[Debian-hebrew-common] debian.org.il reloaded

Meir Kriheli meir at mksoft.co.il
Sat Jul 29 09:57:15 UTC 2006


I've subscribed to this list shortly ago. As I can't reply to older
comments about the issue (read them on the archive though), I'm starting
this new thread.

I'd like to note that I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes in
debian-hebrew, just wanted to renew d.o.il and add some substance to it.
If anyone is feeling hurt, please accept my apology.

1. Thanks for all the links and complements sent to me in private. I'm
working on adding a links section to the site, and they'll be added.

2. The page about debian hebrew was set by Lior, I have no problem for
it becoming the debian-hebrew home page (think it'd be great).

Someone voiced concerns about a needed English page. My plans for the
future include releasing the code of the site, and I'm sure some would
like i18n on it. So I'm thinking about a way to add multiple languages
to the backend, thus, having an English pages as well. I guess there
maybe non-hebrew speakers in Israel who might need info about debian in
Israel (e.g: mirrors).

3. The backend still needs to evolve a bit. I'm adding tagging features
to tips, links and what ever will come. Thinking about some
documentation backend and some kind of revision history is needed.

Just make sure to keep the spirit of the site. The design is meant to be
simple and clean. and not overload the pages (the informative ones at
least) with info.

4. About a wiki: I tried that about >year ago for d.o.il, and was a no
go, for many reasons. It's easy to setup, but hard to harvest info from
and extend. A simple thing like the hit count implemented in the tips
sections right now becomes a problem in wiki setups.

Not to mention design problems (I think informative sites should be
clear and clean presenting the info in a nice way).

5. Although it's a bit early, if you want accounts to the site to edit
pages, add tips etc.. please let me know, I'd be happy to oblige.

BTW, for those who are not aware of it, we have a RSS feed for debian
stories at whatsup:


Meir Kriheli

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