[Debian-hebrew-package] Your package got removed from testing because fpc/lenny is not distributable

Luk Claes luk at debian.org
Fri Nov 28 15:28:38 UTC 2008

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 09:37:43AM +0200, Baruch Even wrote:
> * Luk Claes <luk at debian.org> [081128 01:58]:
> > Hi
> > 
> > Your package got removed from testing because it depends or
> > build-depends on a binary package from the fpc source package. The fpc
> > package in lenny was not distributable so it was removed from testing
> > together with all its reverse (build) dependencies. The version in
> > unstable has too much unrelated and rather big changes that we didn't
> > think it was an option to include an updated fpc in lenny.
> > 
> > If you can make your package work without (build) depending on fpc,
> > please contact me and we'll work something out to readd it to lenny.
> It should be fairly easy to do that for our packages as they just
> generate a binding for fpc rather than really use it. What should we do
> to get this fixed?

Upload a package that does not (build) depend on fpc and prod me to
review it for unblocking.



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