[Debian-ha-commits] [pacemaker] annotated tag upstream/1.1.14_rc4 created (now f41cc43)
Christoph Berg
myon at debian.org
Wed Jan 6 20:15:28 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
myon pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.1.14_rc4
in repository pacemaker.
at f41cc43 (tag)
tagging c2defa3797e38ca2508f49279abd7891002cfbc5 (commit)
replaces upstream/1.1.13
tagged by Ferenc Wágner
on Fri Dec 25 21:03:16 2015 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.1.14~rc4
Andrew Beekhof (230):
Merge pull request #671 from johnruemker/host_list_semicolon
Feature: crm_resource: Support debugging promote and demote operations
Fix: crm_report: Allow log file discovery to be disabled
Merge pull request #679 from HideoYamauchi/master
Merge pull request #680 from kgaillot/mon
Merge ../1.1
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Test: tools: Update regression tests for ACL fixes
Feature: fencing: Allow complex configurations to apply to multiple hosts
Fix: Fencing: Correctly handle changes to the fencing topology
Merge pull request #705 from kgaillot/mon
Merge branch 'rikkotec-debian-ha/patches'
Merge pull request #699 from kgaillot/cts
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
CTS: Fix installation helper
Merge ../1.1
Merge pull request #714 from gao-yan/patchset-process-digest
Merge pull request #719 from kgaillot/stonith
Refactor: Tools: Start splitting up crm_resource into manageable chunks
Merge pull request #721 from gao-yan/no-unit-assert
Merge pull request #720 from gao-yan/dbus-reply-timeout
Fix: PE: Ensure recurring monitor operations are cancelled when clone instances are de-allocated
Fix: PE: Skip unrunnable actions when one-or-more is in effect
Refactor: PE: More easily allow us to determine who changed an action's flag
Test: PE: Skip unrunnable actions when one-or-more is in effect
Merge pull request #722 from jnpkrn/ML-references
Feature: PE: Reduce noise when sanitized policy engine files are replayed
Fix: PE: Keep the size of the secure list small in the cib
Feature: crm_report: Enable password sanitizing by default
Fix: crmd: Prevent use-of-NULL
Fix: PE: Prevent use of uninitialized data
Fix: crm_simulate: Correctly invoke the policy engine library
Merge branch 'remote_cancel_pending' of https://github.com/davidvossel/pacemaker
Merge pull request #727 from davidvossel/service_rsc_collision
Merge pull request #724 from jnpkrn/docbook-related
Merge pull request #728 from davidvossel/lrmd-tls-to
Feature: PE: Include a list of all and available nodes with notifications
Fix: crmd: Pre-emptively fail in-flight actions when lrmd connections fail
Fix: fencing: Correct the all_topology_devices_found() implementation
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Merge pull request #723 from kgaillot/peer-cache
Merge pull request #718 from kgaillot/cleanup
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Merge pull request #711 from kgaillot/log
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Log: Core: Re-instate two log messages as debug
Merge pull request #730 from marcan/master
Fix: PE: Exclude nodes which don't match any exclusive discovery rules
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Merge pull request #734 from davidvossel/dup_recurring_conn_monitors
Fix: crmd: Record actions in the CIB as failed if we cannot execute them
Merge pull request #735 from davidvossel/dup_recurring_conn_monitors
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Merge pull request #732 from gao-yan/load-stopped-loop
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Log: crmd: Better logging of incomplete actions
Feature: crm_simulate: Optionally include action IDs in the dot graph
Fix: crmd: All pseduo ops must be allowed to complete
Log: crmd: Scheduled actions are less interesting
Fix: crmd: No need to re-process actions we've already marked as failed
Log: crmd: Some entries can just go to the application logfile
Fix: crmd: Prevent segfault when erasing resources from disconnected remote nodes
Merge pull request #738 from gao-yan/memory-leak-expand_notification_data
Feature: PE: Record the execution date in PE files so we can re-use it in crm_simulate
Merge pull request #737 from gao-yan/xpath-delete-all
Merge pull request #739 from jnpkrn/obsolete-extra-rgmanager
Merge pull request #740 from davidvossel/group-guest-nodes
Merge pull request #729 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Fix: PE: Add the execution date to the correct xml blob
Merge pull request #745 from davidvossel/lrmd-segfault-st
Merge pull request #743 from kgaillot/cleanup
Log: lrmd: Indicate the original action where appropriate
Fix: PE: Ignore comment blocks when unpacking the cib
Merge ../1.1
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Test: cts: Extra patterns to ignore
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Fix: Dbus: Older distros didn't define DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT
Doc: Update the ping metadata
Merge pull request #757 from kgaillot/cleanup
Merge pull request #750 from gao-yan/op-force-restart
Merge pull request #746 from liu4480/master
Merge pull request #753 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge pull request #733 from jnpkrn/asciidoc.reference
Merge pull request #731 from jnpkrn/pcmk-intro
Update pacemaker-intro.txt
Merge pull request #758 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Merge pull request #760 from gao-yan/update-version-1.1.13
Merge pull request #759 from gao-yan/fencing-broadcast-uname
Test: cts: Logging format changed
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Doc: Ansible script for deploying a 3-node cluster with docker
Fix: pengine: Correctly bypass fencing for resources that do not require it
Build: Bump library versions
Merge pull request #761 from kgaillot/cleanup
Merge pull request #762 from davidvossel/clone-min
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Fix: crm_mon: Memory leaks
Fix: Fencing: Repair cut and paste error
Fix: xml: Prevent use-of-NULL in crm_xml_dump()
Log: lrmd: Improved logs
Merge pull request #765 from kgaillot/cleanup
Merge pull request #763 from kgaillot/cman-cleanup
Fix: systemd: Track pending operations so they can be safely cancelled
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Fix: systemd: Ensure pending structs are correctly unreferenced
Fix: upstart: Ensure pending structs are correctly unreferenced
Merge pull request #766 from kgaillot/cleanup
Fix: dbus: Remove redundant ref/unref of pending call records
Use the print function instead of the directive
Build: tools: Drop dead files
Test: CTS: Fix whitespace for better python3 compatability
Test: CTS: Use list() for better python3 compatability
Test: CTS: apply is deprecated in py2 and gone in py3
Test: CTS: int() is enough and long() is gone in py3
Test: CTS: Version independant check for a string type
Test: CTS: Avoid using the has_key() built-in as its not available in py3
Build: Ensure we track libraries as they are added
Fix: crmd: Avoid cancelling transitions when we tell nodes to shutdown
Fix: crm_resource: Correctly clean up failcounts for inactive anonymous clones
Log: xml: Reduce severity of noisy log message
Merge pull request #768 from jnpkrn/drop-legacy-SysVStartPriority
Merge pull request #767 from HideoYamauchi/master
Doc: PE: Document operation roles
Merge pull request #771 from gao-yan/ipc-buffer-size
Fix: cman: Corosync invents node names of the form Node{id} for peers not in its node list, wait for the real ones
Fix: crm_resource: Compensate for -C and -p being called with the child resource for clones
Feature: crm_resource: Indicate common reasons why a resource may not start after a cleanup
Merge pull request #769 from gao-yan/cast-64bit-time_t
Merge pull request #773 from gao-yan/order-stonith_dc-stonith_complete
Merge pull request #770 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Test: tools: Update regression tests
Merge pull request #775 from gao-yan/remote_proxy_cb-memory-leak
Merge pull request #774 from HideoYamauchi/master
Merge pull request #772 from gao-yan/suggested-ipc-buffer-size
Merge pull request #776 from kgaillot/doc
Merge pull request #777 from kgaillot/stonith
Fix: crm_resource: Correctly check if a resource is unmanaged or has a target-role
Fix: PE: Bug cl#5247 - Imply resources running on a container are stopped when the container is stopped
Fix: Date: Correctly set time from seconds-since-epoch
Test: PE: Bug cl#5247 - Imply resources running on a container are stopped when the container is stopped
Merge pull request #778 from kgaillot/cleanup
Merge pull request #783 from davidvossel/master
Merge pull request #782 from HideoYamauchi/master
Merge pull request #779 from jnpkrn/cluster_test+README
Merge pull request #786 from gao-yan/services-log-trace
Merge pull request #785 from gao-yan/xml-move-dirty
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Feature: crmd: Implement reliable event notifications
Fix: cman: Suppress implied node names
Fix: crmd: Choose more appropriate names for notification options
Fix: crmd: Correctly enable/disable notifications
Fix: crmd: Report the completion status and output of notifications
Fix: cman: Print the nodeid of nodes with fake names
Refactor: Tools: Isolate the paths which truely require corosync-2.x
Fix: corosync: Display node state and quorum data if available
Fix: pacemakerd: Do not forget about nodes that leave the cluster
Fix: pacemakerd: Track node state in pacemakerd
Merge pull request #784 from kgaillot/doc
Merge pull request #780 from kgaillot/stonith
Fix: PE: Resolve memory leak
Fix: cman: Purge all node caches for crm_node -R
Refactor: membership: Safely autoreap nodes without code duplication
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClusterLabs/pacemaker
Merge pull request #789 from kgaillot/premote
Merge pull request #787 from feldsam/snmp-trap
Merge pull request #781 from jnpkrn/cts-script
Merge pull request #791 from jnpkrn/various-typos
Merge pull request #793 from kgaillot/premote
Log: The package version is more informative
Build: xml: Prepare for modification to the fencing schema
Fix: Fencing: Use dedicated fields for fencing level patterns and attribute matching
Log: fencing: Some additional trace logs
Fix: Fencing: Correctly parse 'by-attribute' fencing levels
Refactor: cts: Simplify fencing choice logic
Fix: crm_resource: Allow the resource configuration to be modified for --force-{check,start,..} calls
Log: lrmd: Improved logging when no pacemaker remote authkey is available
Merge pull request #790 from kgaillot/doc
Merge pull request #796 from roidelapluie/kind-doc
Merge pull request #795 from kgaillot/cts
Merge pull request #794 from gao-yan/resource-agent-remote
Build: Prefer built binaries when invoking help2man
Fix: Fencing: Correctly remove topologies and detect invalid entries
Fix: Fencing: Correctly construct simple topologies with stonith_admin
Feature: PE: Allow resources to start and stop as soon as their state is known on all nodes
Feature: PE: drop probe_complete actions
Build: PE: Prototype of start A before probing B
Merge pull request #799 from gao-yan/cib_config_changed-v1
Merge pull request #798 from kgaillot/sh
Merge pull request #797 from kgaillot/coverity
Test: tools: Update regression tests for ordered probes
Merge pull request #801 from wferi/typo-fixes
Merge pull request #805 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge pull request #802 from wferi/typo-fix
Merge pull request #804 from kgaillot/coverity
Merge pull request #792 from jnpkrn/crm_attribute
Fix: PE: resolve memory leak
Fix: Tools: Repair the logging of 'interesting' command-lines
Feature: Tools: Do not send command lines to syslog
Fix: Fencing: The device list is expected to be comma separated
Log: cibadmin: Default once again to LOG_CRIT
Fix: crm_resource: Correctly update existing meta attributes regardless of their position in the heirarchy
Merge pull request #807 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge pull request #806 from gao-yan/cibadmin-use-of-null
Merge pull request #808 from kgaillot/premote
Log: crm_resource --restart: Improved user feedback on failure
Build: Do more when bootstrapping an fresh repo
Merge pull request #800 from wferi/build-fixes
Merge pull request #809 from gao-yan/crm_resource-delete-parameter
Fix: crm_resource: Correctly observe --force when deleting and updating attributes
Test: crm_resource: Additional regression tests
Test: acls: Update whitespace in regression results
Fix: cib: Increased paranoia when peer updates fail to apply in compatability mode
Build: Switch to the LTS version of ubuntu for travis
Merge pull request #814 from HideoYamauchi/master
Merge pull request #812 from gao-yan/fencing-provider-internal
Merge pull request #813 from gao-yan/cib-forward-request-message
Merge pull request #815 from kgaillot/premote
Fix: Correctly check for recycled PIDs in crm_pid_active
Fix: cib: Do not terminate due to badly behaving clients
Fix: systemd: The underlying systemd calls default to 90s for their timeouts
Merge pull request #833 from kgaillot/premote
Fix: systemd: Prevent segfaul when logging failed operations
Merge pull request #816 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge pull request #832 from gao-yan/multiple-active-block-group
Log: Fencing: Update log messages for greater clarity
Merge pull request #836 from kgaillot/stonith
David Vossel (46):
Merge pull request #688 from digimer/master
Merge pull request #703 from ClusterLabs/1.1
Feature: remote: reconnect_delay option for remote nodes to delay reconnect after fence
High: crmd: fence remote node after connection failure only once
High: enable reloads for select remote connection options
Low: pengine: regression test updates
Low: pengine: make node_state key 'remote_was_fenced' generic for all nodes
Merge pull request #708 from davidvossel/failure_reconnect_delay
High: crmd: make actions incompletable after remote-node fails
Fix: crmd: handle resources named the same as cluster nodes
Merge pull request #726 from davidvossel/rsc_node_name
High: services: prevent recurring monitors from colliding with other operations
Low: lrmd: regression tests for serializing recurring monitor ops
Low: extras: Use dummy resource to help test serialized action execution
High: lrmd: set recv timeout upper bound for tls connections
High: remote: handle merging duplicate recurring monitors for connection rsc
High: remote: do not fail operations because of a migration
High: pengine: fixes segfault in pengine when fencing remote node
Low: pengine: regression test update for stonith pengine fix
High: pengine: do not stop notify a fenced node that the rscs on the fenced node stopped
High: remote: copy transition userdata to duplicate monitor during merging
High: pengine: do not timeout remote node recurring monitor op failure until after fencing
Low: pengine: regression tests for fence before clear remote monitor failure
High: pengine: allow guest remote nodes using containers/vms to be nested in a group resource
Low: pengine: regression test for guest remote node in group
Merge pull request #736 from davidvossel/dup_recurring_conn_monitors
Fix: lrmd: prevent double free after unregistering stonith device for monitoring
Merge pull request #744 from davidvossel/lrmd-segfault-st
Low: crmd: don't synthesize op failures during shutdown
Low: cts: phd fencing agent
Merge pull request #747 from davidvossel/cts-phd
Merge pull request #742 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge pull request #749 from kgaillot/cleanup
Merge pull request #751 from gao-yan/dummy-stop-error
High: pengine: clear failures after reconnect_interval expires
Merge pull request #748 from kgaillot/stonith
Merge pull request #754 from gao-yan/crmd-lrm-fixes
Merge pull request #752 from davidvossel/pcmk-remote-failcount
Low: cts: randomly use reconnect-interval during pcmk remote tests
Merge pull request #755 from davidvossel/master
Low: cts: properly cleanup RemoteStonithd test
Merge pull request #756 from davidvossel/master
Feature: pengine: Addtion of the clone resource clone-min metadata option
Fix: pengine: properly handle blocked clone actions
Low: pengine: clone-min regression tests
Low: update contact info
Ferenc Wágner (12):
Fix typos: dependan{t,cy,cies} -> dependen{t,cy,cies}
Fix typo: maintainence -> maintenance
Fix typo: initalize -> initialize
Fix typo: Dont -> Don't
Fix typo: Shuting -> Shutting
Link libcrmcommon with the math library
Substitute additional configure macros used in pkg-config files
Library options go into Libs, not Cflags
Don't create doc/775, the intent was setting the mode
hb2openais was removed by c2344c9, kill its documentation, too
Imported Upstream version 1.1.14~rc4
Gao,Yan (48):
Refactor: cib: Calculate and add digest for a patchset after accepting changes for the target xml
Fix: crm_shadow: Fix "crm_shadow --diff"
Fix: dbus: Use operation timeout for dbus reply timeout
Fix: systemd: No need to trigger assert if cannot obtain an unit
Fix: pengine: cl#5235 - Prevent graph loops that can be introduced by "load_stopped -> migrate_to" ordering
Test: pengine: cl#5235 - Prevent graph loops that can be introduced by "load_stopped -> migrate_to" ordering (update regression test)
Test: pengine: cl#5235 - Prevent graph loops that can be introduced by "load_stopped -> migrate_to" ordering (regression test)
Fix: cib: Prevent use-after-free when invoking "cibadmin --delete-all --xpath"
Fix: cib: Prevent use-after-free and return -EINVAL when attempting to delete the whole "/cib"
Fix: pengine: Resolve memory leak in expand_notification_data()
Fix: RA: Prevent an error message on stopping "Dummy" resource
Fix: crmd: Do not enforce restart for changes of non-unique parameters
Fix: crmd: Do not enforce restart for resources that support reload and don't support any unique parameters
Fix: crmd: Remove a duplicate invocation of snprintf()
Fix: crmd: Make resource_supports_action() really general
Fix: fencing: Broadcast uname as soon as a peer's state has changed
Build: Update version numbers to 1.1.13 in version.m4 and sample spec file
Fix: ipc: Correctly compare values for the size of ipc buffer and prevent suggesting a negative value when it's insufficient
Fix: crm_simulate: Prevent segfault on arches with 64bit time_t
Refactor: fencing: Remove unnecessary casts
Fix: ipc: Fix output formats
Fix: pengine: Ensure fencing of the DC precedes the STONITH_DONE operation
Test: pengine: Ensure fencing of the DC precedes the STONITH_DONE operation (update regression tests)
Fix: ipc: Do not constantly increase suggested size for PCMK_ipc_buffer every time we find it's insufficient
Fix: crmd: Resolve memory leak in remote_proxy_cb()
Fix: crmd: Initialize an integer
Fix: xml: Mark xml nodes as dirty if any children move
Log: services: Reduce severity of noisy log messages
Fix: remote: Correctly display the usage of the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource agent
Fix: remote: Revise a misleading message in the ocf:pacemaker:remote resource agent
Fix: cib: Check if the configuration changes with cib_config_changed() only for v1 diffs
Fix: cibadmin: Prevent potential use-of-NULL in print_xml_output()
Fix: crm_resource: Correctly delete existing meta attributes regardless of their position in the heirarchy
Fix: fencing: Return a provider for the internal fencing agent "#watchdog" instead of logging an error
Log: cib: Downgrade the log message on forwarding CRM_OP_NOOP requests from INFO to DEBUG
Fix: lrmd: Finalize all pending and recurring operations when cleaning up a resource
Fix: systemd: Reconnect to System DBus if the connection is closed
Fix: services: Correctly determine if operations are in-flight
Fix: systemd: Directly return an error if the connection to System DBus is closed
Fix: services: Prevent potential use-after-free when trying to add an operation into in-flight list
Fix: dbus: Correctly return the result for pcmk_dbus_find_error() no matter if there's a DBusError passed in
Fix: systemd: Return FALSE for systemd_mask_error() if it only maps an error instead of masking one
Fix: systemd: Return PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR instead of PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED for uncertain errors on LoadUnit
Refactor: services: Directly add operations into in-flight list in the execution functions
Fix: crm_resource: Correctly clean up all children for anonymous cloned groups
Feature: pengine: Support of multiple-active=block for resource groups
Test: pengine: Support of multiple-active=block for resource groups (regression test)
Doc: ping: Clarify the description of host_list parameter in ping metadata
Hector Martin (1):
Fix: lrmd: cancel currently pending STONITH op if stonithd connection is lost
Hideo Yamauchi (8):
Low: mcp: Add 'start on started local and runlevel' to Upstart job.
Fix: Set the attribute from remote node.
Fix: Set the attribute from remote node.
Low: Change the log of the noise to the trace log.
Fix: pengine: The failed action of the resource that occurred in shutdown is not displayed.
Low: libcommon: Ignore CDATA of metadata of the resource.
Low : Change of the mention example.
High : Mistake of the parameter order.
Jan Pokorný (54):
Low: doc: update mailing list references
Build: prefer more effective Docbook template discovery
Med: doc: fix unability to build CFS on Fedora 22
Low: doc: unify Preface.xml between CFS and PE
Low: doc+build: remove bogus Makefile target
Med: doc+build: make shared chapters a proper dependency
Doc: asciidoc.reference: cleanup (tabs, typos)
Doc: asciidoc.reference: extend, use more abstract styles
Doc: asciidoc.reference: frame a note as admonition + headlines
Doc: shared: gently rewrap to width of 72, fix a footnote
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: fix extraneous/missing punctuation
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: add more mark-up
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: re{spell,word} "aka." and "eg."
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: add a "distributed != clustered" note
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: more elaborated pcmk explanation
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: cluster stack is a little bit bigger
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: note about HA cluster vs. HPC
Doc: shared/pcmk-intro: don't assume reader knows STONITH
Doc: asciidoc.reference: add an example of footnote
extra/rgmanager: finally obsolete in favor of clufter
Low: drop legacy SysVStartPriority from service units
Test: cts: cluster_test: plain printf -> echo
Test: cts: cluster_test: printf to use positional args
Test: cts: cluster_test: better formatting on SSH failure
Test: cts: cluster_test: simplify storing of test profile
Test: cts: cluster_test: fix tests =/!= -> -eq/-ne
Test: cts: cluster_test: fix enquoting of the variables
Test: cts: cluster_test: simplify comparisons
Test: cts: cluster_test: prefer parameter expansion over sed
Test: cts: cluster_test: prevent overwriting run-time info
Test: cts: cluster_test: only override numtests from cmdline if suitable
Test: cts: cluster_test: avoid using obsolete CTS_master
Test: cts: README: same indentation for code blocks
Test: cts: README: reference cluster_test script
Test: cts: cluster_test: dedicated die function
Test: cts: cluster_test: automated identity installation
Test: cts: cluster_test: ensure trailing space at prompts
Test: cts: simplify ssh-agent invocation
Test: cts: cts: add a help screen
Test: cts: cts: simplify+disambiguify distro selection
Test: cts: cts: more general "case" match pattern goes last
Test: cts: cluster-helper: fix adding extraneous '-w' node(s)
Test: cts: cts: save cluster/pdsh group members for the next time
Test: cts: cts: make --wget download cluster-init as well
Test: cts: cts: fix quoting/expansion of "run" pass-through args
Test: cts: cts: remove extraneous comment
Test: cts: cluster-init: fix redundant assignment
Test: cts: cluster-init: fix digits-only + range of $dsh_group
Low: fix various typos
Tools: crm_attribute: fix typos
Tools: crm_attribute: make help screen more consistent
Codedoc: libcib: cib_process_xpath
Med: libcib: find_nvpair_attr_delegate: check alloc failure
Med: libcib: find_nvpair_attr_delegate: check buffer overflow
John Ruemker (1):
fencing: Allow semi-colon delimiter for pcmk_host_list
Julien Pivotto (1):
Fix letter case in ordering 'kind' parameter documentation
Ken Gaillot (246):
tools: prettify crm_mon --simple-status output
tools: prettify crm_mon HTML output
Refactor: tools: remove dead code and add more comments in crm_mon
tools: prettify plaintext output
Refactor: tools: use bitmask for selecting display items in crm_mon
tools: improve guest node output in crm_mon
Refactor: tools: use enum for selecting output format in crm_mon
tools: improve cluster summary display in crm_mon
tools: implement printing node attributes in crm_mon HTML/XML output
tools: implement printing operations and failcounts in crm_mon HTML/XML output
tools: implement printing negative location constraints in crm_mon HTML/XML output
tools: implement printing tickets in crm_mon HTML/XML output
tools: improve failed actions display in crm_mon
Fix: cts: get rid of useless startup messages
Fix: cts: improve dummy systemd service file used in testing
Refactor: cts: remove dead code including unused imports
Fix: cts: replace call to undefined usage() function
Test: cts: make log message patterns independent of function name
xml: update RelaxNG schema for crm_mon XML output
Fix: tools: ignore stderr from crm_mon when running via systemd
Fix: fencing: missing argument to stonith_device_register()
Fix: fencing: correct choice of fencing topology level
Refactor: attrd,tools: use defined constant for attrd peer-remove op
Refactor: crmd: improve log messages for node state
Fix: libcluster: do not re-add peer entries for exiting nodes
Fix: libcluster,pacemakerd: improve trace messages and comments
Fix: Ensure peer cache management supports all stacks
Fix: libcluster: avoid possibility of invalidating a hash table iterator
Fix: attrd: handle removals of cluster peers and remote peers consistently
Fix: libcluster: overhaul peer cache management
Low: libpengine,libcluster,crmd: update obsolete comments
Low: cts,mcp,pengine,libcluster,libpengine: misc. spelling corrections
Test: cts: make more log message patterns independent of function name
Test: cts: add more error checking and debugging
Feature: Log: make syslog less noisy
Feature: Log: improve IPC connection error messages
Fix: fencing: properly sort peers by number of fencing devices found
Fix: fencing: properly decide whether a topology fencing device has been found
Refactor: fencing: use defined constant for "st-available-devices" XML
Refactor: fencing: remove dead code
Refactor: fencing: simplify and comment get_action_timeout() for readability
Refactor: fencing: simplify and comment cib_device_update() for readability and code reuse
Refactor: fencing: code reuse, improve comments/messages in process_remote_stonith_query()
Refactor: fencing: improve comments and log messages
Fix: cts: don't rely on "Updating failcount" pattern, which is no longer syslogged
Fix: cts: use proper kill syntax in dummy systemd service
Fix: libcommon: crm_ipc_get_fd() must set errno on error
doc: fencing: add README describing stonith request handling
Fix: fencing: do not set call options twice in query
Refactor: fencing: functionize testing whether localhost is eligible to fence
Refactor: fencing: functionize adding action-specific device properties to XML
Refactor: fencing: functionize parsing action-specific device properties from XML
Refactor: fencing: isolate access to peers' device lists
Refactor: fencing: make structure member name for device count clearer
Fix: fencing: use "off" timeout when remapping "reboot" to "off"
Refactor: fencing: improve comments and log messages
Fix: cts: handle clones when checking for resource failures
Fix: testing: suppress valgrind warning about memory leak in bash
Fix: test: add fence delays to avoid regression test timing issues
Refactor: fencing: isolate access to the required devices list
Refactor: fencing: functionize advancing to next device in topology
Refactor: fencing: simplify required device handling
Refactor: fencing: functionize adding one device's properties to peer result
Fix: fencing: log all peers' results consistently
Refactor: fencing: abstract query results' device properties into own structure
Refactor: fencing: mark devices as done rather than remove them
Refactor: fencing: pass operation rather than default timeout to timeout functions
Feature: fencing: add support for operation phases
Feature: fencing: add support for operation phases to device properties
Fix: fencing: improve log messages
Fix: libcluster: work around peer cache destruction in client status callbacks
Fix: testing: escape dollar sign when creating DummySD service file
Fix: lrmd: memory leak when freeing command structure
Fix: fencing: memory leak when searching for a target's fencing topology
Fix: attrd: use-after-free in attrd_client_update()
Fix: libcib,libfencing,tools: memory leaks from xmlGetNodePath()
Fix: crmd: check for errors when searching for CIB daemon's load file
Feature: fencing: support remapping reboots in fencing query results
Feature: fencing: treat remapped reboots as reboots when appropriate
Feature: fencing: support remapping reboots when processing fencing query results
Feature: fencing: remap sequential topology reboots to off
Feature: fencing: remap sequential topology reboots to all-off-then-all-on
doc: document reboot remapping in Pacemaker Explained
Refactor: test: reformat fencing regression test to current standards
Feature: test: add remapped topology reboots to fencing regression tests
Fix: cib,cts: more sensible messages under valgrind
Fix: testing: don't print "Filtering" messages twice when running under valgrind
Feature: testing: add lrmd to CTS's default valgrind processes and allow user to override via option
Fix: crmd: memory leaks in recurring operation history
Fix: libservices: memory leak in DBus-related log messages
Fix: libservices: potential memory leaks when executing systemd actions
Fix: tools,libcluster: zero memory before calling CMAN node functions
Fix: libcluster: memory leak in CMAN cluster setup
Fix: testing: add known CMAN non-issue to valgrind suppressions
Feature: libcib: allow free function for user data supplied to CIB callbacks
Fix: attrd: memory leak in CIB callback
Fix: attrd: memory leak in legacy attrd's CIB callback
Fix: crmd: memory leak in CIB callbacks
Test cts: tweak pattern for failed ops
Fix: cib: don't destroy peer cache in peer status callback
Fix: stonithd: potential device list corruption
Fix: libservices: add DBus call reference when getting properties
Refactor: fencing: use enum value for max phase for array sizes
Fix: fencing: ensure "required"/"automatic" only apply to "on" actions
Refactor: fencing: simplify required action handling for fencing devices
Refactor: fencing: simplify required action handling for fencing operations
Refactor: fencing: remove dead code
Feature: fencing: update comments/variables/messages for ability to target by attribute
Feature: fencing: add ability to target by attribute
Feature: fencing: update stonith_admin help text for targeting by attribute
Test: fencing: update stonith-test for targeting by attribute
Testing: cts: simplify node counting
Testing: cts: get CIB.py unit test working again
Testing: cts: print tag in CIB log message when there is no id
Testing: cts: add target-by-attribute to the random fencing configurations
Fix: add generated XML files to .gitignore
doc: Clusters From Scratch: make OS references more generic
doc: Clusters From Scratch: minor corrections and improvements to text
doc: Clusters From Scratch: use xfs instead of ext4 in examples
doc: Clusters From Scratch: leave firewalld and SELinux enabled
doc: Clusters From Scratch: remove Fedora 13 images and add CentOS 7.1 images
doc: Clusters From Scratch: redo for CentOS 7.1
Fix: tools: memory leak in crm_resource
Feature: fencing: allow colon as name-value separator when targeting by node attribute
doc: Pacemaker Remote: update feature support in Pacemaker versions
doc: Pacemaker Remote: replace LXC references
doc: Pacemaker Remote: format consistently
doc: Pacemaker Remote: target CentOS 7
doc: Pacemaker Remote: update for current node terminology
doc: Pacemaker Remote: bump documentation version
Fix: cts: properly add node attributes when targeting fencing by attribute
doc: Pacemaker Remote: document command line support better
doc: Pacemaker Remote: add detail to configuration chapter
doc: Pacemaker Remote: add "Alternative Configurations" chapter
Fix: crmd: don't add node ID to proxied remote node requests for attrd
Log: remote: make logs less noisy
Fix: cts: properly clean up after remote node testing
Fix: cts: update detection of recovery of remote node dummy resource
Testing: cts: improve remote node fencing configuration
Testing: cts: record errors consistently in remote node tests
Doc: cts: document testing with valgrind and remote nodes
Doc: Pacemaker Explained: spelling/grammar corrections
Doc: Pacemaker Explained: add detail about infinity scores
Doc: Pacemaker Explained: add detail about fencing parameters
Doc: CTS: move README to README.md
Doc: CTS: convert README.md contents to markdown format
Doc: CTS: document how to run pacemaker_remote under valgrind
Fix: pacemaker_remote: memory leak in ipc_proxy_dispatch()
Fix: crmd: test script existence properly before sending fencing notification
Refactor: CTS: functionize code for checking whether file exists on all nodes
Test: CTS: add command line options for notification agent and recipient
Test: CTS: more validation on user input of fencing parameters
Test: CTS: use secure temporary files for bandwidth and remote tests
Doc: Pacemaker Explained: add detail about resource operations
Fix: controld: replace bashism
Fix: crmd,libservices,tools: cast unwanted return values to void
Fix: libcib: potential user input overflow
Refactor: libcrmcommon: convert crm_element_name() from macro to inline function
Refactor: fencing,libcrmcommon,libpengine: remove dead code
Fix: crmd: avoid potential null dereference
Fix: libcrmcommon: better validation of environment variable value
Fix: libcib: properly handle temporary file
Refactor: libcrmcommon: tweak crm_perror() macro to keep coverity quiet
Fix: liblrmd: don't print error if remote key environment variable unset
Fix: crmd,fencing: avoid potential null dereference in string searches
Fix: crmd,libcrmcommon,libservices,tools: potential memory leaks
Refactor: libcrmcommon: add procfs handling functions
Refactor: crmd,libcrmcommon,mcp: use new procfs functions to reduce duplicated code
Fix: tools: use floating-point division when converting ms to seconds
Fix: liblrmd: make LSB header parsing more efficient
Fix: tools: improve error handling when modifying configuration
Refactor: libcrmcommon: ensure crm_md5sum() never passes NULL to md5_buffer()
Fix: fencing: parse from correct XML location when registering/unregistering topology
Fix: libfencing: make topology level removal compatible with latest stonithd API
Test: fencing: remove target-by-attribute test from stonith-test
Fix: crmd: properly detect CIB update failures for remote nodes
Fix: fencing,libfencing: use level tag consistently in internal XML
Test: lrmd: fix description of ocf_stress test
Test: CTS: get Reattach test working again and up-to-date
Refactor: CTS: simplify pacemaker_remote test classes
Test: CTS: fix issues with multiple runs of a pacemaker_remote test
Doc: Pacemaker Remote: update KVM walk-through
Refactor: crmd,libcluster: deprecate the crm_remote_container and crm_remote_baremetal node flags
Refactor: crmd: add enumeration for all node update fields
Refactor: crmd: improve generation of node state
Refactor: libcrmcommon: separate xpath-related functions into their own source code file
Feature: libcrmcommon: new function for processing xpath search results
Fix: libcluster: never autoreap from remote peer cache
Refactor: crmd: abstract handling of stonith cleanup list
Fix: crmd: remote nodes can't be DC so never add them to stonith cleanup list
Fix: crmd: do not accept remote peer data as enough for startup
Fix: libcluster,crmd: never update join info or processes for remote nodes
Fix: attrd: don't try to communicate with attrd on a remote node
Fix: fencing: don't poke peers when remote node status changes
Refactor: libcib,libcluster: use defined constants for XML attributes
Refactor: fencing: functionize stonith notifications
Feature: fencing,libfencing: add API support for targeting topology by pattern or attribute
Feature: stonith_admin: add ability to target topology by pattern or attribute
Test: fencing: add regression test for targeting topology by node name pattern
Test: fencing: add regression test for using commas and semicolons as pcmk_host_list delimiters
Fix: crmd: use 300s timeout with notification scripts, not 300ms
Merge pull request #817 from krig/quickref-update
Merge pull request #819 from wenningerk/doc_proposal
Merge pull request #820 from gao-yan/finalize-all-ops
Merge pull request #821 from kgaillot/doc
Merge pull request #822 from gao-yan/systemd-dbus-reconnect
Merge pull request #823 from gao-yan/services-op-return
Merge pull request #825 from gao-yan/services-op-inflight
Merge pull request #824 from gao-yan/systemd-loadunit-error
Merge pull request #826 from gao-yan/cleanup-anonymous-cloned-group
Fix: libservices: restore build without dbus
Merge pull request #828 from kgaillot/build
Merge pull request #829 from liu4480/master
Merge pull request #830 from liu4480/master
Refactor: attrd,crmd,libcluster: add enum CRM_GET_PEER_ANY
Refactor: libcluster: add new internal function for setting uname for peer cache entry
Refactor: crmd: functionize choosing CIB call options
Refactor: crmd: remove three inaccurate comments
Fix: crmd: Consider only fence and shutdown transition events to be "down" events
Feature: libcrmcommon: add new API call for adding a boolean XML attribute
Merge pull request #834 from HideoYamauchi/master
Fix: crmd: Don't update cluster/peer CIB fields when processing stonith results
Merge pull request #837 from gao-yan/ping-metadata-host_list
Merge pull request #840 from liu4480/master
Merge pull request #839 from oalbrigt/dlm-wait-fencing-fix
Fix: resources: allow for top output with or without percent sign in HealthCPU
Merge pull request #842 from kgaillot/health
Merge pull request #838 from wenningerk/upstream_pull
Fix: Build: expand git alias in GNUmakefile
Doc: Pacemaker Explained, Pacemaker Remote: update for 1.1.14
Feature: crmd: make built-in notifications conditional at compile-time
Build: update version information for 1.1.14
Doc: update change log for 1.1.14
Merge pull request #844 from kgaillot/1.1
Fix: crmd: ensure compilation works with built-in notifications disabled
Doc: update change log for 1.1.14-rc2
Merge pull request #845 from kgaillot/1.1
Merge pull request #846 from wenningerk/fix_stonith_attribute_delete
Merge pull request #848 from HideoYamauchi/1.1
doc: Pacemaker Explained: clarify some options
Build: GNUmakefile: get correct line count when doing "make summary"
Build: travis: update documentation URL
Doc: update change log for 1.1.14-rc3
Merge pull request #850 from kgaillot/1.1
Low: crmd: re-enable built-in notifications
Merge pull request #851 from kgaillot/master
Klaus Wenninger (5):
DC expands to Designated Controller in most places - make consistent
Fix CLBZ#5253: stonithd: Do not intermingle stdout & stderr coming from
don't try to loop through non-existand node-list and return proper error
cts brings an RA that needs systemd-python
Fix RHBZ#1287315: stonithd: Trigger cib_devices_update in case of deletion of just an attribute
Kristián Feldsam (1):
Added snmp trap of type "NOTIFICATION-TYPE" to MIB and snmp helper script
Kristoffer Grönlund (3):
Doc: pcs-crmsh-quick-ref: crmsh also has the ban command
Doc: pcs-crmsh-quick-ref: Add information about features of crmsh
Doc: pcs-crmsh-quick-ref: Update TOC
Madison Kelly (digimer) (1):
Added a missing word (as reported by 'The_Ball' in #clusterlabs on freenode.net).
Oyvind Albrigtsen (1):
Return error when DLM status is wait fencing
Richard B Winters (11):
Fix spelling error in binary libtransitioner
Fix spelling error in binary pacemakerd
Fix spelling error in binary libcrmservice
Fix spelling error in binary libpe-status
Fix spelling error in binary libpengine
Fix spelling errors in binary libpengine
Fix spelling error in binary crmd
Fix spelling error in binary crmd
Fix spelling error in binary stonithd
Fix spelling errors in binary crm_resource
manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry ocf_pacemaker_remote 7
Tomas Jelinek (1):
Doc: pcs-crmsh-quick-ref: Add information about pcs commands
bin.liu (3):
add "try except" to deal with errors that raw_input gets EOFError and add "--yes" to skip interaction
crm_resource --show-metadata drops documentation strings for fencing agents
remove a dup line from function fail_pending_op
liu4480 (1):
change the stack from openais (white-tank) to corosync (plugin v0) in set_stack of environment.py
No new revisions were added by this update.
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