[Debian-ha-commits] [pcs] branch master updated (33e2411 -> ed060cf)
Valentin Vidic
vvidic-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Oct 14 11:56:42 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
vvidic-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository pcs.
from 33e2411 d/tests: fix testsuite-pcs failing in Ubuntu (Closes: #874026)
new 48c68e0 New upstream version 0.9.160
new 049ce76 Updated version 0.9.160 from 'upstream/0.9.160'
new cc9ca46 d/patches: refresh for new version
new b62a6cc d/pcs.install: move README to README.md
new bb970a9 d/patches: drop 0009-Fix-python-lxml.patch
new 2ab85d0 d/patches: add 0009-Fix-pcsd-port.patch
new 8a89caf d/patches: add 0010-Fix-python3-build.patch
new 4415bde d/rules: update build rules for python3
new 1973a09 d/control: update dependencies for python3
new f1adda6 d/tests: update testsuite-pcs to use python3
new 7a2b1ba d/control: update Standards-Version to 4.1.1
new 7aa26dc d/copyright: drop paragraph for Liberation fonts
new dd25cf2 d/patches: add 0011-Add-service-documentation.patch
new ed060cf Update changelog
The 14 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CHANGELOG.md | 53 +-
Makefile | 25 +-
README | 49 -
README.md | 187 +-
debian/changelog | 20 +
debian/control | 20 +-
debian/copyright | 63 -
.../0001-Remove-Gemlock.file-on-Debian.patch | 12 +-
debian/patches/0005-Replace-orderedhash.patch | 17 +-
debian/patches/0006-Fix-corosync-log.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/0007-Fix-testsuite.patch | 82 +-
debian/patches/0008-Replace-chkconfig.patch | 32 +-
debian/patches/0009-Fix-pcsd-port.patch | 17 +
debian/patches/0009-Fix-python-lxml.patch | 18 -
debian/patches/0010-Fix-Makefile-dash.patch | 17 -
debian/patches/0010-Fix-python3-build.patch | 26 +
.../patches/0011-Add-service-documentation.patch | 26 +
debian/patches/series | 5 +-
debian/pcs.install | 2 +-
debian/rules | 24 +-
debian/tests/testsuite-pcs | 2 +-
maketarballs.py | 1 -
newversion.py | 1 -
pcs/acl.py | 1 -
pcs/alert.py | 1 -
pcs/app.py | 1 -
pcs/booth.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/booth/command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/booth/console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/booth/env.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/booth/test/test_command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/booth/test/test_env.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/booth/test/test_reports.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/cluster/command.py | 9 +-
pcs/cli/cluster/test/test_command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/completion.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/console_report.py | 31 +-
pcs/cli/common/env_cli.py | 4 +-
pcs/cli/common/env_file.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/errors.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/lib_wrapper.py | 41 +-
pcs/cli/common/middleware.py | 34 +-
pcs/cli/common/parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/reports.py | 28 +-
pcs/cli/common/test/test_completion.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/test/test_console_report.py | 77 +-
pcs/cli/common/test/test_env_file.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/test/test_lib_wrapper.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/test/test_middleware.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/test/test_parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/common/test/test_reports.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint/command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint/console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint/parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint/test/test_command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint/test/test_console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint/test/test_parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_all/console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_all/test/test_console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_colocation/command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_colocation/console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_order/command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_order/console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_ticket/command.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_ticket/console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_ticket/parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_ticket/test/test_command.py | 1 -
.../constraint_ticket/test/test_console_report.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/constraint_ticket/test/test_parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/fencing_topology.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/resource/parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cli/resource/test/test_parse_args.py | 1 -
pcs/cluster.py | 228 ++-
pcs/common/env_file_role_codes.py | 1 -
pcs/common/fencing_topology.py | 1 -
pcs/common/node_communicator.py | 558 +++++
pcs/common/pcs_pycurl.py | 1 -
pcs/common/report_codes.py | 7 +-
pcs/common/test/test_node_communicator.py | 576 ++++++
pcs/common/test/test_tools.py | 1 -
pcs/common/tools.py | 1 -
pcs/config.py | 1 -
pcs/constraint.py | 3 +-
pcs/lib/booth/config_exchange.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/config_files.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/config_parser.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/config_structure.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/env.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/reports.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/resource.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/status.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/sync.py | 135 +-
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_config_exchange.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_config_files.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_config_parser.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_config_structure.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_env.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_resource.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_status.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/booth/test/test_sync.py | 422 ++--
pcs/lib/cib/acl.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/alert.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/constraint/colocation.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/constraint/constraint.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/constraint/order.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/constraint/resource_set.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/constraint/ticket.py | 8 +-
pcs/lib/cib/fencing_topology.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/node.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/nvpair.py | 14 +-
pcs/lib/cib/resource/__init__.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/resource/bundle.py | 7 +-
pcs/lib/cib/resource/clone.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/resource/common.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/resource/group.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/resource/guest_node.py | 5 +-
pcs/lib/cib/resource/operations.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/resource/primitive.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/resource/remote_node.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/sections.py | 64 +
pcs/lib/cib/stonith.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_acl.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_alert.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_constraint.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_constraint_colocation.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_constraint_order.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_constraint_ticket.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_fencing_topology.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_node.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_nvpair.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_bundle.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_clone.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_common.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_group.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_guest_node.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_operations.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_primitive.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_remote_node.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_resource_set.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_sections.py | 78 +
pcs/lib/cib/test/test_tools.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/cib/tools.py | 38 +-
pcs/lib/cluster_conf_facade.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/commands/acl.py | 6 +-
pcs/lib/commands/alert.py | 35 +-
pcs/lib/commands/booth.py | 42 +-
pcs/lib/commands/cib_options.py | 38 +
pcs/lib/commands/cluster.py | 541 +----
pcs/lib/commands/constraint/colocation.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/commands/constraint/common.py | 3 +-
pcs/lib/commands/constraint/order.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/commands/constraint/ticket.py | 8 +-
pcs/lib/commands/fencing_topology.py | 15 +-
pcs/lib/commands/node.py | 6 +-
pcs/lib/commands/qdevice.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/commands/quorum.py | 151 +-
pcs/lib/commands/{cluster.py => remote_node.py} | 123 +-
pcs/lib/commands/resource.py | 6 +-
pcs/lib/commands/resource_agent.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/commands/sbd.py | 299 +--
pcs/lib/commands/stonith.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/commands/stonith_agent.py | 1 -
.../commands/test/cib_options}/__init__.py | 0
.../test/cib_options/test_operations_defaults.py | 105 +
.../test/cib_options/test_resources_defaults.py | 109 +
pcs/{ => lib/commands/test/cluster}/__init__.py | 0
pcs/lib/commands/test/cluster/verify.py | 119 ++
pcs/lib/commands/test/resource/common.py | 76 -
.../commands/test/resource/test_bundle_create.py | 1487 +++++++-------
.../commands/test/resource/test_bundle_update.py | 1065 +++++-----
.../commands/test/resource/test_resource_create.py | 2148 ++++++++++++--------
.../test/resource/test_resource_enable_disable.py | 1276 ++++++------
.../test/resource/test_resource_manage_unmanage.py | 725 ++++---
pcs/{ => lib/commands/test/sbd}/__init__.py | 0
pcs/lib/commands/test/sbd/test_disable_sbd.py | 57 +
pcs/lib/commands/test/sbd/test_enable_sbd.py | 172 ++
.../test/sbd/test_get_cluster_sbd_config.py | 124 ++
.../test/sbd/test_get_cluster_sbd_status.py | 149 ++
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_acl.py | 5 +-
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_alert.py | 998 ++++-----
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_booth.py | 5 +-
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_constraint_common.py | 9 +-
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_fencing_topology.py | 7 +-
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_node.py | 3 +-
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_resource_agent.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_stonith_agent.py | 38 +-
pcs/lib/commands/test/test_ticket.py | 62 +-
pcs/{ => lib/communication}/__init__.py | 0
pcs/lib/communication/booth.py | 113 +
pcs/lib/communication/corosync.py | 89 +
pcs/lib/communication/nodes.py | 261 +++
pcs/lib/communication/qdevice.py | 82 +
pcs/lib/communication/qdevice_net.py | 128 ++
pcs/lib/communication/sbd.py | 268 +++
pcs/{ => lib/communication/test}/__init__.py | 0
pcs/lib/communication/test/test_nodes.py | 125 ++
pcs/lib/communication/tools.py | 314 +++
pcs/lib/corosync/config_facade.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/corosync/config_parser.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/corosync/live.py | 14 -
pcs/lib/corosync/qdevice_client.py | 62 -
pcs/lib/corosync/qdevice_net.py | 81 -
pcs/lib/env.py | 271 ++-
pcs/lib/env_file.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/env_tools.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/errors.py | 6 +-
pcs/lib/external.py | 73 +-
pcs/lib/node.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/node_communication.py | 177 ++
pcs/lib/node_communication_format.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/nodes_task.py | 521 -----
pcs/lib/pacemaker/env.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/pacemaker/live.py | 87 +-
pcs/lib/pacemaker/state.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/pacemaker/test/test_live.py | 134 +-
pcs/lib/pacemaker/test/test_state.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/pacemaker/test/test_values.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/pacemaker/values.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/reports.py | 92 +-
pcs/lib/resource_agent.py | 52 +-
pcs/lib/sbd.py | 356 +---
pcs/lib/test/misc.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/test/test_cluster_conf_facade.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/test/test_env.py | 1207 ++++++-----
pcs/lib/test/test_env_cib.py | 448 ++++
pcs/lib/test/test_env_file.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/test/test_errors.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/test/test_node_communication.py | 539 +++++
pcs/lib/test/test_node_communication_format.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/test/test_nodes_task.py | 167 +-
pcs/lib/test/test_resource_agent.py | 62 +-
pcs/lib/test/test_validate.py | 1 -
pcs/{ => lib}/test/test_xml_tools.py | 40 +-
pcs/lib/tools.py | 16 +-
pcs/lib/validate.py | 1 -
pcs/lib/xml_tools.py | 42 +-
pcs/node.py | 1 -
pcs/pcs.8 | 18 +-
pcs/pcsd.py | 1 -
pcs/prop.py | 1 -
pcs/qdevice.py | 1 -
pcs/quorum.py | 1 -
pcs/resource.py | 27 +-
pcs/rule.py | 1 -
pcs/settings_default.py | 3 +-
pcs/status.py | 1 -
pcs/stonith.py | 1 -
pcs/test/cib_resource/common.py | 1 -
pcs/test/cib_resource/stonith_common.py | 1 -
pcs/test/cib_resource/test_bundle.py | 1 -
pcs/test/cib_resource/test_create.py | 67 +-
pcs/test/cib_resource/test_manage_unmanage.py | 1 -
pcs/test/cib_resource/test_operation_add.py | 1 -
pcs/test/cib_resource/test_stonith_create.py | 1 -
.../cib_resource/test_stonith_enable_disable.py | 1 -
pcs/test/curl_test.py | 63 +
pcs/test/resources/cib-empty.xml | 2 +-
pcs/test/resources/cib-large.xml | 2 +-
.../resource_agent_ocf_heartbeat_dummy.xml | 2 +-
...ce_agent_ocf_heartbeat_dummy_insane_action.xml} | 3 +-
pcs/test/suite.py | 1 -
pcs/test/test_acl.py | 21 +-
pcs/test/test_alert.py | 2 -
pcs/test/test_booth.py | 7 +-
pcs/test/test_cluster.py | 9 +-
pcs/test/test_cluster_pcmk_remote.py | 10 +-
pcs/test/test_common_tools.py | 1 -
pcs/test/test_constraints.py | 34 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_commands_qdevice.py | 1 -
pcs/test/test_lib_commands_quorum.py | 14 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_commands_sbd.py | 336 +--
pcs/test/test_lib_corosync_config_facade.py | 7 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_corosync_config_parser.py | 3 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_corosync_live.py | 5 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_corosync_qdevice_client.py | 1 -
pcs/test/test_lib_corosync_qdevice_net.py | 17 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_external.py | 128 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_node.py | 41 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_sbd.py | 97 +-
pcs/test/test_lib_tools.py | 1 -
pcs/test/test_node.py | 7 +-
pcs/test/test_properties.py | 7 +-
pcs/test/test_quorum.py | 1 -
pcs/test/test_resource.py | 49 +-
pcs/test/test_rule.py | 7 +-
pcs/test/test_status.py | 1 -
pcs/test/test_stonith.py | 7 +-
pcs/test/test_utils.py | 25 +-
pcs/test/tools/assertions.py | 75 +-
pcs/test/tools/check/test_misc.py | 1 -
pcs/test/tools/cib.py | 1 -
pcs/test/tools/color_text_runner/__init__.py | 1 -
pcs/test/tools/color_text_runner/format.py | 1 -
pcs/test/tools/color_text_runner/result.py | 1 -
pcs/test/tools/color_text_runner/writer.py | 1 -
pcs/test/tools/command_env/__init__.py | 83 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/assistant.py | 185 ++
pcs/test/tools/command_env/calls.py | 240 +++
pcs/test/tools/command_env/config.py | 71 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_corosync_conf.py | 53 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_env.py | 84 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_http.py | 126 ++
pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner.py | 43 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner_cib.py | 210 ++
.../tools/command_env/config_runner_corosync.py | 40 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner_pcmk.py | 133 ++
.../tools/command_env/config_runner_systemctl.py | 35 +
.../command_env/mock_get_local_corosync_conf.py | 23 +
.../tools/command_env/mock_node_communicator.py | 191 ++
pcs/test/tools/command_env/mock_push_cib.py | 66 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/mock_runner.py | 123 ++
pcs/test/tools/command_env/spy.py | 101 +
pcs/test/tools/command_env/tools.py | 41 +
pcs/test/tools/custom_mock.py | 125 +-
.../test/resource => test/tools}/fixture.py | 104 +-
pcs/test/tools/fixture_cib.py | 170 ++
pcs/test/tools/integration_lib.py | 120 +-
pcs/test/tools/misc.py | 46 +-
pcs/test/tools/pcs_runner.py | 1 -
pcs/test/tools/xml.py | 1 -
pcs/usage.py | 43 +-
pcs/utils.py | 132 +-
pcsd/Gemfile.lock | 12 +-
pcsd/Makefile | 2 +-
pcsd/bootstrap.rb | 14 +-
pcsd/cfgsync.rb | 26 +-
pcsd/config.rb | 19 +-
pcsd/pcs.rb | 64 +-
pcsd/pcsd-cli.rb | 8 +-
pcsd/pcsd.8 | 5 +-
pcsd/pcsd.conf | 2 +
pcsd/pcsd.rb | 101 +-
pcsd/public/js/nodes-ember.js | 13 +-
pcsd/public/js/pcsd.js | 76 +-
pcsd/remote.rb | 30 +-
pcsd/settings.rb | 1 +
pcsd/ssl.rb | 3 +-
pcsd/test/test_cfgsync.rb | 162 +-
pcsd/test/test_config.rb | 108 +-
pcsd/test/tokens | 7 +-
pcsd/views/manage.erb | 11 +-
pcsd/views/nodes.erb | 4 +
pylintrc | 2 +-
setup.py | 2 +-
344 files changed, 14632 insertions(+), 8784 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 README
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0009-Fix-pcsd-port.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/0009-Fix-python-lxml.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/0010-Fix-Makefile-dash.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0010-Fix-python3-build.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0011-Add-service-documentation.patch
create mode 100644 pcs/common/node_communicator.py
create mode 100644 pcs/common/test/test_node_communicator.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/cib/sections.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/cib/test/test_sections.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/cib_options.py
copy pcs/lib/commands/{cluster.py => remote_node.py} (85%)
copy pcs/{ => lib/commands/test/cib_options}/__init__.py (100%)
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/cib_options/test_operations_defaults.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/cib_options/test_resources_defaults.py
copy pcs/{ => lib/commands/test/cluster}/__init__.py (100%)
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/cluster/verify.py
delete mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/resource/common.py
copy pcs/{ => lib/commands/test/sbd}/__init__.py (100%)
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/sbd/test_disable_sbd.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/sbd/test_enable_sbd.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/sbd/test_get_cluster_sbd_config.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/commands/test/sbd/test_get_cluster_sbd_status.py
copy pcs/{ => lib/communication}/__init__.py (100%)
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/booth.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/corosync.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/nodes.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/qdevice.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/qdevice_net.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/sbd.py
copy pcs/{ => lib/communication/test}/__init__.py (100%)
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/test/test_nodes.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/communication/tools.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/node_communication.py
delete mode 100644 pcs/lib/nodes_task.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/test/test_env_cib.py
create mode 100644 pcs/lib/test/test_node_communication.py
rename pcs/{ => lib}/test/test_xml_tools.py (79%)
create mode 100644 pcs/test/curl_test.py
copy pcs/test/resources/{resource_agent_ocf_heartbeat_dummy.xml => resource_agent_ocf_heartbeat_dummy_insane_action.xml} (93%)
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/__init__.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/assistant.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/calls.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_corosync_conf.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_env.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_http.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner_cib.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner_corosync.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner_pcmk.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/config_runner_systemctl.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/mock_get_local_corosync_conf.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/mock_node_communicator.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/mock_push_cib.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/mock_runner.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/spy.py
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/command_env/tools.py
rename pcs/{lib/commands/test/resource => test/tools}/fixture.py (53%)
create mode 100644 pcs/test/tools/fixture_cib.py
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-ha/pcs.git
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