[Debian-hebrew-package] HOCR is not scanning properly

kobi zamir kobi.zamir at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 05:14:49 UTC 2009


thank you for your bug report and attached image.

1. current version of hocr (0.10.x and also 0.8.2) can not recognize numbers :-(

2. hocr use statistics about font shape and size. if your image has
less then 10-20 letters it will not be able to seperate letters like:
י ר ך ו
a. use texts without numbers.
b. use texts with lots of letters

3. you can use the debian hebrew mailing lists.

hag sameach

>Good day, Yaacov!
>Since I've not found any mailing for for hocr, I'm writing to you directly.
>I'm using hocr-0.8.2 (Debian Lenny) and trying to ORC simple image
>with Hebrew text and number (attached).
>Unfortunately hocr-gtk fails to process it - it recognizes only "lamed".

>Am I doing something wrong?

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