[Debian-hebrew-package] Information From Ecowas

ECOWAS bharuch at prudentcorporate.com
Sat Mar 24 12:58:02 UTC 2012


Your information has been forwarded to our department for immediate payment of the sum amount of $5Million USD however in order to avoid britches of legal procedure and law . 

We also do hereby bring to your notice that the government mandate requires that all beneficiaries of this online transfer grant must have a court affidavit of claims and identification with their age deceleration issued to him/her to avoid double claims which is to be issued by the West African government from the federal High court Abuja Nigeria through our legal department for international beneficiaries in this program before payment can be authorized with 24 hours from when this legal requirement is met by you. 

Please endeavor to make sure that you contact the Ecowas Office, with the below contact information using a subject word ( Ecowas Transfer (Eco/UN/009/2012 ). 

Contact Information: 

Ecowas Office . 
Contact Person: Dr. Essam Witwally 
Email: info at mfa-gov.co.cc 

Do contact me as soon as you contact the Ecowas office so as to follow up with your Transfer . 

Mr William 

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