[Debian-ha-commits] [pcs] 02/05: Updated version 0.9.159 from 'upstream/0.9.159'

Valentin Vidic vvidic-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 30 16:37:14 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

vvidic-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pcs.

commit 72c0bf9635bc9bd7d2f0b63775cea3073843975d
Merge: 7eecf8f 7cb40a3
Author: Valentin Vidic <Valentin.Vidic at CARNet.hr>
Date:   Fri Jun 30 17:54:56 2017 +0200

    Updated version 0.9.159 from 'upstream/0.9.159'
    with Debian dir f63109d8c9f905e1c9b7d8415ea0bd9bccec237a

 CHANGELOG.md                                       |  56 ++
 pcs/cli/cluster/command.py                         |  10 +-
 pcs/cli/common/console_report.py                   |  39 +-
 pcs/cli/common/lib_wrapper.py                      |   6 +-
 pcs/cli/common/parse_args.py                       |   4 +-
 pcs/cli/common/test/test_console_report.py         | 582 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 pcs/cli/resource/parse_args.py                     |   8 +-
 pcs/cli/resource/test/test_parse_args.py           | 100 +++-
 pcs/cluster.py                                     |  75 ++-
 pcs/common/report_codes.py                         |   1 +
 pcs/config.py                                      |   4 +-
 pcs/lib/booth/env.py                               |   4 +-
 pcs/lib/cib/nvpair.py                              |  12 +-
 pcs/lib/cib/resource/bundle.py                     |  17 +-
 pcs/lib/cib/resource/common.py                     |  40 +-
 pcs/lib/cib/resource/operations.py                 |  25 +-
 pcs/lib/cib/resource/primitive.py                  |   6 +-
 pcs/lib/cib/test/test_nvpair.py                    |  42 ++
 pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_common.py           |  16 +-
 pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_operations.py       |  22 +
 pcs/lib/cib/tools.py                               |  10 +-
 pcs/lib/commands/cluster.py                        | 108 ++--
 pcs/lib/commands/resource.py                       | 176 +++++--
 pcs/lib/commands/stonith.py                        |  17 +-
 pcs/lib/commands/test/resource/fixture.py          |   2 +-
 .../commands/test/resource/test_bundle_create.py   | 179 ++++++-
 .../commands/test/resource/test_bundle_update.py   | 102 +++-
 .../test/resource/test_resource_enable_disable.py  |  93 +++-
 .../test/resource/test_resource_manage_unmanage.py | 189 ++++++-
 pcs/lib/commands/test/test_stonith_agent.py        | 113 +++-
 pcs/lib/env.py                                     |   7 +-
 pcs/lib/nodes_task.py                              |  25 +-
 pcs/lib/pacemaker/state.py                         |  40 +-
 pcs/lib/pacemaker/test/test_state.py               | 108 +++-
 pcs/lib/reports.py                                 |  24 +
 pcs/lib/resource_agent.py                          |  89 +++-
 pcs/lib/test/test_nodes_task.py                    |   4 -
 pcs/lib/test/test_resource_agent.py                |  69 ++-
 pcs/lib/tools.py                                   |   5 +-
 pcs/pcs.8                                          |  20 +-
 pcs/pcsd.py                                        |  12 +-
 pcs/resource.py                                    | 188 +++++--
 pcs/settings_default.py                            |   2 +-
 pcs/status.py                                      |  67 ++-
 pcs/test/cib_resource/test_bundle.py               | 132 ++++-
 pcs/test/cib_resource/test_create.py               |  49 +-
 pcs/test/cib_resource/test_manage_unmanage.py      |   5 +-
 pcs/test/cib_resource/test_operation_add.py        |  36 +-
 pcs/test/cib_resource/test_stonith_create.py       |  59 +++
 pcs/test/test_cluster.py                           | 128 +++++
 pcs/test/test_cluster_pcmk_remote.py               |  16 +-
 pcs/test/test_constraints.py                       |   2 +-
 pcs/test/test_resource.py                          | 217 +++++---
 pcs/test/test_status.py                            |  89 ++++
 pcs/test/test_stonith.py                           | 139 ++++-
 pcs/test/tools/assertions.py                       |  90 +++-
 pcs/usage.py                                       |  33 +-
 pcs/utils.py                                       |  37 +-
 pcsd/bootstrap.rb                                  |   2 +-
 pcsd/pcs.rb                                        |  23 +-
 pcsd/pcsd.8                                        |   2 +-
 pcsd/pcsd.rb                                       |   3 +-
 pcsd/public/js/nodes-ember.js                      |   3 +-
 pcsd/public/js/pcsd.js                             |  14 +-
 pcsd/remote.rb                                     |  17 +-
 pcsd/ssl.rb                                        |   2 +
 pcsd/views/main.erb                                |   4 +
 pcsd/views/manage.erb                              |  12 +
 setup.py                                           |   2 +-
 69 files changed, 3240 insertions(+), 594 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-ha/pcs.git

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