[Debian-hebrew-package] Can you be trusted?

Solomon congrat4004 at congrat988.onmicrosoft.com
Thu Nov 28 03:45:33 UTC 2013

 After going through your profile,i decided to contact you on a
 business proposal, It seems you are a sincere person.I am a Soldier
 working as United Nations peace keeping troop in Afghanistan, on war
 against terrorism. On the other hand I need your assistance, I have  in
 my possession the sum of $14.6 million USD Which i made here in the
 middle east and I deposited this money with a the red cross as a
 consignment which contains personal effect, My sincere intention in
 writing you is to gain your kind permission and acceptance to assist
 me secure this money on my behalf in your position for establishment
 of investment with you in your country. For your permission and
 acceptance, I will give you a commission of 30% from the total amount
 if you have accept to do this transaction
 with me honestly.
 If possible, may I request you send me your full data information?
 Only if you are comfortable with this request. This data information
 requested from you is purely for the purpose of sending the money to
 you through diplomatic means. The information needed is: Your full
 name, your private phone number, your full address and your age. If I
 get the above information and your full acceptance, I will send the
 money over to your country, so that you will receive it for me before
 I can start coming over to your country to establish the investment
 with you. Let me know your mind on this and please do treat this
 information as TOP SECRET. We shall go over the details once I  receive
 your urgent response strictly through my personal email address:
 sologarthi1 at gmail.com
 I await your response.

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