Base 1.0.3
+ lrm_op_new at Base 1.0.3
+ lrm_zero_op at Base 1.0.3
+ merge_str_tables at Base 1.0.3
diff --git a/debian/libpils2.symbols b/debian/libpils2.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb5b252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libpils2.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+libpils.so.2 libpils2 #MINVER#
+ DelPILPluginUniv at Base 1.0.3
+ NewPILPluginUniv at Base 1.0.3
+ PILCallLog at Base 1.0.3
+ PILFreePluginList at Base 1.0.3
+ PILGetDebugLevel at Base 1.0.3
+ PILGetIFRefCount at Base 1.0.3
+ PILIncrIFRefCount at Base 1.0.3
+ PILListPlugins at Base 1.0.3
+ PILLoadPlugin at Base 1.0.3
+ PILLogMemStats at Base 1.0.3
+ PILPluginExists at Base 1.0.3
+ PILSetDebugLevel at Base 1.0.3
+ PIL_strerror at Base 1.0.3
+ PILpisysGetDebugLevel at Base 1.0.3
+ PILpisysSetDebugLevel at Base 1.0.3
+ PilPluginUnivSetLog at Base 1.0.3
+ PilPluginUnivSetMemalloc at Base 1.0.3
+ nosuchfunctionname at Base 1.0.3
+ strlcat at Base 1.0.3
+ strlcpy at Base 1.0.3
diff --git a/debian/libplumb2.symbols b/debian/libplumb2.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62da84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libplumb2.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+libplumb.so.2 libplumb2 #MINVER#
+ CompressFuncs at Base 1.0.3
+ DisableProcLogging at Base 1.0.3
+ EnableProcLogging at Base 1.0.3
+ FT_strings at Base 1.0.3
+ ForEachProc at Base 1.0.3
+ G_CH_check_int at Base 1.0.3
+ G_CH_destroy_int at Base 1.0.3
+ G_CH_dispatch_int at Base 1.0.3
+ G_CH_prepare_int at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_IPC_Channel_constructor at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_IPC_Channel_pause at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_IPC_Channel_resume at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_add_IPC_Channel at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_add_IPC_WaitConnection at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_add_SignalHandler at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_add_TriggerHandler at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_add_fd at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_add_input at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_add_tempproc_trigger at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_del_IPC_Channel at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_del_IPC_WaitConnection at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_del_SignalHandler at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_del_TriggerHandler at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_del_fd at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_set_trigger at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_setall_id at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_setdescription at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_setdescription_id at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_setmaxdispatchdelay at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_setmaxdispatchdelay_id at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_setmaxdispatchtime at Base 1.0.3
+ G_main_setmaxdispatchtime_id at Base 1.0.3
+ GetProcInfo at Base 1.0.3
+ Gmain_timeout_add at Base 1.0.3
+ Gmain_timeout_add_full at Base 1.0.3
+ Gmain_timeout_remove at Base 1.0.3
+ HMAC at Base 1.0.3
+ LogToDaemon at Base 1.0.3
+ MD5 at Base 1.0.3
+ MD5Final at Base 1.0.3
+ MD5Init at Base 1.0.3
+ MD5Transform at Base 1.0.3
+ MD5Update at Base 1.0.3
+ NewTrackedProc at Base 1.0.3
+ RemoveTrackedProcTimeouts at Base 1.0.3
+ ReportProcHasDied at Base 1.0.3
+ SetTrackedProcTimeouts at Base 1.0.3
+ base64_to_binary at Base 1.0.3
+ binary_to_base64 at Base 1.0.3
+ bytes_for_int at Base 1.0.3
+ cancelmstimer at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_binary_to_int at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_cdtocoredir at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_compress_field at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_compress_load_plugin at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_compress_remove_plugin at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_compressmsg at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_cpu_limit_disable at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_cpu_limit_ms_interval at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_cpu_limit_setpercent at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_cpu_limit_update at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_decompress_field at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_decompressmsg at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_direct_log at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_disable_realtime at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_dump_msgstats at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_enable_coredump_before_reboot at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_enable_coredumps at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_enable_realtime at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_file_exists at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_flush_logs at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_binary at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_compress_fns at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_env at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_msec at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_string at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_struct at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_type at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_get_uuid at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_glib_msg_handler at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_glibpoll at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_have_full_privs at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_inherit_logging_environment at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_ipc_wait_timeout at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_limit_log at Base 1.0.8
+ cl_limit_log_destroy at Base 1.0.8
+ cl_limit_log_new at Base 1.0.8
+ cl_limit_log_reset at Base 1.0.8
+ cl_load_plugin at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_lock_pidfile at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_args at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_close_log_files at Base 1.0.7
+ cl_log_do_fflush at Base 1.0.7
+ cl_log_enable_stderr at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_enable_stdout at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_enable_syslog_filefmt at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_get_logdtime at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_get_uselogd at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_is_logd_fd at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_message at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_set_debugfile at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_set_entity at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_set_facility at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_set_logd_channel_source at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_set_logdtime at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_set_logfile at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_set_syslogprefix at Base 1.0.7
+ cl_log_set_uselogd at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_test_logd at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_log_use_buffered_io at Base 1.0.7
+ cl_make_normaltime at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_make_realtime at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_add_list at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_add_list_int at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_add_list_str at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_get_list at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_get_list_int at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_list_add_string at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_list_length at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_list_nth_data at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_modbin at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_modstring at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_modstruct at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_moduuid at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_quiet_fmterr at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_remove at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_remove_offset at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_remove_value at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_replace at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_replace_value at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_setstats at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_msg_stats_add at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_nonrealtime_malloc_count at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_nonrealtime_malloc_size at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_parse_int at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_perror at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_poll at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_poll_ignore at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_poll_setsig at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_randseed at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_read_pidfile at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_read_pidfile_no_checking at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_realtime_malloc_check at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_reboot at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_remove_plugin at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_all_coredump_signal_handlers at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_authentication_computation_method at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_compress_fns at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_compression_threshold at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_coredump_signal_handler at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_corerootdir at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_msg_format at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_oldmsgauthfunc at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_set_traditional_compression at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_shortsleep at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_block at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_block_set at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_set_action at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_set_handler at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_set_handler_mode at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_set_interrupt at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_set_simple_action at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_signal_set_simple_handler at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_str_to_boolean at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_syslogfac_int2str at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_syslogfac_str2int at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_times at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_unlock_pidfile at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_untaint_coredumps at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_clear at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_compare at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_copy at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_g_equal at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_g_hash at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_generate at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_is_null at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_parse at Base 1.0.3
+ cl_uuid_unparse at Base 1.0.3
+ compose_netstring at Base 1.0.3
+ convert_nl_sym at Base 1.0.3
+ debug_level at Base 1.0.3
+ debugproctrack at Base 1.0.3
+ drop_privs at Base 1.0.3
+ dsecsto_longclock at Base 1.0.3
+ dump_clmsg_ipcmsg_stats at Base 1.0.3
+ dump_ipc_info at Base 1.0.3
+ facilitynames at Base 1.0.3
+ fieldtypefuncs at Base 1.0.3
+ g_main_output_is_blocked at Base 1.0.3
+ get_log_chan at Base 1.0.3
+ get_netstringlen at Base 1.0.3
+ get_netstringlen_auth at Base 1.0.3
+ get_next_random at Base 1.0.3
+ get_stringlen at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_add at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_add_int at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_add_nv at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_add_str_table at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_add_ul at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_addbin at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_addstruct at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_addstruct_compress at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_adduuid at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_audit at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_copy at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_del at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_expand at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_mod_int at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_mod_str_table at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_mod_ul at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_nadd at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_nadd_type at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_new at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_value_int at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_value_str_list at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_value_str_table at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_msg_value_ul at Base 1.0.3
+ ha_timestamp at Base 1.0.3
+ hamsg2ipcmsg at Base 1.0.3
+ hz_longclock at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_del at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_dump_stats at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_full at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_new at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_partial_copy at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_ref at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_spaceleft at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_unref at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_bufpool_update at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_channel_constructor at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_channel_pair at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_destroy_auth at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_pollfunc_ptr at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_set_auth at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_set_pollfunc at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_str_to_auth at Base 1.0.3
+ ipc_wait_conn_constructor at Base 1.0.3
+ ipcmsg2hamsg at Base 1.0.3
+ ipcmsgfromIPC at Base 1.0.3
+ is_auth_netstring at Base 1.0.3
+ is_compressed_msg at Base 1.0.3
+ list_cleanup at Base 1.0.3
+ longclockto_ms at Base 1.0.3
+ mkstemp_mode at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2ipcchan at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2netstring at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2netstring_buf at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2netstring_noauth at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2stream at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2string at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2string_buf at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2wirefmt at Base 1.0.3
+ msg2wirefmt_noac at Base 1.0.3
+ msgfromIPC at Base 1.0.3
+ msgfromIPC_noauth at Base 1.0.3
+ msgfromIPC_timeout at Base 1.0.3
+ msgfromstream at Base 1.0.3
+ msgfromstream_netstring at Base 1.0.3
+ msgfromstream_string at Base 1.0.3
+ mssleep at Base 1.0.3
+ msto_longclock at Base 1.0.3
+ must_use_netstring at Base 1.0.3
+ netstring2msg at Base 1.0.3
+ netstring_extra at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_del at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_intersection_del at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_intersection_new at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_intersection_table at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_ismember at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_iterate at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_new at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_nodedown at Base 1.0.3
+ nodetrack_nodeup at Base 1.0.3
+ nosuchfunctionname at Base 1.0.3
+ prio2str at Base 1.0.3
+ prioritynames at Base 1.0.3
+ process_netstring_nvpair at Base 1.0.3
+ replytrack_del at Base 1.0.3
+ replytrack_gotreply at Base 1.0.3
+ replytrack_new at Base 1.0.3
+ replytrack_outstanding_count at Base 1.0.3
+ replytrack_outstanding_iterate at Base 1.0.3
+ return_to_dropped_privs at Base 1.0.3
+ return_to_orig_privs at Base 1.0.3
+ secsto_longclock at Base 1.0.3
+ set_IPC_Channel_dnotify at Base 1.0.3
+ set_SignalHandler_dnotify at Base 1.0.3
+ set_TriggerHandler_dnotify at Base 1.0.3
+ set_ipc_time_debug_flag at Base 1.0.3
+ set_sigchld_proctrack at Base 1.0.3
+ setmsalarm at Base 1.0.3
+ setmsrepeattimer at Base 1.0.3
+ socket_client_channel_new at Base 1.0.3
+ socket_ipcmsg_dump_stats at Base 1.0.3
+ socket_wait_conn_new at Base 1.0.3
+ string2msg at Base 1.0.3
+ string2msg_ll at Base 1.0.3
+ string_list_pack at Base 1.0.3
+ string_list_pack_length at Base 1.0.3
+ string_list_unpack at Base 1.0.3
+ strlcat at Base 1.0.3
+ strlcpy at Base 1.0.3
+ struct_display_as_xml at Base 1.0.3
+ struct_display_print_spaces at Base 1.0.3
+ struct_netstringlen at Base 1.0.3
+ struct_stringlen at Base 1.0.3
+ time_longclock at Base 1.0.3
+ wirefmt2ipcmsg at Base 1.0.3
+ wirefmt2msg at Base 1.0.3
+ zero_longclock at Base 1.0.3
diff --git a/debian/libplumbgpl2.symbols b/debian/libplumbgpl2.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22adb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libplumbgpl2.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+libplumbgpl.so.2 libplumbgpl2 #MINVER#
+ init_set_proc_title at Base 1.0.3
+ nosuchfunctionname at Base 1.0.3
+ set_proc_title at Base 1.0.3
+ strlcat at Base 1.0.3
+ strlcpy at Base 1.0.3
diff --git a/debian/libstonith1.symbols b/debian/libstonith1.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc32548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libstonith1.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+libstonith.so.1 libstonith1 #MINVER#
+ StonithPIsys at Base 1.0.3
+ free_NVpair at Base 1.0.3
+ nosuchfunctionname at Base 1.0.3
+ st_ttylock at Base 1.0.3
+ st_ttyunlock at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith1_compat_string_to_NVpair at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_delete at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_env_to_NVpair at Base 1.0.6
+ stonith_free_hostlist at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_get_confignames at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_get_hostlist at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_get_info at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_get_status at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_ghash_to_NVpair at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_new at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_req_reset at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_set_config at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_set_config_file at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_set_config_info at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_set_debug at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_set_log at Base 1.0.3
+ stonith_types at Base 1.0.3
+ stonithimports at Base 1.0.3
+ strdown at Base 1.0.12
+ strlcat at Base 1.0.3
+ strlcpy at Base 1.0.3
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-ha/cluster-glue.git
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