dcavs4 at optonline.net dcavs4 at optonline.net
Sat Oct 13 14:09:14 UTC 2007

Schafthausen LotterienCentral 
OfficeManagement and Central Services:Deg-215 B - 02241, 2E- Weg 
-Schafthausen, Switzerland.
We are pleased to inform you of the result 
of the just concluded Schafthausen draw. After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail 
address attached to serial number 09-11-11 drew the lucky number 
7-06-22-05-22-62, which consequently emerged as one of first ten (10) lucky 
winners in the United 
Kingdom category. You have therefore been approved for a 
lump sum pay off of ¤1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in cash credited to file 
SL/05/4007. This is from total cash prize of 50 Million Euro shared amongst the 
first fifty- (50) lucky winners all around the world. Your funds are now 
deposited in an offshore bank with a hardcover insurance.  Kindly 
contact our help line with the information for claim 
assistance. Schafthausen LotterienInformation and Payment 
Bureau:United Kingdom OfficeMr. Wilf Trafford Tel: +44 
701-115-0676E-mail:infoservice04 at uk2.net
Congratulations once again from all members 
and staff of the Schafthausen Lotterien and thanks for been part of our program. 

Mrs. Lena EtzelPromotions 
ManagerSchafthausen  Lotterien.
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